15 October 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on 15th October 2018 at 7:30 p.m. in Fiskerton Village Hall

Time duration 19:30 - 21:15

Attendees: Cllr W Roberts (chairman); Cllr R Wall (Vice chairman); Cllr Anne Chessman; Cllr S Canner; Cllr L Hutchinson; Cllr A Cooke, D/Cllr C Darcel; Mr S Hall (Parish Clerk), D/Cllr A Welburn. C/Cllr I Fleetwood and eight members of the public.

1.0 Open session

1.1 A representative of the Community Hub asked if the parish council has any objections to having a fish and chips vendor set at the village hall car park on Thursday evenings.   The parish council will have no objections provided there is provision to pick up litter.   The Hub gave an assurance they would ensure litter would be controlled

1.2 Village Hall, the PC aspire to meet with the village hall committee to sort out the legal responsibilities.   Ach to bring up at next VH meeting.

2.0 Apologies for absence

2.1 D/Cllr Palmer

3.0 Declarations of interest

3.1 none.

4.0 Tanya site Ferry Road

4.1 A previous planning application for the site has been refused by WLDC.   Parish Council Members agreed to hold a special meeting on 21 October 2018 to discuss the issue.

5.0 police report

5.1 there have been no reports from the police but the neighbourhood alerts continue to warn of Internet scams

5.2 neighbourhood alerts

1. 12/09/2018, Fraud alert, scammer claiming to be from Visa saying they need clearance for suspicious transactions

2. 14/09/2018, Scam - Fake Netflix emails asking people to click on a link to update their details. The link leads to a lookalike Netflix website designed to steal username, password and payment details

3. 15/09/2018, Theft from a work vehicle.  Hedge cutters and chainsaws stolen from a work vehicle.   Any information: call the police on 101.

4. 21/09/2018, Bogus TV licence refunds.   The link leads to a lookalike TV licence website designed to steal username, password and payment details

5. 25/09/2018, HMRC refund fraud.   HMRC will never contact anyone by email, telephone or text.  Suspicious activity can be reported to phishing@HMRC.gsi.gov.uk

6. 29/09/18, Burglary at a public house in Bardney.   Images of the culprits are on the police website.  If anyone recognises the burglars, call the police on 101.

7. HMRC in personation fraud, Coolest so the victims are under investigation and demand money.   HMRC will never contact anyone by email, telephone or text message

8. 04/10/2018, Increase in phone scams reported.   20 + a day.   Callers are persuasive as they demand money.   One victim was told to go to the post office and withdraw money.   If you receive a call, no matter how serious the threat, call the police on 101.

 Clerk to provide information for publication in the Fiskerton News of how people can sign up to receive the alerts

6.0 To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 3rd October and 11th October 2018

6.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October 2018 were signed by the chairman as being a true record of the meeting.   Proposed Ach, seconded by RW.

 6.2 The minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2018 were signed by the chairman as being a true record of the meeting.   Proposed RW, seconded by Ach.

7.0 Correspondence

7.1 Email received re flooding issues

The PC were copied into correspondence regarding standing water in a private back garden.   The author was concerned about standing water and due to the strong wording in the email the clerk visited the property on 3/10 /2018.

Following the dry summer there was little evidence of standing water but there was photographic evidence.  The clerk suggested to the resident that the standing water could be drained away by the installation of a drainage duct.  Cllr Darcel wrote to say the suggestion was sensible but may not get the LCC seal of approval for all sorts of reasons and we need to get the LCC drainage experts to visit the site and formally propose the clerk’s suggestions or put forward alternative suitable ideas.

The lead flood authority is Lincolnshire County Council.  They were contacted by the clerk about the standing water but unfortunately they will not get involved in off highway flooding unless property is flooded or there is extensive flooding in fields.

7.2 SLCC advise council's to withhold payment to PFK Littlejohn, the annual return auditor, until the final report has been received

8.0 Highways

 8.1 overgrown hedge, High Street.   Complaints have been received about the overgrown hedge.   LCC highways said the tenant has promised to cut the hedge during October.  If not completed clerk to report the issue to the tenant's landlord.  Action: clerk.

8.2 Ferry Road surfacing update.   LCC highways have been reminded about the poor road surface condition.  They responded by saying the job is with their designers.

 8.3 Ponding at Ferry Road near Hall Lane update.  LCC said they have found a duct which crosses the road.   They intend to clear it which should clear most, but not all, of the standing water.

8.4 Footpaths, Church View Crescent development.   LCC are aware of the poor condition of the footpaths and are planning to carry out remedial works and reset a gully pot.

9.0 Accounts

 9.1 Income, reserves, balances, and expenditure

Current account, opening balance 1st of August 2018, £1436.45

Accounts transactions since 1st of August 2018

03/08/2018, Grant income, groundwork, £2050.00

08/08/2018, transfer to current account, -£2050.00

08/08/2018, Fiskerton village hall hire, -£60.00

08/08/2018, bright and shine, clean bus shelters, -£285.00

16/08/2018, sage software, -£7.20 are

24/08/2018, clerk’s PAYE, -£76.80

29/08/2018, transfer in from current account, £2000.00

29/08/2018, Greenfield groundskeeping invoice 1444, -£185.00

04/09/2018, Greenfield groundskeeping invoice 1453, -£185.00

04/09/2018, Clerks salary August, -£355.99

05/09/2018, Play safely ROSPA playground inspection, -£84.00

05/09/2018, community links insurance, -£581.31

14/09/2018, ICO data protection register, -£35.00

17/09/2018, sage software, -£7.20

20/09/2018, clerks PAYE, -£89.00

26/09/2018, Greenfield groundskeeping, -£175.00

28/09/2018, Clerks salary September, -£328.76

 opening balance less total paid = £981.19

Accounts to be passed for payment

28/09/2018, pkf annual review, -£240.00

01/10/2018, lalc councillor networking day, -£20.00

16/10/2018, sage payroll October, -£7.20

16/10/2018, Amberol flower planters, _£543.60

 total to be paid, -£810.80


09/10/2018, councillor initiative Grant, Cllrs Welburn & Palmer, £400.00

 total receipts, £400

Current AC, closing balance after accounts paid, £570.39

 deposit account, opening balance 9th October 2018, £58,309.13

31/08/2018, interest August, £2.54

08/08/2018, interest September, £2.24

08/08/2018, transfer in from current account, £2050.00

29/08/2018, transfer to current account, -£2000.00

 deposit account closing balance night October 2018, £58363.91

 petty cash, opening balance 1st of August 2018, £47.77

10/10/2018, A4 paper, -£5.50

 petty cash closing balance 9th of October 2018, £42.27

 grand total after accounts paid = £58,976.57

Earmarked reserves

 Lark energy Grant/ community fund, £3897.92

 history and archaeology group, £639.00

 flood alleviation scheme, £ £3000.00

 neighbourhood plan, £2857.72

 transparency fund, £557.18

 total earmarked reserves = £10,951.85

9.2 Payments listed in the financial report were approved by the council.   Proposed WR, seconded RW.   Members also approved expenditure of £90 for a Christmas tree to be placed outside the village hall.   Proposed AC, seconded RW.  Clerk to place an order.   Action: clerk.

9.3 Estimates for the 2019/20 precept were considered.  A reserve fund of £2500 has been set aside for the possibility of an election in May 2019.  The precept estimates to be forwarded to WLDC is frozen at 2017/18 level at £23,500. Action: clerk

9.4 The final precept needs to be decided no later than the meeting planned for 7th January.   In the meantime, Members are asked to bring to the meeting details and cost estimates of likely projects for the ensuing year.  Action: cllrs

10.0 Neighbourhood Plan Report

10.1 Councillor Wall delivered the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) report which is appended to these minutes.

10.2 CD made it known he is against the NPD and wants to go back to the 2014 position and start again.

RW said the NPD will go through the consultation stage.   Once completed, the parish council will be formally asked to receive the plan before it is sent to West Lindsey District Council (WLDC). WLDC will examine the plan.   If they accept it, they will arrange for a public vote.  The people of Fiskerton will have the opportunity to decide whether they wish to adopt the NDP or not.

 Addressing the chairman (WR), CD said his main objection was the orientation of the site.   he said he met an architectural consultant on-site, a person who is known to WR, on site to discuss building to the north of Ferry Road.   That person told CTV that the orientation building east to west was wrong.   WR said: in a previous statement you said you had not met anyone on site.

AC asked the chair to close the discussion as it was going around in circles.  CD asked AC, ‘’ why are you getting involved?  You don't even live in the village’’.  AC said; ‘’ I am a member of this PC; elected for the term’’.   The chair could see no purpose for continuing the discussion and brought it to a close.  AC apologised to the chair and those present for raising his voice.

11.0 Five Mile Bridge access

11.1 Correspondence has been received pointing out that the barrier on the Five Mile Bridge ramp is restricting access for some types of mobility vehicles.

Martin Brand of Sustrans was in attendance and offered to remove the barrier.   The PC accepted the offer for a three-month trial period during which time it will be assessed whether there any complaints regarding misuse of the bridge by unauthorised vehicles.

12.0 Planters and Signs for Village Gateways

The clerk reported that two additional planters have now been delivered and will be installed.   One at the Crescent and one at the East gateway to Fiskerton.   Action clerk

13.0 Fiskerton Flood Mitigation

 13.1 Cllr Darcel confirmed it is a project he is dealing with on behalf of WLDC and he is not acting on behalf of the parish council.   WR said aspirations were to gather as much evidence of flooding as possible and arrange a meeting with stakeholders such as Anglian Water; LCC; WLDC; and the drainage board to find out what could be done and who was going to do it but, since Cllr Darcel is dealing with the issue on behalf of WLDC he is happy to stand down. Action: Cllr Darcel

 11.0 Observations of District and County Councillors

 WLDC Cllr Welburn said funds remain in her councillor initiative fund and the PC can apply for a grant towards the installation of planters.  Clerk to apply.   Action: clerk

12.0 Matters for Inclusion on the Next Agenda

 12.1 Defibrillator maintenance

 13.0 Dates of Next Meetings


 19:30, 10th December 2018, PC meeting

 19:30, 7th January 2019, PC meeting

 19:30, 4th February 2019, PC meeting

 19:30, 4th March 2019, PC meeting

 19:30, 15th April 2019, Annual Parish Meeting

19:30, 20th May 2019, Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

19:30, 17th June 2019, PC meeting

 19:30, 15th July 2019, PC meeting

 19:30, 16th September 2019, PC meeting

 19:30, 21st October 2019, PC meeting

 19:30, 18th November 2019, PC meeting

 19:30, 16th December 2019, PC meeting

14.0 Signed as a true record of the meeting

Cllr W Roberts, Chairman, 10th December 2018