28 April 2021 Minutes

Village Hall Roof Repair (VHRR) Sub Committee meeting

28 April 2021 @18:30

  1. Present: Ady (AW), Rob (RW), Stu (SC), Cherie (CH),
  2. Apologies: Kev (KB)
  3. Minutes of last meeting (1 Apr 21)
    1. AW apologised as he had forgotten to send out the minutes from the last meeting (1st Apr). It was therefore agreed that the task of approving the minutes would be carried out at the next meeting.
  4. Action tracker
    1. The action tracker was reviewed with actions 18 and 21 being closed down.
  5. Work Specification document
    1. Reduced Scope

[Discussion 1] SC had suggested at the previous meeting that maybe a reduced scope of work should be considered to reduce the costs and that Lincs Premier Homes would be flexible to whatever scope of work we chose. RW suggested we should take the fences as they come and concentrate on the roof repair before worrying over plastering and decorating. Also that we should still be pushing to find the funding for the full roof repair and that it’s too soon to be considering reducing the scope and that with the money we have been offered and a short term loan we should be able to get the job done this summer. CH asked where we might get a loan from, AW said we should discuss funding under Agenda item 9. All agreed that for now we should still peruse a full roof repair but a decision point deadline needed to be set at which time a reduced scope would be discussed if needed.

  1. Roofers
    1. ARMA revised quote cost confirmed at £40,000 +VAT.

[Discussion 1] AW advised that ARMA had mis-typed their quote and the actual figure is £40k +VAT.

  1. M. Pope quote is £41,486.32+VAT, I previously thought it included VAT.

[Discussion 1] RW highlighted that the M Pope quote said they would store the solar panels in the hall while the repair was being carried out and asked how that would work. AW informed that our scope of work document held the contractor responsible for the storage of the panels while they were removed from the roof and that the roofers had been informed that if they wanted to use the hall itself as storage then that would be acceptable to us as it is likely the hall will be closed for the duration of the works and that the roofer will be provided a key to gain access when required, RW was content with this situation.

  1. Still waiting for quotes from Bluedot Roofing and Lincs Premier Homes.
  1. Plasterers – Informed of need to plaster window voids, waiting re-quotes
  2. Decorators
    1. Just waiting for the quote from Holmes & Fields
  3. Grants / Funding
    1. Successful
      1. WLDC £5747.78
      2. Bernard Sunley Foundation £5000
    2. Pending
      1. National Lottery Community Fund for £31,000– 12 weeks – 1 July
      2. Postcode Lottery Community Fund for £20,000– 8 weeks – 3 Jun
      3. Hodgsons Trust for £5,000– 3 weeks – 10 May
    3. Alternative funding – letters to local businesses
      1. Letters sent to Sirius Solar, Ethical Solar, Primetake, Dyson Farming, Siemens

ACTION: AW to send a letter to British Sugar at Bardney

  1. Possible visit by RW to Primetake to discuss request with MD

ACTION: RW to visit Primetake to chat with MD.

  1. Self-funding options

[Discussion 1] AW informed the committee that the lowest loan rate that could be found is via a PWLB loan whose interest rate is currently around 1.4% and that repayment to borrow £15k over 15 years would cost £1100 per annum and that £30k over 15 years would be £2200. There is also a possibility to consolidate the PC’s current loan to make a combined saving. SC suggested a deadline of end of June should be set as a decision point. AW said that if we looked at the worst case of not getting any more funding offers then the shortfall is £30k, if we could agree to fund that shortfall with a loan it would enable us to book a contractor to carry out the repairs towards the end of summer and that if other offers of funding were received before then that the amount of the loan could be reduced. CH said that agreement to take out a loan would need to be discussed at the full PC meeting.

ACTION: AW to prepare a presentation and proposal for the next PC meeting for a decision to support a PWLB loan application.

ACTION: AW to contact the PWLB for accurate figures.

  1. Approvals
    1. Planning – Not required
    2. Building Control – Submitted and approved
    3. Structural assessment – Email received saying we’re safe to proceed.
  2. AOB
    1. No AOB was raised.
  3. Date of next meeting
    1. 25 May 21 at 18:30.