October 2019 Minutes
Name Organisation |
Cllr C Darcel (CD) Chairman Fiskerton Parish Council Cllr A Walker (AW) Vice Chairman Fiskerton Parish Council Cllr W Adams (WA) Fiskerton Parish Council Cllr S Canner (SC) Fiskerton Parish Council Cllr C Hill (CH) Fiskerton Parish Council Cllr M Harrison (MH) Fiskerton Parish Council Cllr R Wall (RW) Fiskerton Parish Council S Hall Parish Clerk 5 members of the public |
Item No |
Agenda Item |
Action |
1.0 |
Open Session - Suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes |
1.1 |
A member of the public said several shipping containers have been placed on the airfield on Mr Stuffins Land. CD to take a look. |
CD |
1.2 |
The water off let at Reepham Road remains blocked. Clerk to report to LCC. |
Clerk |
1.3 |
MH reported that the ditch on the south side of Ferry Road, between Hall Lane and Five Mile Lane is overgrown with weeds. Clerk to report to Mr Pritchard. |
Clerk |
1.4 |
Flooding at Short Ferry - Ditch needs digging out. Clerk to report to LCC. No specific location. |
1.5 |
Standing water at the Ferry Road/Five Mile Lane Junction. Clerk to report to LCC. |
Clerk |
1.6 |
Ferry Road and High Street - White line scrubbed off. Clerk to report to LCC. |
Clerk |
1.7 |
Five Mile Bridge Barrier - CD said delivery of a replacement barrier is imminent. |
1.8 |
Complaint received about the bus service not going to Lincoln Hospital due to road closure's Clerk to report to LCC. |
Clerk |
1.9 |
Proposed Road closure of Ferry Road. A member of the public alleged that Short Ferry residents are unhappy about having no bus service while the road is closed. |
1.10 |
Plough Lane footway works has not progressed. Clerk to report to LCC. |
Clerk |
1.11 |
Ditches behind the village hall; a member of the public alleged there is weed growth in them. Clerk to report to farmer Pritchard. |
Clerk |
1.12 |
A member of the public informed of raw sewage is getting into the garden of 17 St Clements Drive. Members thought this is a hygiene risk. Clerk to report the incident to Anglian Water . |
Clerk |
2.0 |
Apologies for Absence |
2.1 |
WLDC Cllr Welburn LCC Cllr Fleetwood |
3.0 |
Declaration of Interests |
3.1 |
None |
4.0 |
To confirm the minutes of the ordinary meeting held 16th September 2019. |
4.1 |
Cllr Darcel wished to add additional wording to item 5. Following a lengthy discussion Councillors agreed to remove the text in item 5 from the record. Cllrs Canner and Wall abstained from the vote. Clerk to remove item 5. |
Clerk |
5.0 |
To confirm the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held 30th September 2019. |
5.1 |
The chairman signed the minutes as a true record of the meeting. Proposed CH, seconded WA. Vote: all in favour. |
6.0 |
Clerks Report |
6.1 |
a) Accounts reconciliation The clerk read two reports detailing; Bank re-conciliation and a comparison between budget and actual spend. |
b) b) Accounts for payment; Members approved the payment of accounts as listed. Clerk to make payments. |
Clerk |
c) PFK Littlejohn - external auditor report on the parish councils' Annual Governance and accountability Return (AGAR). Clerk read the report to councillors which detailed what action the council needs to take at the conclusion of the AGAR review.
vi) Undertake a risk assessment of the councils' activities
Action: Publish Notice, copy AGAR, File AGAR, put risk assessment on action log. |
Clerk |
d) Action Log update: The updated action log was reported to the council. |
e) Review of standing orders, subject to minor amendments the council reviewed and agreed to adopt the latest version of the NALC, Model Standing Orders. Proposed MH, seconded WA. Vote; unanimous. |
f) Review of Financial Regulations, subject to minor amendments the council reviewed and agreed to adopt the latest version of the NALC, Financial regulations. Proposed MH, seconded WA. Vote ; unanimous. |
7.0 |
Correspondence |
a) e-mail from LCC regarding the re-siting of the bus stop at Ferry Road. Members decided to take no further action unless the clerk receives a complaint. |
b) 20mph speed limit, High Street. There has been no response to the councils request for a 20mph speed limit at High Street. However, Lincolnshire County Council did respond to an e-mail that was about two years old. They apologised for not getting back sooner and gave several reasons why it is not possible to install a 20mph speed limit near the school. Members await a response to the request for a speed limit at High Street. |
c) E-mail from Mr Roberts re- lack of action by the Parish Council with regard to road repairs and installation of planters. Repairs have been reported to LCC. MH to visit the nursery to enquire what is happening with the planters. If they are unable to deliver ask for return of the planting tubs. Clerk offered to collect and arrange for a local gardener to carry out the siting of the tubs and planting. |
MH Clerk |
8.0 |
Parking and Speeding |
8.1 |
Parking and speed were discussed during as item 7b was considered. No further comments from councillors. |
9.0 |
Village Hall - Deeds Review |
9.1 |
AW Reported that all the necessary documents have been provided to enable the solicitor to carry out the review. It may be several weeks before the document is ready. |
10.0 |
Planning |
10.1 |
a) Application 140025 - removal of telephone Kiosk. Members would prefer to keep the telephone box and requested the telephone box operators should be approached to justify its removal. Clerk to enter this comment on the planning portal and contact the applicant. |
Clerk |
b) Application - extension at 16 Church View Crescent. CD informed the meeting that letter of complaint has been sent to WLDC. The complaint is now being processed through the WLDC complaints procedure. CD also pointed out; if the complaint is upheld it is unlikely to have any effect of permissions that have been granted. |
11.0 |
Community Speed Watch 30 mph signs and speed indicator sign report |
11.1 |
AW reported that the Community speed watch VAS signs has been installed at Ferry Road and is collecting data. It may be some time before meaningful data is available because the traffic flows may have changed because of the road closures and diversions imposed as part of the Lincoln Eastern By-pass works. AW reiterated the desire to have a permanently fixed VAS sign at each of the three entry points to the village. |
12.0 |
To report progress on the village signs project |
12.1 |
IAW reported no further progress but undertook to provide literature for the 49 squadron to show them the signs. |
AW |
13.0 |
Neighbourhood Plan |
13.1 |
The meeting ran late and CD proposed holding an extraordinary meeting of the council to finalise the NOP questionnaire. Date proposed Friday 1st November 2019. Meeting to be held at The Old Hall, Hall Lane, Fiskerton at 7:30pm. Clerk to issue an agenda. |
All Clerk |
14.0 |
To receive observations of County and District Councillors |
14.1 |
Report by County Councillor Fleetwood was previously circulated. |
14.2 |
CD reported incidents at WLDC where there has been a loss of funds due to fraudulent activity. |
15.0 |
Matters for Inclusion on next Agenda |
15.1 |
No new agenda items were proposed. |
16.0 |
Dates of next Meetings |
16.1 |
Extra ordinary meeting Friday 1st November 2019 - 7:30pm The Scout Hut - Ferry Road |
16.2 |
Ordinary meeting Monday 18th November 2019 - Fiskerton Village Hall 7:30pm |
17.0 |
Signed as a true account d ............./.:'.'. . |
. ........... ............ Chairman 18th November 2019 |
Name of meeting Location Date Village Hall fiskerton Time/Duration 21st October 2019 |
Fiskerton Parish Council Ordinary Meeting Village Hall Fiskerton 21 October 2019 19:30 - 22:00 |