2023 Fiskerton School Report Annual Parish Meeting

Fiskerton Church of England Primary School.
Report of activities for the Parish Council : May 2023
I am Kerry Henry and I have been in post for a year as Interim Head of school for Fiskerton. I must apologise that I am unable to attend in person but hope this brief report helps inform you of school life, should you like to know more about school events please contact me. 
The current numbers on roll are 96 pupils and this does not include the children, including the pre school children wo do not all attend daily. Both last academic year and this year so far, we have had new families join the school, some from wider afield but mostly from Fiskerton and the surrounding villages. I think access to the new bypass has allowed for families from Washingborough etc to come more easily to the village. 
Over the course of last year the list below is a selection of the types of things we have been doing in and around school. 
Residential  trip
Panto Visit
Children in need
Numerous school trips for the pupils
Summer fair
May day Dancing/ Coronation tea
Christmas carols at the over 50’s lunch 
Church services across the year
e-safety workshop for children
Christmas fair
Bingo nights
Several coffee afternoons
World book day
Sport relief
Young Voices 
Jubilee celebrations 
Netball matches with local schools
Pupil disco
Lush visit
Young Leaders award
Cross country 
School Charity run for St Barnabas
Music service lessons
Science week 
volcano workshop
Church schools festival
Litter pick in the village
sports week
Voting for School council
Swimming lessons 
Open classroom
Parent visits
Arts week 
STEM day at Bomber command
Theatre visit
As you can see we have been involved in a range of activities and would be happy for them to expand further. I have already made a link with the gardening club in the village and they are keen to forge a relationship with the school to support us with our vast garden spaces. The school has a democratic vote to appoint their school councillors, who then voted to be on the school council. Through this we make decisions about the school and ways we can improve it. We are currently working on a garden/reflective space for a memorial to our former head teacher, Mrs Rycroft. I have secured a grant from the diocese to support with this and are keen to make a space utilised by all children. My intention to to include the children (and hopefully the village gardening club) to support with maintaining the garden for us all to enjoy throughout the year. 
The school had a on Ofsted inspection earlier this academic year (November 2022) and we were considered to be GOOD in all areas. This is the same judgement as before and we are pleased with this, as there have been many changes in the last few years. There is a period of stability, which we are keen to keep up. We are keen to promote the school activity through a facebook page and would like to involve the community to school events, such as the Christmas productions and charity nights. 
Working more closely with the local community is something that I would like to promote more widely. In recent weeks the classes all did a mini litter pick around the local areas (after seeing a facebook post) The pupils cleaned and tidied around the school perimeter and the local play-park. The pupils had fun clearing all the litter, of which there was a great deal, took pride in their community and developed an understanding of being a good citizen and is something that we could like to make a regular thing. As a school we would like to work much more with the community and if the Parish Council is able to help us develop further links we would very much appreciate it .
I hope this gives the council a very brief overview of the school and what we have been doing (alongside all the other curriculum activities that we have also been covering). Once again thank you for taking the time to invite me along to the council meeting and if any of the members feel that they have skills that we could use on our governing body please get in touch.
Yours Sincerely 
Kerry Henry 
Head of school