November 2019 Minutes
Name of meeting: Fiskerton Parish Council Ordinary Meeting
Location: Village Hall Fiskerton
Date: 18 November 2019
Time/Duration: 19:30 - 21:45
Cllr C Darcel (CD) Chairman, Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr A Walker (AW) Vice Chairman, Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr W Adams (WA), Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr S Canner (SC), Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr C Hill (CH), Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr M Harrison (MH), Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr R Wall (RW), Fiskerton Parish Council
Cllr I Fleetwood (IF) (part), Lincolnshire County Council (LCC)
S Hall, Parish Clerk
15 members of the public
1. Open Session - Suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes
1.1 A Statement was read by Councillor Harrison;
In May 2019 I was elected to the PC on a number of issues- to create a better balance of genders, which
is done, to improve ethnicity which is partially done and to extend the age range of councillors which is only minimally done. Additionally, I was keen to moderate the aggressive approach of Councillors and the personal attacks occurring at meetings and also from some members of the public. I spoke out against this at the Nov. 2018 PC meeting.
Sadly, the situation has not improved, and it has been hard sometimes when attacks have been made towards individuals and their integrity questioned and anger has exploded into slanging matches.
I would urge that this stops or why would members of the public want to attend meetings and it is using time and energy which could rightly be used for more important democratic processes.
I understand some of your disappointment, but we were all elected by the residents and we will be listening to their views and needs. Obviously, we cannot agree with each other all the time, but we can be courteous and friendly because we all live, work and serve the same community.
1.2 Residents of Short Ferry were concerned that during the recent floods the county council closed the Ferry Road which prevented the bus service from reaching Short Ferry even though the bus route was not affected by the high water .
Also, the LCC message of road closures did not get to many Short Ferry residents who are not on social media. Clerk to ask LCC to send messages to the residents of Short Ferry via bren.alan99@gmail .com. Action: Clerk
1.3 Grass cutting 2020, clerk to extend grass cutting area to include the verge between Hall Lane Clerk and Five Mile Lane.
There was a volunteer who offered to side out the verge between Hall Lane and Five Mile Lane. The meeting was informed that volunteers can be covered by the PC insurance if the clerk is provided with a list of names prior to the event taking place. Action: Clerk
1.4 Draining of the recent flood water; it was alleged that the fall of the river Witham from Shirt Ferry to Boston is around 1200mm and the flooded land will be slow to drain.
1.5 A resident reminded the meeting that the sewers at St Clements Drive were over flowing. This
has previously been reported to Anglian Water. Clerk to chase up.
1.6 A resident asked; who is responsible for flood defences at Manor Farm. Cllr Walker to enquire.
1.7 A resident asked; do land owners get compensation if their land is flooded. CD replied: Yes , he believed so.
2.0 Apologies for Absence
3.0 Declaration of Interests
3.1 As a member of WLDC planning committee, CH declared an interest in planning matters. As a member of the Village Hall Committee AW declared an interest in item Sa.
4.0 To confirm the minutes of the ordinary meeting held 21st October 2019.
4.1 The minutes of the meeting held 21st October 2019 were agreed as a true record. Proposed WA, seconded MH. Vote; all in favour .
5.0 To confirm the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held 1st November 2019.
5.1 The minutes of the meeting held 1st November 2019 were agreed as a true record. Proposed MH, seconded AW. Vote; all in favour.
6.0 Clerks Report
6.1 a) Accounts reconciliation
The clerk read two reports detailing; Bank re-conciliation and a comparison between budget and actual spend.
b) Accounts for payment; Members approved the payment of accounts as listed. Proposed; RW seconded WA. Vote; all in favour. Clerk to make the payments.
Members resolved to transfer £500.00 from the deposit account to the current account.
7.0 Precept estimate, year commencing 1 April 2020
Members resolved to submit a precept estimate of £26 ,255 for the ensuing year.
AW to draft an article for the Fiskerton News to ask residents what their spending priorities are for 2020/21
8.0 Correspondence
a) Grant application from the Village Hall Committee for the purchase and installation of a Christmas Tree in the grounds of the village hall. Members resolved to grant the full amount of £370 .00 for the supply and installation of the tree and decorating
with existing lights. Proposed RW seconded SC, all in favour except AW who did not vote as an interest in the matter was declared. Clerk to make the payment.
b) Clerk reported Fix My Street reports of highways defects ; Brambles obstructing footpath. LCC said no further action. The job has not been carried out. Clerk has reported it again. Clerk was asked to send a complete list of all outstanding Highways jobs to LCC.
Faded 30mph signs at Lincoln Road - under investigation. Action: Clerk
c) Carriageway reconstruction - Ferry Road, LCC delayed due to the flooding crisis.
d) Fiskerton PC have been invited to enter into an agreement with LCC for the Parish Council to arrange cutting of the urban highway grass in the parish in 2020. The PC will receive a contribution of £593 .12 from the county council based on 2.38p per square metre of grass. Clerk to enter into the agreement with LCC.
9.0 Special motion - Proposed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Harrison
9.1 The motion was to amend standing orders to permit the posting of the audio recordings of PC meetings on the Fiskerton website. RW tabled an amendment; to record the meetings, do not post them on the website and make the recordings available to the public on request. The amendment was seconded by SC. Vote all in favour and the amendment was adopted. Clerk to amend standing orders.
10.0 Flooding at Short Ferry
10.1 AW gave an account of the flooding at Short Ferry and said that the PC should, in emergency situations do more to help people who were in difficulty. Suggestions were to open the village hall, access to emergency funding and contact with neighbouring councils in order to provide relief in the form of a temporary warm dry place of safety with heat light and refreshment. It was mooted; the council should have an emergency plan in place. AW said it should be made known that the PC are here to help, and the onus should be on residents to contact the PC, not the PC contacting residents. The formulation of an emergency plan to be considered at a future meeting. Clerk to investigate what other councils do and place the item on the agenda of a future meeting.
Recently the owners of the Short Ferry site decided there was a high risk to residents and executed their emergency evacuation plan on a voluntary basis. Those who wished to move were found temporary accommodation.
It was also mooted; If Bardney residents are cut off they can contact Fiskerton PC for help.
IF joined the meeting at 20:49hrs. A resident complained about the lack of and poor flood warning and diversion signs put out by the Highway authority. Cllr IF offered to speak to the resident who raised the issue after the meeting.
11.0 Village Hall deeds
11.1 a) Cllr AW informed; The solicitor has been contacted and there should be some progress on the matter by the December meeting.
b) AW raised an issue with regard to a five-year electrical inspection of the village hall building. Apparently without a valid electrical inspection certificate the Village Hall cannot be insured and will have to close. The cost estimate is £540 +VAT. The parish council were asked to loan the funds to the village hall committee.
Concerns were raised about the management of the village hall in that the parish council could have been notified earlier so the matter could be formally placed on an agenda giving both councillors and the public the opportunity to consider the matter. As it was councillors were left with a choice between providing the funding and closing the Village Hall.
Councillors resolved to place an order for the electrical inspection of the Village Hall. The village Hall would be able to make a donation to reimburse the council when it was in a position to do so. Proposed WA, Seconded RW, vote; all in favour. Clerk to place an order.
12.0 Planning
12.1 a) Application 140157 Single Dwelling High Street Fiskerton. IF gave a global view of the situation without committing to any particular course of action. The residents affected by the development were advised to speak to their landlord. If the development proceeds the resident will be affected by a loss of privacy. There will also be a raised risk as additional vehicles would be expected to access and egress the site on a bend where visibility is poor. Clerk to post the PC comments on the WLDC planning portal.
b) Application - 140025 removal of phone box - 90-day consultation. Clerk to respond to the consultation and asked that the phone box be retained for emergency use.
c) Although not on the agenda a discussion about the siting of shipping containers at the old Fiskerton Airfield took place. It was said that the containers are a temporary measure until a barn has been erected. A councillor queried why would planning consent be required for a shipping container on the airfield when a dwelling at Ferry Road Fiskerton has a shipping container outside. CD said it was to do with permitted development rights and the shipping container at Ferry road has met all requirements.
A councillor also queried the location of the proposed barn and said the Fiskerton /Reepham Boundary is Moor Lane so if the afore mentioned barn is intended to replace the containers it will be within the parish of Fiskerton. No was action proposed.
13.0 Neighbourhood Plan Report
13.1 CD reported the NOP questionnaire has gone to print. It will be delivered to and collected from all households in Fiskerton. It was noted that people can volunteer to witness the opening of the questionnaires which will be opened and analysed by independent people.
CD to add on the return envelope a question to ask if they wish to observe the opening.
14.1To receive observations of County and District Councillors
14.2 IF report as previously circulated. IF also gave an appraisal of the current flooding situation. He has met with the Environment Agency and Local MP Edward Leigh to discuss the issues. IF also reported the level of the River Witham was down 750mm. The river is tidal, and several water holding areas have been emptied.
b) CD said people have been unable to contact the Flood line telephone number. IF assumed; when floods were at their peak, the line would have been overwhelmed.
c) IF to speak to LCC to ask if the road closure notice can be moved closer to Short Ferry.
d) CH said details of the WLDC community awards are on the WLDC website .
e) CD said there has been flooding at St Clements, Meadow Bank and The Ridings
f) The owners of Diamond house sent a message of thanks for the PC support of their planning application.
g) CD said the parish notice board will cost about £30 to repair
h) The Fiskerton website is slowly being updated. AW to upgrade to version 5.4.
i) Report was received from District Councillor Welburn re meeting held with LCC to discuss the construction of parish footpaths.
2. Public Rights of Way (PROW) around Cherry Willingham - Report
District Councillor Anne Welburn has presented plans to Lincolnshire County Council showing current footpaths, footpaths created by Cherry Willingham Parish Council and proposed footpath links to existing footpaths in Cherry Willingham and surrounding villages. She outlined options to fund the construction of the footpaths and details of the proposals had been passed to the County Council for consideration in the Lincoln Transport Strategy which was currently being prepared. She stated that the proposals would benefit health and wellbeing by encouraging cycling and walking.
Members welcomed the proposals and agreed the need for all parties to work together to produce a
Strategy to ensure that the plans were implemented. The proposed construction of a bridge at the Marina to the Water Rail cycle route was welcomed.
Officers stated that they were aware of the proposals adding that the proposals met the criteria of ROWIP 1 and when ROWIP 2 was examined in 2020 the community benefits would be examined. Officers stated that highways were now examining the social value of highways and it was hoped that they would give consideration to routes not used by four wheels.
The suggestion of creating a Project Board comprising representatives of the County Council, the District
Council, the Parish Councils and various other interested bodies to produce a strategy for improving PROW in this area was welcomed. Officers agreed to discuss representation on the Board with District Councillor Anne Welburn.
15.1 Matters for Inclusion on next Agenda
15.2 To review the two open spaces at Holmfield and decide whether pocket parks funding would be of benefit to the community.
16.1 Date of next Meeting
16.2 Monday 16th December 2019 - 7:30pm