3rd September 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on 3rd September 2018 at 7.30pm in Fiskerton Village Hall

Time duration 19.30 - 21.15

Attendees: Cllr W Roberts (chairman); Cllr R Wall (Vice chairman); Cllr Anne Chessman; Cllr S Canner; Cllr L Hutchinson; Cllr C Darcel, Mr S Hall (Parish Clerk), D/Cllr A Welburn (part) C/Cllr I Fleetwood, 8 members of the public

1.0 Open session

1.1 Flood alleviation: CD commented on drainage and said he has procured a flood relief plan from LCC which is of no help.  WR said that residents were asked to make known flooding issues they have.  To date only two have responded which is not enough to make the authorities take notice and do something about it. Action: clerk

1.2 A member of the public said workmen have cleaned the dyke opposite the Ridings development.

1.3 CD said he has received a complaint that a person with a disabled relative is unable to negotiate the barriers on the south side of 5-mile Bridge.  Clerk to put on the agenda for the next meeting. Action: clerk.

1.4 Overgrown foliage on Lincoln Road near the church was raised once again.  This is an ongoing problem which has been reported to highways.  The last report was that highways were to take enforcement action.  Clerk to report the issue to highways again. Action: clerk

1.5 St Clements area:  clerk to report overgrown foliage to Mr Pritchard and arrange to look at the condition of the footpaths in that area.  Action: clerk

1.6 One MOP complained that the church clock chimes were not on time, another said it was correct when they checked it at 10 a.m.  Clerk to report to Mr Foreman and ask Smiths of Derby if they have serviced the clock this year.  Action: clerk

1.7 MOP Asked if the council has an opinion on why the 3:50 p.m. bus service has been knocked off.  Clerk to enquire with LCC transportation.  Action: clerk.

1.8 MOP said the school driveway has been resurfaced but the last 3 m is highways which has been neglected.  Clerk assured the MOP. that an email was sent to LCC asking for cooperation between LCC highways and the Education departments to get the highway part resurfaced.  LCC ignored the request.  Clerk to follow up with LCC.  Action: clerk

1.9 There appears to be a dispute over the ownership of a pumping station at Holmfield.  It was built by the developers with the intent of handing it over to Anglian Water.   Clerk to determine ownership and ask the owners to secure the site so children cannot gain access.   Action: clerk.

1.10 Clerk to ask farmer Pritchard to cut the hedge opposite the Ridings development.  Action: clerk.

1.11 Ach reported that the war memorial grass has not been fully cut.  Clerk to report to the grass cutting contractor.  Action: clerk

2.0 Apologies for absence

2.1 Cllr Cooke, District Cllr Palmer

3.0 Declarations of Interest

3.1 None

4.0 Police Report

4.1 The police did not provide an incident report, but once again there has been reports of scams via neighbourhood alerts.  The message to everyone is: Your bank will never ask you for your password.  Keep your password secure, change it periodically and do not share your password with anyone.

5.0 To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th June 2018

5.1 The minutes of the previous meeting were signed by the Chairman as being a true record of the meeting.  Proposed RW, seconded by SC

6.0 Accounts

6.1 a Income, reserves and balances

Income, reserves and balances, the report below was read out at the meeting

Fiskerton Parish Council

Financial update for the period ending 31/08/18

Current Account Transactions

Opening balance 1stJuly 2018, £3764.01

Accounts paid since last meeting

10/07/18, Stationery, £13.89

10/07/18, Chris Rooke, Internal Audit, £172.50

12/07/18, Fenland Nursery, 3 planters fill, I stall, secure, £250.25

15/07/18, Sage payroll, July, £7.20

16/07/18, PWLB Village Hall land mortgage, £1026.27

21/07/18, Clerk PAYE June, £98.40

21/07/18, L Taylor, Allotments tree removal and fence repair, £470.00

25/07/18, Schools liaison, prizes, £143.80

27/07/18, Clerk salary, July, £307.07

01/08/18, Greenfield grounds Keeping, £185.00

08/08/18, Fiskerton village hall rental 7 May, 11 June, 9 July, £60.00

08/08/18, Bright Shine, bus shelter cleaning, £285.00

08/08/18, transfer to current account (groundwork grant), £2050.00

16/08/18, Sage payroll, August, £7.20

24/08/18, PAYE clerk, July (July), £76.80

29/08/18, Greenfield Grounds keeping, Inv 1444, £185.00

Opening balance less total paid, £1574.37

Accounts to be passed for payment

16/08/18, Sage payroll, August, £7.20

04/09/18, Insurance, £581.31

04/09/18, ROSPA play area inspection, £84.00

14/09/18, Data protection register, £35.00

04/09/18, Greenfield Grounds keeping INV 1453, £185.00

Total to be paid, £892.51


09/07/18, Donation for memorial flower planter, £346.82

03/08/18, Groundwork Grant, £2050.00

29/08/18, Transfer in for current account, £2000.00

Total receipts, £4396.82

Current account closing balance after accounts paid, £1929.94

Deposit account

Opening balance 1 July 2018, £58306.57

31/07/18, Interest July, £2.56

08/08/18, Transfer in from current account, £2050.00

29/08/18, Transfer to current account, £2000.00

Deposit account, closing balance 31 August 2018, £58359.13

Petty cash

Opening balance 1 July 2018, £49.75

Stationery, £1.98

Petty cash closing balance at 31 August 2018, £47.77

Grand total after accounts paid, £60336.84

Earmarked reserves

Lark energy grant/community fund, £3897.92

History and Archaeology Group, £639.00

Flood Alleviation Scheme, £3000.00

Neighbourhood Plan, £2857.72

Transparency Fund, £557.18

Total earmarked reserves, £10951.82

6.2b To authorize payments

Payments were authorised, proposed CD, seconded RW.

7.0 Planning

7.1, Application 137801, Plough Lane, has been approve by WLDC with standard conditions.

7.2 Application 138036, Diamond House.  The parish council supports the application as a special case.

7.3 Application 138160, 14 Holmfield. Small extension, no public comment received therefore WLDC notified that the PC have no comment.

7.4 Tanya site.  WR informed the meeting that the owner and agent are reviewing the application and have consulted the PC.

7.5 Application 138091, 7 Acre farm.  This was discussed with the applicants sometime ago now.  The important thing is the application now includes the additional access further East which the PC thought necessary for visibility and road safety.  WR to send the Council’s comments to WLSC before the 9th Sept cutoff date.

7.6 Application 138180, proposed barn, Reepham Road

The parish council has several comments:

1. The size of building is inappropriate in that it is very large

2. The proposed site is within the Primetake exclusion zone and its proposed use as a store for grain, fuel and fertilizer could be hazardous.  WR has referred the application to the HSE.

3. The fire brigade requires the installation of a fire hydrant.

4. There is concern that grain dryers may be installed later which is alleged to cause a dust and noise nuisance,.

5. There is an existing barn opposite which was suggested as a more suitable site as a barn there is assessed to have less impact on the landscape

6. Road safety – the existing operation is in Reepham where, due to the layout of the road, vehicles are slow moving, and pedestrians have better protection because there are footpaths.  The plan includes for 2000 vehicle movements a year.  This may be hazardous as large slow-moving vehicles emerge from the site.  The lack of an adequate footpath to the north of the site is difficult for pedestrians to negotiate.

Mr J Good and Mr P Good representing the applicant were at the meeting and invited to comment on the parish council’s observations.

1. The existing operation takes place in Reepham which is difficult to operate.

2. The proposed site is considered appropriate as there is an existing access within the 30mph zone.

3. The intention is to store grain on a concrete floor.  It is known as a temporary bin.  The applicant stated: They have invested heavily in grain storage facilities at Hemswell and grain will be moved to Hemswell.  No grain dryers are proposed.

4. They have agreed to provide a fire hydrant.

5. The management at Primetake have said they are comfortable with the proposals

6. Consultations with the HSE and Primetake continue.

7. It is expected that most of the site traffic will head north to the A158 towards Hemswell or the Reepham farm.  Site traffic will not pass through Fiskerton and there will be no more or no less traffic passing through Reepham.

Cllr Darcel said the comments from LCC and the HSE have been posted on the WLDC planning website.

Cllr Welburn said that Reepham does not have any footpaths on the routes used by existing farm traffic which will be diverted tot eh new site if the project proceeds.

The chairman asked members of the council for their comments:

1. Ach – walkers have a problem due to the lack of a footpath.  The verge near the site is poorly maintained.  The applicant said things would be much tidier if the project proceeds.

2. RW – the arrangement for Hemswell – is it long term?  The applicant said they have invested heavily in the Hemswell facility and intend to use if for the foreseeable future.

3. WR confirmed the Central Plan supports agriculture.  The residents of Fiskerton need to be assured that the parish council has worked in the best interests of the community.

4. WR – the existing access is used by walkers, will the access be available after the development has been completed, will there be permissive access to maintain the existing link to public footpaths?  The applicant said the existing access will remain and they are open to suggestions regarding formalizing a permissive access.

5. The chairman asked members to pass on their comments to him before 12 September 2018.

Comments from members of the public:

1. Will the development make that much difference?

2. Can an additional sign be installed to direct people to the existing footpath that diagonally crossed the field opposite the site?

3. Is the access to the site of Primetake to be changed? The applicant said: largely, the access will remain as it is but there may be some minor amendment.

8.0 Neighbourhood Plan Report

8.1 Cllr Wall delivered the Neighbourhood Plan report which is appended to these minutes

8.2 Cllr Darcel said – The residents of Fiskerton have not been directly consulted about the Neighbourhood Plan and his principal objection to the Plan is the lack of consultation about the orientation of the proposed development site to the north of Fiskerton.  This was refuted by the chairman who said residents have been consulted and they will be invited to take part in a referendum where they will be able to decide whether to adopt the Neighbourhood plan or not.

9.0 Planters ad Signs for Village Gateways

9.1 The clerk reported that two additional planters are now on order.  One for Ferry Road and an additional one for the green at the Crescent.  A donation towards the cost has been pledged by the chairman.

Cllr Welburn said that funds from the WLDC councillor initiative fund may still be available.  Clerk is advised to check availability with WLDC Officers.  Action: clerk

9.2  Ach said the planter outside Primetake is not in the best position.  The clerk advised that the planter has been secured to the existing designation sign posts.  The intention is to move it when the signs with the logo designed by school children are installed on new posts to the north of its existing position.

10.0 Community Hub

10.1 Mr A Walker confirmed that the Community Hub is to become a branch of the Village Hall.

10.2 A Community Hub launch day is planned for Sat 13th October 2018 at the Village Hall, 2pm until 4pm. The event is expected to be advertised in the Fiskerton News.

11.00 Observations of District and County Councillors

11.1County Councillor Fleetwood said information regarding the LEB contract has been sent to parish clerks.  Action: clerk to circulate to councillors

County Councillor Fleetwood said the Wolsey Way road improvement is now open.  More works are planned at Bunkers Hill which will affect the local area.

There is no date set yet for the closure of Hawthorn Road.

When asked about the North Hykeham relief road, Cllr Fleetwood said LCC are bidding for Government funding.

11.2 WLDC report was previously circulated. Cllr Welburn was asked if WLDC intend to invest in the local West Lindsey area.  Cllr Welburn said the investments are designed to provide future income for the authority for the benefit of WLDC residents.  There has been a large investment in Saxilby but decisions to invest are taken with  great care to ensure good returns from viable projects.

Cllr Welburn also said that WLDC have received a grant to work with local businesses in Gainsborough.  The total package is worth £6.25M.

11.3 Cllr Darcel mentioned money for people with special needs then went on to say that Oxford recycle 60% of their waste and on average a family of four throw away £60 worth of food.  LCC recycling lags Oxford with a recycling rate of 46.5%.

12.00 Matters for inclusion on the Next Agenda

12.1 Access at Five Mile Bridge

12.2 2019/20 Precept.  Members to discuss funding for projects for the capital.

12.3 LCC Report – WR said he was pleased the LCC are putting money into social care.

13.0 Dates of Next Meetings


19:30 15th October 2018, PC meeting

19:30, 10th December 2018, PC meeting

6.0 Signed as a true record of the meeting

 Cllr W Roberts, Chairman, 15th October 2018



Chairman and Councillors, the Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG) has not met since the last PC meeting but work on the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has been ongoing.

1. A grant of £2050 has been received from Locality/Groundwork and is deposited in the PC account.

2. The Locality technical team and NPIERS have almost completed an independent examination of the Plan and they have been liaising with the NPG.

3. At the last parish council meeting it was agreed to discuss further the misinformation put out by the open forum group (OF) before its April questionnaire, for example:

A ‘The NP supports plans for 250 to 300 homes in the short term and permits unlimited growth in the long term.’ Not true. No evidence presented.

In the NPG Housing Needs Survey 2016 the OF reported ‘60% of those who responded said they wanted less that 120’’ houses/On the same page (page 11 of the survey) it is reported that 65% said they would accept more housing if the PC acquired the Paddock. A point not reported by the OF.Was this deliberately misrepresenting the facts.?

In a flyer produced and distributed on 23 July 2016 it was reported that 67 of 70 residents who attended the open event organized by the NPG in December 2014 supported a plan similar to Plan E (90 homes).In fact, at that event on 1 December 2014, 67 of 70 residents voted by show of hands to support the NDP Issue 2 which clearly refers to a maximum of 250 new homes.Is this a deliberate representation of the facts?

4. With so many misrepresented facts, the OF questionnaire April 2018 has not been considered by the NGP for discussion.

5. On the front page of the OF questionnaire is printed ‘A village divided by your own Parish Council.’’  What a cheek!  I have been a councillor for over 10 years and the PC has been meticulous in representing facts accurately and clearly for the benefit of all residents.  It is not the PC that has divided the village.  Division is almost inevitable when so much information is misrepresented.

6. As previously stated, the NGP are happy to present the facts concerning the production of the NDP to any resident.  NP consultants and independent examiners have complimented the NGP for the level of consultation that has taken place.