2 September 2021 Minutes

Village Hall Roof Repair (VHRR) Sub Committee meeting

02 Sept 2021 at 19:00

  1. Present: Ady (AW), Stew (SC), Cherie (CH), Kev (KB)
  2. Apologies: Rob (RW), GS (Graham Stokes, ARMA)
  3. Minutes of last 2 meetings
    1. AW apologised that he’s not yet written up the minutes from the previous two meetings but would do so ASAP.
  4. Action tracker
    1. AW advised that there had been no changes to the action tracker as the previous meetings had not yet been written up.
  5. Work Specification document
    1. Pre-construction phase plan

[Discussion 1] KB went through the document describing how it defines the responsibilities of the client (the PC) and the contractor (ARMA) with regards to H&S, scope of work, site restrictions, emergency plans, waste management, 1st aid/fire prevention, etc.

[Discussion 2] Section 27 required certain appointments to be allocated, it was agreed that the following would be inserted,

  1. Principle Designer – Graham Stokes, ARMA Roofing
  2. Principle Contractor – Graham Stokes, ARMA Roofing
  3. Project Manager – Adrian Walker, FPC
  4. Project H&S – Graham Stokes, ARMA Roofing

[Discussion 3] Section 28 – The contractor will provide a works phase plan showing how he intends to schedule the work.

[Discussion 4] Section 29 – When complete the H&S file will detail all the work carried out, the materials used and the deviations from the original build plans.

[Discussion 3]  With the above appointments all were happy for the document to be forwarded to ARMA for review.

ACTION: AW to add the above appointments and forward to ARMA roofing.

  1. Roofers
    1. Asked to order materials at own risk

[Discussion 1] AW advised that GS had provided the roof tile spec and asked what colour we would like, he’d responded saying to order a dark grey one to match the surrounding properties and asked for an update in delivery times once the order was placed.

  1. Plasterers
  2. Decorators
    1. Discussion to remove decorating from National Lottery application

[Discussion 1] AW informed the committee that the National Lottery had asked for all self-employed sole traders to provide additional information wrt their accounts, tax position, insurance and experience and that we should be providing this for all 3 decorator quotes. He raised concern that to request this from the decorators would unduly delay the application being considered by the National Lottery and would delay any decision until October at the earliest. In order to keep our application progressing as swiftly as possible AW suggested that we should remove the decorating element from our application. The national lottery has said that for our application to be considered in September they would been all this information by the 13th, we’ve already received the information from ARMA for the roofing work. All agreed that the priority was to repair the roof ASAP and that it made sense to remove the decorating from the application to ensure it progressed as quickly as possible. All agreed.

ACTION: AW to remove the decorating from the national lottery application, to re-run the project costings and to forward all the required information to the national lottery ASAP.

  1. Grants / Funding
    1. Successful
      1. WLDC £5747.78
      2. Bernard Sunley Foundation £5000
      3. Hodgsons trust £5000
    2. Pending
      1. National Lottery Community Fund

[Discussion 1] AW advised that the lottery had asked for a summary of our current accounts and that when they saw we had nearly £70,000 they asked what it was all for and reiterated that our application would be stronger if it showed some match funding. AW had responded saying the money was all held in reserve accounts for other ongoing projects and restated that we had previously said the PC would be providing £1752 and the VHMC would provide £150 raised from a quiz night. The lottery were content with this reply.

  1. Alternative funding – letters to local businesses
    1. Letters sent to Sirius Solar, Ethical Solar, Primetake, Dyson Farming, Siemens, Silver Spoon.
    2. Replies received from Primetake and Dyson.
  1. Approvals
    1. Planning – Not required
    2. Building Control – WL building control have approved out tile choice
    3. Structural assessment – Email received saying we’re safe to proceed. Asked to approve tie choice, response received saying the chosen tile is suitable for the roof.
  2. AOB
  3. Date of next meeting
    1. TBC