July 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on Thursday 20th July 2023 at 7:00pm in Fiskerton Village Hall
Present: Cllrs A Walker, P Whitt, C Darcel, C Hill, J McGeachie, L Matthews, K Brereton
D/Cllr M Palmer, and two members of the public.
Meeting started at 7.00pm.
185/23 Open Session: One member of the public expressed an interest in allotment matters.  She was advised that Cllr C Hill and Cllr L Matthews were the appointed Allotment Inspectors.  The site had been inspected and FPC is currently in the planning stage for the future. Plot tenants and those on the waiting list are being approached.  Noted that a meeting with these would be a useful part of the planning process. No decisions have been made at this point in time.  Updates will be given via Fiskerton News.
FPC are working with the tenant of one unkempt plot to resolve matters; and the tenant has begun to tidy the plot.
186/23 Apologies for absence: Mrs Michelle Vail (Clerk) for compassionate reasons. 
187/23 Declarations of interest: None.
188/23 Approve draft minutes of meeting held on 15th June 2023 as a true record:
RESOLVED with one abstention (Cllr J McGeachie) to approve the minutes as a true record, and they were duly signed.
189/23 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:
D/Cllr C Darcel:
o The GP surgery has advised that, from late July 2023, their telephone system should be updated to inform callers on hold as to which position in the queue they are at.  Callers will be offered an option for the surgery to call the person back when their position reaches number 1 in the queue.  
o He hopes to meet with the GP Practice Manager in August to discuss patients receiving reminders about appointments.  Noted that this already happens by text.
o He has been approached by a resident about temporary fencing at the Old Hall which was encroaching upon the Highway.  The dog bin at that location had been fenced in, then removed and left in an unusable position, opposite.  The existing brick wall is being removed to be replaced by a 1mtr high laurel hedge.  Action: Cllr K Brereton to approach WLDC regarding the dog bin.
D/Cllr M Palmer:
o The Councillor Initiative Fund is available.
o Waste Collection Bins are to be solar powered.
o The Public Space Protection Orders (dog fouling) have been extended to 2026, and WLDC have successfully prosecuted under these Orders.
o Confirmed that WLDC are responsible for dog bins and their locations. 
190/23 Chairman s report:
The Clerk had asked that any requests for items to be included on an agenda be provided with a sufficient level of clarity and explanation so that it is clear to anybody reading an agenda as to exactly what is to be discussed and resolved upon.
The Chairman and Clerk keep the agenda as short as possible to reduce the length of minutes.  Standing Orders dictate the length of time for discussion of agenda items before a vote is taken.  The Chairman is in favour of circulating information and documents ahead of a meeting so that meeting time is not spent in familiarising with information.
a. Resolve to receive the circulated schedule of payments/receipts for June 2023: RESOLVED.
b. To approve known non-regular accounts for payment for July/August 2023:
o WLDC, recharges for uncontested parish election,  119.65 (no VAT)
o Clerk 5.5 additional hours salary and pension (audit and election work)
   c. In absence of an August 2023 meeting, to approve any non-regular accounts which may occur during July/August 2023, following circulation of these to all councillors:
RESOLVED AW, CH.  Councillors were requested to monitor their emails 
d. Receive April   June 2023 (Q. 1) Spend against Budget report:  Received. 
e. Confirm verification and signing of bank reconciliation and bank statements for April   June 2023 (Q. 1): Item deferred.  
PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:
192/23 Neighbourhood Plan   update A meeting had been held on 10th June 2023; and fewer residents had attended than anticipated.  Some good ideas had been generated; and input had been positive.  A  mind map  of these ideas will be circulated. (Action:  Cllr A Walker).  These ideas will be fed into work on the NP.  Cllr A Walker would like to present policies to FPC in Sept. 2023.
Cllrs A Walker and L Matthews are to undertake a LALC NP training session in Sept. 2023.
Cllr J McGeachie will be liaising with Fiskerton school to seek ideas from pupils to feed into the NP work.  The school will fund his DBS check, which will also enable him to access the Pembroke Academy. 
193/23 Agree plan for a Village questionnaire:
Cllr A Walker requested ideas for topics and questions for inclusion in a village questionnaire. The aforementioned  mind map  will be a useful source. It is hoped to bring a draft questionnaire to the September 2023 meeting. Noted that a resident with relevant experience has volunteered to help with the questionnaire; and FPC will approach her in due course.
194/23 CLLP   invite to take part in the following public consultation which runs for six weeks from Wednesday 5th July 2023 to 23:59 on Wednesday 16th August 2023:  Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), (now referred to as the Planning Obligations SPD): 
Due to the deadline being before FPC s next meeting, RESOLVED to agree a response to be submitted.  This is to be ratified at the September 2023 meeting. This proposal was made by Cllr A Walker, and seconded by Cllr J McGeachie.  All in favour.  Action:  Cllr A Walker 
195/23 146881 RECONSULT: removal of existing detached garage and erection of single storey living area and garage: 11 Ferryside Gardens:
Agreed that any comments be submitted to WLDC on an individual basis.
CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: to consider and agree actions as required:
196/23 Witham Valley Access Group requesting 1) support for its Project work; and 2) confirmation of attendees for its meeting on 18th September, 7pm, Fiskerton Village Hall:
Cllr A Walker attends meetings as a representative of FPC.  Three Fiskerton residents also attend. WVAG s request has been circulated to several local parish councils, as well as wider organisations, with the aim of gaining greater support.  WVAG s aims are to improve countryside footpaths and accessibility.   
Cllrs J McGeachie and P Whitt offered to attend the meeting.  Action: Clerk
197/23 LALC training bulletin   approve Cllrs A Walker and L Matthews for Neighbourhood Plan training on 26th Sept at  25.00 + VAT per person:
RESOLVED to approve.  Action: Clerk
198/23 LCC litter picking scheme   offer of kits:
The Clerk has requested 4 kits per each of the three parish councils for which she works.  Cllr A Walker suggested that the three parish councils could borrow each other s kits as needed.  RESOLVED to approve the Clerk s request to LCC.  (Note: subsequent to this meeting, LCC have advised that the scheme had been oversubscribed, so FPC would not be receiving any kits on this occasion).
Noted that there are already 4 sets of kits with residents in the village.
199/23 Resident email to Cllr C Darcel re. vegetation clippings from a neighbouring property:
The resident had notified Cllr C Darcel of clippings having been left on a path by their neighbour.  Further explanation of the situation was given.  The neighbour had apologised to the resident. The neighbour had also offered to transfer clippings between green waste bins. Noted that this is a matter between residents and is not something which FPC has any authority to manage. 
200/23 Two letters from VHMC 1) thank you for  500.00 granted towards Coronation event; 2) thank you for donating surplus National Lottery monies and acceptance of ownership of items purchased for the VH:  Noted.
201/23 WLDC Parish News: Noted 
NEW ITEMS: to consider and agree actions as required:
202/23 Offer of a metal bench, to be plasma cut with a Fiskerton theme:
A resident has offered to donate a bench to the village, with the stipulation that it must include a design element specific to Fiskerton s history.  A suggestion was made for the three Squadron crests, with a Lancaster plane on either side.  A sketch is required by the manufacturer. Action:  Cllr K Brereton to produce sketch design.  Locations for the bench were then considered, with the majority in favour of the Crescent, near to the planters. Action: Clerk to obtain permission from ACIS.
203/23 Plan to develop old website into a community website:
Interest to pay for a page on the old website has been expressed by four local businesses plus the VHMC.  Work will continue to develop this idea.
204/23 Replacement of FPC s mobile phone:
Cllr P Whitt summarised his research into suitable phone packages.  RESOLVED to approve a Nokia C32 phone, with either 500mb data at  9.00, or the 3GB data at  11.50 (to be confirmed).  This is a 24-month contract, the phone itself is free.  Action: Clerk
205/23 Incorrect statements made at the May 2023 meeting regarding sage accounting software, fraud against parish councils and the village hall accounts:
Cllr C Darcel explained that he disagreed with a statement made in a previous meeting that Sage was not fit for purpose.  He then explained why he considered it essential for FPC to put in place the best book-keeping system it could afford.  This included the provision of an audit trail and that previous use of Excel spreadsheets had let both FPC and the VMHC down in the past. Noted that Sage is approximately  50.00 less expensive than a Council-specific package.  
Cllr A Walker then explained that, when putting Sage into the context of what FPC required of it to do, FPC has always had to augment Sage-produced reports with its own Excel spreadsheets.  This is because Sage had been unable to produce all the reports required for FPC.  FPC has also trialled a NatWest package which again could not produce all the reports which FPC require. 
Noted that FPC had resolved to use Excel at a previous meeting.
206/23 Junction lines for Waterhill/Holmfield:
A resident has advised that he has an LCC contact who can arrange for the junction lines to be installed, should FPC want them to be done.  C/Cllr I Fleetwood has explained that LCC has specific criteria and procedures which it must adhere to.  As such, the majority were of the opinion that the resident s offer of help could not be accepted.  Therefore, it was RESOLVED to raise a request to LCC for junction lines, to also include Ash Holt Close and Holmfield.  Action: Cllr K Brereton to produce map.  Action: Clerk to raise request and circulate LCC s reference number to all.
207/23 Note that Land Registry have completed registration of one of the sites at Holmfield (the parcel transferred from Urgentaction):
Noted. This is the land to the rear of the school gate.
208/23 The slow response from the Scouts to Clerk s request for a FIT meter reading to enable British gas FIT payment to FPC:
It was suggested that FPC contacts the Scouts requesting that they are more prompt in supplying meter readings.  Cllr A Walker has already spoken with the Scouts, and future requests will go to the Scouts Chairman; Treasurer; Booking Secretary; and two of the Scouts leaders. This will enable a response within a week. 
209/23 A copy of the accounts from the village hall management committee:
FPC has not yet received a copy of the VH accounts.  Cllr A Walker explained that the accounting year for charities ends on 31st January, and the VH accounts were presented to the auditor in March 2023.  The VHMC have since scrutinised the returned accounts; and have raised some queries with the auditor. Once answers have been received, examined and accepted by the VHMC, the accounts will be passed on to FPC.
210/23 Closure of the Luncheon Club (CD):
Noted that one volunteer had been carrying much of the workload for a long time.  Efforts had been made to improve this situation; but sadly, July 2023 will be the last Luncheon Club.  The VHMC are trying to resurrect the Club, but finding a volunteer to be the organiser and undertake the required training is not easy.
211/23 Report from Allotment Inspectors, and to consider the following:
a. Update on creation of a risk assessment report (LM, CH)
This is a work in progress.  It is hoped to bring a draft report to the September 2023 meeting. Action: Cllr L Matthews, Cllr K Brereton
b. Update on untended plot:
The tenant has been approached and has been given one month to tidy the plot.
c. Update on those on waiting list still wanting a plot: Everybody who has expressed an interest has been approached. The Clerk will provide an update at the next meeting.
d. Agree next steps:
To continue to liaise with current plot holders.
UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:
212/23 Draft constitution documents for Village Hall: car park agreement, play area agreement, and Village Hall Management Committee constitution   any update from Charity Commissioners:
Cllr A Walker is putting together information to be circulated to all.  Action:  Cllr A Walker 
213/23 Woodlands trust monies: suggestion of a bench:
The resident who had donated these monies had confirmed that they were happy for it to be spent on a bench or to improve the footpath down to the river.  Action:  Cllr A Walker to make enquiries regarding a possible location for a bench. Cllr C Darcel suggested an avenue of cherry trees along the river bank.  Action:  Cllr C Darcel to approach the Environment Agency.
214/23 Planting of Jubilee tree:
Revd. Penny Green has agreed to the tree being planted in the churchyard.  Action:  Cllr A Walker to arrange the planting of the tree with the resident who is caring for the tree.
215/23 WVAG   report from any recent meetings:
A short meeting had recently taken place.  The WVAG continue to offer their expertise in respect of improving the Nelson Road - riverbank footpath.  They have put together an information pack for submission to the Environment Agency which can be brought to the next meeting for consideration.
216/23 Village gateway project:
Cllr A Walker is putting information together to be circulated to all.  Cllr K Brereton is attempting to liaise with Lincs Road Safety Partnership in respect of the speed indicator devices, but has had no response to date.  Action:  Cllr A Walker to provide alternative contact details. 
Noted that 3 mounting posts are already in situ.  Therefore, it will be possible to install a new speed indicator device (which will be part-funded by IGAS grant monies). Action:  Cllr K Brereton to obtain quote for three speed indicator devices. Queries were raised as to the best locations for entry gates.
217/23 Updates around hard of hearing attendees at meetings   Community Lincs advice, professional survey/advice:
A Community Lincs representative has visited the village hall; and has advised that the building s users should be surveyed.  The information gathered should be used to create an Accessibility Policy to address all disabilities.  The VHMC will take this forward. 
Cllr C Darcel has ordered a device which he hopes will improve matters for him, although it may not help in the main hall.
Cllr K Brereton has found some companies who will provide free surveys and estimates to install systems.  He will also follow up matters with a work contact.
218/23 Confirm location where elderly resident mows verge outside property so contractor can be approached:
The location was confirmed, and will be checked against the grass cutting maps.  Action: Clerk
219/23 Cost of Living   compiling list of available assistance:
WLDC s website contains a link to relevant information.  This includes a telephone help number to access assistance to help to navigate to relevant information. 
Lincoln Community Grocery is open to local residents who are struggling.  Those eligible can become a member for  5.00.  This allows them to buy 12 items for  5.00.  Action:  Cllr C Hill, Cllr C Darcel to provide Clerk with this information so it can go to Fiskerton News.
220/23 Warm Spaces   research:
WLDC do not offer financial support towards warm spaces, but grants may be available from other organisations eg Co-Op. It would be for the community venue, or person hiring the venue for the purposes of offering a Warm Space, to apply, and not the parish council.  It is thought that Warm Spaces must be registered.  Noted that the village hall would need volunteers to staff it to enable it to offer a Warm Space. Action: Clerk to request interest via Fiskerton News.
221/23 Action log   to consider any other items which have an update:
Railway Community Fund   this will not reopen whilst the rail strikes are underway.
222/23 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:
Consider report to address the bringing up of past village matters which is hindering the village moving forward. Action:  Cllr C Darcel, Cllr J McGeachie 
223/23 Date of next meeting:  
Thursday 21st September 2023, 7   9pm, Fiskerton Village Hall
Meeting ended at 8.52pm.
Mrs Michelle Vail
Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                                                    Dated 30.08.23