September 2019 Minutes of Meeting on 16 September

Name of the meeting Fiskerton Parish Council Meeting
Location Village Hall Fiskerton
Date 16 September 2019
Time/Duration 19:30 – 22:10






Name Organisation
Cllr C Darcel (CD) Chairman Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr A Walker (AW) Vice Chairman Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr S Canner (SC) Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr C Hill (CH) Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr M Harrison (MH) Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr R Wall (RW) Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr I Fleetwood LCC
Cllr M Palmer WLDC
S Hall Parish Clerk
7 members of the public  












1.1     Members of the public raised the following issues:

a. 30 mph signs at Lincoln Road are fading – Clerk to report to LCC

b. What is happening with the Horse barrier at Five Mile Bridge. CD replied –The Canal and Rivers Trust (C&RT) have responded positively to a request to have the barrier modified. Sustrans have ordered a replacement barrier which will be installed in due course. The C&RT
do not want horses to use the bridge. It is not a bridle way.

c. On street parking at Chapel Road; Several contractors, visitors to the Old Hall, staff working at the Old Hall and members of the public are parking on Chapel Road causing a hazard. It is happening every day, weekends included. There appears to be adequate parking on site for CD suggested possible solutions may be to have parking restrictions. Clerk to request yellow lines through our county councillor and write to the Old Hall asking if they could instruct their staff to park off the road.

Action: Clerk

d. What is happening with Ferry Road repairs? Clerk said LCC have been asked for an update.

e. Blacksmiths Road and Orchard Road – poor surfacing. Report to LCC

f. Bus stop sign at Short Ferry leaning. Report to LCC.

g. Water on road at Short Ferry. Clerk to Report to LCC

h. Pavement sunk at Holmfield leaving a grate as a trip hazard. Report to LCC

i. Destination sign at Short Ferry. IF said the sign is on order.

j. What is happening to the buses when Greetwell Road is closed? IF said a new timetable will be issued prior to the road closure. LCC staff are aware that people use the service to the hospital and will have requested that the revised timetable/route takes in the hospital.

Action: Clerk

k. Willow Tree at Five Mile Lane. An MOP suggested it is blocking or impeding the water drain and the tree is unsafe. CD said he would speak to the owner Mr Johnson. Clerk to report the tree to LCC as being unsafe.

Action: CD, Clerk


2.1     Cllr W Adams


3.1     None


4.1     The minutes of the ordinary meeting, were signed by the chairman as a true record of the meeting. Proposed AW seconded MH. Vote: all in favour.

Cllr Wall commented that the representatives of J H Walters were; K Pritchard and S Catney.


5.1     The minutes of the extraordinary meeting, were signed by the chairman as a true record of the meeting. Proposed AW Seconded MH. Vote all in favour.

RW accepted the minutes were an accurate record of the proceedings but wished to place on record:

On October 2014 a public meeting was held. 54 people were present. Only 5 were against the Neighbourhood Plan.

A second public meeting was held in December 2014. 70 people were present. A vote was taken and one person voted against the plan. That was when the basis of the plan was formed.

Subsequent meetings were held with the school, local businesses and Fiskerton and Short Ferry. They all supported the plan.

Potential development sites were considered in all areas of Fiskerton. All this took place prior to 2016.

AW said the school neither supported or objected to the plan.


6.1     a) Accounts reconciliation. The clerk presented the following financial report for the period 1 July 2019 to 31 August 2019.


Fiskerton Parish Council    
Financial update for period ending:   31/08/2019
Account Transactions    
Current A/C Opening Balance 1 July 2019 £4,115.99
04/07/2019 Clerks net Salary June 2019 -444.86
12/07/2019 PAYE June 2019 -111.40
15/07/2019 Public Works Loan Board -1026.27
16/07/2019 Sage software -7.20
17/07/2019 Chris Rooke accountant -180.00
17/07/2019 Clerk - July expenses -18.00
17/07/2019 Glendale - grass cutting -216.00
17/07/2019 LALC 9498 -28.00
17/07/2019 Fiskerton Village Hall Hire 4/2 4/3 15/4 -60.00
17/07/2019 Clerk salary – July -373.96
01/08/2019 S Capes plumbing -130.00
16/08/2019 Sage software July -7.20
21/08/2019 Glendale - grass cutting -432.00
21/08/2019 Clerk August expenses -18.00
23/08/2019 Unipart Dorman - battery charger for VAS -40.00
23/08/2019 Clerk net salary – August -353.56
27/08/2019 Unipart Dorman - battery charger for VAS (VAT) -8.00
28/08/2019 PAYE August -88.40
  Closing Balance 31 August 2019 £573.14
  Accounts to be passed for payment  
  Clerks Salary September + PAYE -556.26
  Clerk - utility expenses September -18.00
  Village Hall Hire 17/4 3/6 17/6 15/7 25/7 -98.00
  RoSPA playground inspection -86.40
  Glendale - grass cutting Inv 02043 -222.00
  WLDC Recharge Parish Council election costs -2220.25
  LALC Networking day -36.00
  Total to be paid -£3,236.91
25/07/2019 Hodgsons Charity 1,140.00
31/07/2019 Grazing land rent income 40.00
11/09/2019 Transfer in from deposit account 2,000.00
  Total Receipts £3,180.00
Current A/C Closing balance after accounts paid £516.23
Deposit A/C Opening balance 1 July 2019 £68,455.01
31/07/2018 Interest July 12.38
31/08/2019 Interest August 11.25
  Closing balance 31 August 2019 £68,478.64
Petty Cash Opening balance 1 July 2019 £36.10
  Closing Balance 31 August 2019 £36.10
Ear Marked Lark Energy Grant/Community Fund 4,047.75
Reserves History & Archaeology Group 639.00
  Flood Alleviation Scheme 3,000.00
  Neighbourhood Plan 807.72
  Transparency fund 557.18
  Total £9,051.65
















































b. Approval of accounts for payment

The accounts for payment itemised in the financial update for the period ending 31/8/19 were approved for payment. Proposed MH, seconded AW. Vote: all in favour. Clerk to settle accounts.

Action: Clerk

c. Change of e-mail account from Round cube to Outlook. Members support in principle but advised; don’t buy the software. It may already be supported in the PC’s MS package. AW to check. Proposed AW, seconded MH. Vote all in favour.

Action: W/Clerk

d. Trees in village hall grounds. Clerk reported seven firms were asked to tender, only one quotation was received. The offer included:

Trim and top four trees in Village Hall Play area and remove one tree near to the entrance to the Village Hall for the sum of £800 + VAT with an option to remove other trees adjacent to School Lane for an additional £600 + VAT.

Tree cutting - Fiskerton Village Hall  
Tenders invited from  
Bontoft Declined invitation to tender
LM Tree Services No tender received
TJS tree services Ltd email undeliverable
George Colletti No tender received
Ash Tree Man - Bardney No tender received
Ross Jones Tree Services No tender received
L Taylor building and Joinery Quote received 11/9/19










Members of the council voted to accept the tender for £800 + VAT to have four trees near the play area trimmed and one adjacent to the car park entrance removed. The option to remove trees adjacent School Lane was declined. Proposed CH, seconded AW. Vote all in Favour.

Clerk to place order with L Taylor Building and Joinery.

Action: Clerk

e. Councillors reviewed the action log which prompted some discussion. CD reminded IF that he has not received a plan of spot heights for water levels at Meadow Bank. IF to remind the LCC officer.

Village connecting footpaths were discussed.

AW advised; filter out what is compete and have a shorter list. MH requested minor changes.

f. Review of Standing Orders. Deferred until next ordinary meeting

g. Review of Financial regulations. Deferred until next ordinary meeting.



a. Letter from EDF energy to say they are suspending feed in tariff payments until their meter reader takes a meter reading. Clerk replied by letter to EDF to offer access to the meter.

b. RoSPA play area inspection. Members considered the report. Two defects require attention; The large gate needs replacing and the worn chain links on the swings require replacement. Clerk to get quotations for repairs. The report also mentioned that the youth shelter roof is accessible. Clerk to post “keep off the roof” notices.

Action: Clerk

c. Members resolved to purchase 10 No community speed watch 30 mph signs from LRSP at a cost of £100.00.

Action: Clerk

d. Ferry road bus shelter. E-mail received form LCC Transport Services to say the matter is receiving consideration. Item deferred until LCC response is received.

e. Village Hall car park resurfacing. Councillor Walker to refer the matter to the Village Hall committee.

Action: AW

f. Tree planting: MH outlined the possibilities of using privately raised funds for tree planting, seating or other facilities that would benefit the community. Members were very supportive of the venture. MH asked to transfer the funds into the PC account. Clerk to provide bank details.

Action: Clerk

g. Planning training at Reepham. AW said he would like to attend but the date conflicts with another training course. Clerk to inform the organisers that the event will not be supported by the PC.

h. Highways; a report form County Councillor R Davies outlining the new highway services contract which will commence April 2020.


8.1     There has been concern about dangerous on street parking at Chapel Road outside the Old Hall particularly in the vicinity of Blacksmiths Lane.

Clerk to;

1. Write to the Old Hall owner and ask if their staff and contractors can park off road.

2. Write to the local county councillor to request parking restrictions be put in place at Chapel Road. and a 20-mph speed limit imposed at High Street.

Action: Clerk

9.0     20 MPH SPEED LIMIT

9.1     Members suggested; the speed limit at High Street in the vicinity of the church should be reduced from 30 mph to 20 mph. Clerk to Write to the local county councillor to request a 20mph speed limit is imposed at High Street.


10.1     AW reported that contact has been made with the solicitors. Unfortunately, the person at Langley’s solicitors, who was dealing with the request has left and has been replaced by Debbie Harrison. Langley’s have re-quoted for the deeds review. The cost has increased from
£480.00 to £800.00. The cost is to be split 50/50 with the village hall committee.

Members agreed to commit an additional £160.00 to the project. Proposed MH Seconded by CH. Vote all in favour.

Action: AW


11.1     CD reported a tree trunk is blocking a drain pipe which is part of the flood alleviation scheme, north of the Village Hall.

Clerk reported the tree trunk has been moved away from the drain and will be disposed of in the near future.

Action: Clerk


12.1     AW reported; New battery charger has been received and appears to be working OK. Some data has been downloaded from the sign which has recorded that half of all vehicles exceed the speed limit. In a few months’ time data from the sign will be available identify where the worst areas for speeding are. Those areas could then be targeted for priority action.

AW recommended; Long term the PC should aspire to have 3 permanent signs in the village with solar panels and one moveable one. The cost is £3,083.00 for a sign and solar panel. AW proposed providing one sign, this financial year and one each financial year thereafter. AW said that surplus funds from previous year is available to fund the purchase of a sign and requested that members approve the purchase of an additional sign this financial year.

CD said the money is there in case the PC need to buy the paddock and expressed caution at spending reserves as it reduces buying power.

IF commented on the Speed Watch initiative that has been adopted by neighbouring parishes and pointed out that emergency vehicles do exceed the speed limit and VAS are unable to detect the difference between speeding motorists and emergency vehicles. At Cherry Willingham speeding has been reduced to 2.7% of vehicles.

Members deferred making a decision pending the collection of more data. AW to collect more data.

Action: AW


14.1     AW reported the options given by LCC. A flat sign at the village gateways or an embossed sign mounted on a pole. AW to get costs for members to consider.

Action: Clerk



a. Fiskerton News article – Members approved the insertion of an article in the Fiskerton News. Proposed CH seconded RW. Vote 5 in favour SC abstained.

b. Public Consultation Document – a draft has been prepared. Members agreed to hold an extraordinary meeting on 30 September 2019 to finalise the draft prior to it being distributed to the public. Clerk to book the village hall.

Action: MH/Clerk


16.1     IF said the LEB is due to open late Spring/Early Summer 2020. New traffic lights are to be installed at Short Ferry.

16.2     CD reported:

a. WLDC Council Tax is likely to increase by 2% for the year 2020/21.

b. Planning application 137060 will determined on Thursday 19/9/19

c. Missing Ferry Road – Street Name plate. Clerk informed it is stored in the parish office and has been reported to WLDC.

d. Flower planters MH informed the meeting that the garden centre has is almost ready for installing the two new additional planters and re-planting the existing three planters.


17.1     No new agenda items were proposed.


18.1     30th September 2019 – 7:30pm Fiskerton Village Hall

Time Date  
19:30 30 Sep 2019 Extraordinary PC Meeting
19:30 21 Oct 2019 PC Meeting
19:30 18 Nov 2019 PC Meeting
19:30 16 Dec 2019 PC Meeting