February Minutes


Chairman: Cllr Chris Darcel          Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail

E: clerk@fiskerton-lincs.org.uk  Tel: 07305 818857

Minutes of the Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on Thursday 17 February 2022 at 7:30pm in Fiskerton Village Hall

Present: Cllrs S Canner, C Darcel, C Hill, R Wall, A Walker, Mrs M Vail (Clerk), C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr A Welburn, and no members of the public.

Meeting started at 7.30pm

Before the start of the meeting, a developer had been due to speak to Members regarding local matters in relation to the Rural Exception Scheme. However, he had sent apologies.

D/Cllr Darcel proposed that speaking time be limited to 2 mins per person and once per item. At 9.30pm, the meeting would be wound down and outstanding items be deferred to the next meeting.

001/22 Open session: No members of the public were present.

002/22 Apologies for absence:  Cllr P Whitt (holiday)

003/22 Declaration of interests: None.

004/22 Approve notes of meeting of 8 November 2021 as a true record:

With the addition of amendments; it was RESOLVED to approve the notes as a true record:

The clerk was thanked for her detailed minutes.

005/22 Approve notes of extraordinary meeting held on 18 October 2021 as a true record:

RESOLVED with one abstention (AW) to approve the notes as a true record. Action: clerk

006/22 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors including:

i. To note receipt of reports:

Reports from C/Cllr Fleetwood and D/Cllr Welburn have been circulated.

C/Cllr Fleetwood – street lights requiring attention have been reported, and some repaired.

Following a report by SC that someone had run over a verge looked after by a resident, C/Cllr Fleetwood advised that the matter should go to LCC as the responsible organisation.  LCC are not in favour of obstacles being placed: this raises concerns over potential liability. The resident may also be open to liability.

RW has reported street signs requiring attention to WLDC, noting particularly that Plough Lane is a cause of concern, as sat navs recognise it as Orchard Road.  The two streets originally had the signs installed the wrong way round. Noted that the historical Plough House is on Orchard Lane. WLDC had advised that, if residents wanted the signs swapping; and if FPC wished to make it an issue, they would do something about it. Each residence then may need readdressing at the Post Office. RESOLVED unanimously that FPC takes this up as an issue.  Action: RW to chat with residents.

ii. Update on Queen’s Jubilee tree:

D/Cllr Welburn handed over the sapling and plaque; and was thanked.

D/Cllr Hill – nothing to report.

D/Cllr Darcel – nothing to report.

007/22 Chairman’s report:

Suggested reducing the detail in the minutes; however, it was also noted that the minutes stand as the FPC’s stance so some detail is useful.   Action: all to review minutes of a nearby parish council.  Action: Clerk: item for next meeting.

Noted that Morris Homes had confirmed they would be happy with planting if FPC wants to plant the open space up once in ownership.  Action: Clerk to circulate Morris Homes email.

Asked if the VHMC had sought FPC’s permission before bolting the VH sign to FPC’s play area fencing.  AW confirmed that this was temporary until weather allows for concreting in.

Noted that he had approached Langleys Solicitors regarding comments made by AW on the VH deeds – Langleys considered that the VHMC were responsible for the maintenance and repairs of the VH.

008/22 To consider, if required, the talk from developer regarding local matters in relation to the Rural Exception Scheme: The developer had sent apologies.



a. To resolve to receive the following schedule of payments and receipts for November and December 2021; and January 2022:

RESOLVED unanimously to receive the following schedule:


Carpenters Arms, defib parts (+ spares), £278.00 + £57.39 = £335.39

Sage, payroll & accounts package, Nov 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Sage, payroll & accounts package, Dec 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Sage, payroll & accounts package, Jan 2022, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin Media, phone handset, Nov 2021, £7.00

Virgin Media, phone handset, Dec 2021, £7.00

Virgin Media, phone handset, Jan 2022, £7.00

Virgin media call package, Nov 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Virgin media call package, Dec 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Virgin media call package, Jan 2022, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Clerk, salary, Nov 2021, £475.84 (inc 7 additional hours worked)

Clerk, salary, Dec 2021, £412.26

Clerk, salary, Jan 2022, £412.26

PAYE, Nov 2021, £45.80

PAYE, Dec 2021, £30.00

PAYE, Jan 2022, £30.00

LCC Pension, Nov, £154.56

LCC Pension, Dec, £131.04

LCC Pension, Jan 2022, £131.04

Village Hall hire for FPC meetings on 2/8/21 and 23/8/21, £48.00

Village hall office rent Sept 2020 – Aug 2021, £1200.00

Banner printing of date insert, £20.00 + £4.00 VAT = £24.00

Glendale, October, £188.54 + £37.71 VAT = £226.25

McAfee Annual fee, £69.99

Postage (Return signed solicitor papers), £7.65

Village hall hire for FPC meetings Oct and Nov, £48.00

Cleaning of bus shelters and play area, £260.00 + £52.00 = £312.00

Rudies Roots, planting stone trough, £80.00 + £15.00 VAT = £95.00

PWLB, £1026.27

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £5152.63 + £182.57 = £5335.20


Interest, Nov, 0.63p

Interest, Dec, 0.61p

Interest, Jan, 0.61

WLDC grant, village hall roof repair, £5897.78

LCC, grass cut contribution, £673.47

EDF, £84.19

British Gas, £1306.99


AW confirmed that EDF and British Gas receipts are transferred to the reserves and allocated to the Lark Energy Reserve Account.

b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts for February 2022:

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the payments as listed below. Action: clerk

RESOLVED unanimously to accept once a year as per Financial Regulations.

Sage, payroll & accounts package, Feb 2022, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin media call package, Feb 2022, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Virgin Media, phone handset, Feb 2022, £7.00

Clerk, salary, Feb 2022, £412.26

PAYE, Feb 2022, £30.00

LCC Pension, Feb 2022, £131.04

Village Hall hire for FPC meetings, £48.00

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £655.76 + £5.49 = £661.25

010/22 To consider trialling NatWest free accounting package:

The Clerk is to look into this package. Action: Clerk

011/22 To approve the LALC Annual Subscription fees for 2022 – 23 of £295.62:

RESOLVED unanimously to approve renewal of the annual fees at £295.62.  Action: clerk

012/22 To consider whether to join LALC’s Annual Training Scheme at £110.00 + VAT

RESOLVED unanimously to join the ATS at £110.00 + VAT. Action: clerk

013/22 To receive update on national pay award 2021/22:

The award is still to be agreed. 

014/22 Paying for domain and linked emails – approve payment to renew; as required:

Noted that:

it had been resolved in June 2021 to review matters in June 2023.  A lot of information on the old website remains to be transferred across to the new website; and to not renew the annual fee would result in losing this information and the linked councillor emails. Action: Clerk to circulate details of a possible helper.

The invoice is awaited, with payment due in early March. 

Only one councillor not complied with a resolution to have a FPC specific email linked to the old website, instead they have set up their own parish councillor specific email. A proposal by AW that advice is sought on a councillor not complying with a resolved democratic decision, was not seconded, therefore was not voted on.

015/22 Consider grass cutting quotes for 2022 season in conjunction with letter received

about churchyard cuts:

Of three companies approached, only two had quoted.The Church had expressed unhappiness about the current contractor and damage caused to the path.They also advised that they are looking to rewild parts of the churchyard, which will impact on grass cutting.

RESOLVED unanimously to:

Accept the quote from Glendale at £3167.52 + VAT

Tell Glendale that FPC and the Church are not happy, and require that grass is cut without damaging headstones

Tell Glendale that the Church are considering rewilding areas

Request a churchyard specification asap.

016/22 To consider approaching the VHMC with a view to jointly signing the Miller Mockford Winkworth trust document of 2005 and submitting asap it to the Charities Commission as an amendment (Requested by CD for clarification ahead of setting the budget for 22/23):

AW advised that there is no attached plan to the document, as referred to in the document, therefore it is incomplete and it is unknown what is being referred to. As such, it cannot be signed. The VHMC had had two concerns: 1) why was it not signed in 2004; is there an issue or concern with it; and 2) if it had been signed, the signed copy has been lost.

AW noted that if the recommendations from Langley’s Solicitors nearly 2 years previously had been followed, this matter would have been sorted 2 years ago, and that every time FPC tries to sort matters, CD had vetoed further involvement. 

AW noted that FPC cannot, as a parish council, make amendments, therefore the correct course of action for FPC is to request that the VHMC make amendments in line with the recommendations made by Langleys Solicitors. CD then suggested a proposal to move the process forward by following this advice given 2 years ago. SC suggested adopting the Langley’s letter of 2 years ago.

Following a proposal by AW, seconded by SC, it was RESOLVED unanimously to write to the VHMC to make amendments to the constitution in line with Langley’s recommendations.  Action: Clerk

017/22 To revisit the setting of the precept, and the earmarked reserves discussed in the November 2021 meeting (CD, CH):

CD expressed concerns that too much money is in FPC’s reserves allocated to the VHMC (£17,000) and that AW will request to spend it all.  CD considers that £10,000 is a more equitable amount to request for roofing.

AW noted that FPC had committed to £10,000 if required; and confirmed that £7,000 could be reallocated to the play area/equipment if so wished.

A proposal by CD, seconded by CH, to keep the reserve down to £10,000 was not voted on.

RESOLVED to leave the reserve at £17,000. 

018/22 To approve final budget for 2022/23:

RESOLVED to approve the final budget.

019/22 To ratify time sensitive decision to submit a precept final figure of £23,970.00 to WLDC:

RESOLVED unanimously to ratify time sensitive decision to submit a precept final figure of £23,970.00 to WLDC. Action: clerk

020/22 Update on Internal auditor services and approve as required at £40:

The Internal Auditor is available for this year, then will stop offering this service.  RESOLVED to engage their services for the 2021/22 internal audit at a cost of £40.00. Action: clerk

PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:

021/22 Neighbourhood Plan: to receive update from NP Committee:

There has been no meeting recently.  Action: Clerk to seek residents to join the NPG via Fiskerton News. Action: Clerk to chase Central Lincs Local Plan for response to our submission to them as this is required to help inform development of the NP.

022/22 Approve submission of letter to WLDC and developers re FISKERTON AIRFIELD SOLAR FARM PLANNING APPLICATION 142117:

CH declared an interest, being a member of WLDC’s Planning Committee.

This refers to the new solar farm either side of Reepham Road. RW had drafted a letter which lists FPC’s objections to the initial application. AW noted additional points; including that the plan has been revised slightly and the 2 mtr footpath is now a 4mtr footpath to run along the edge of Reepham Road towards Reepham. AW suggests contacting the developer to see if the path is to be tarmac.

Fiskerton residents are unhappy that they had not had opportunity to consult, unlike neighbouring parish, Reepham, despite the proposed farm to be located in Fiskerton parish.

C/Cllr Fleetwood advised that the only way to have an original decision removed is for the owner of the site/the permission to rescind the permission they have.

RESOLVED to issue a letter. Action: clerk 

UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:

023/22 Repairs to Village Hall roof to include

i. to receive update from VHRR Committee:

AW read out an update report. Action: Clerk to promote temporary closure of play area to rear/side of VH in Fiskerton News (March and April editions).

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the report and its contents.

ii. agree to obtaining quote from solicitor to remove current restriction on title register as flagged up by grant provider:

One quote has been received of £660.00 + VAT.  Action: Clerk to obtain second quote.

iii. resolve to close play area for duration of repairs:

This had been RESOLVED by the Committee.

iv. Approve contract to be issued to builder:

This had been RESOLVED by the Committee.

024/22 Transfer of land from Morris Homes to include:

i. To receive update:

FPC’s solicitor has advised that the seller’s solicitor is now holding their signed Transfers and that FPC’s solicitor is preparing its files for completion.  In addition, FPC’s solicitor requires a rough valuation for each of the two parcels of land so it can deal with the insurance and calculate the registration fees.  FPC will then be issued with a completion statement and proceed to completion of the Transfers.

ii. To ratify time sensitive decision to reply to solicitor agreeing to pay £567.42 balance of search fees; and approve this expenditure:

RESOLVED unanimously to ratify this time sensitive decision.

iii. To ratify time sensitive decision on the value of each parcel of land to allow solicitor to obtain quotations for the chancel repair liability insurance:

RESOLVED unanimously that each parcel of land should be valued at £5,000.00. Action: Clerk

025/22 Holmfield Open Space Committee:

i. to receive update:

Queried whether a Committee was required given that it was pointless carrying out a survey of residents due to restrictive covenants in place.  Agreed that the Committee would have purpose once FPC is in ownership of the Open Spaces; at which point a meeting should be held.

026/22 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Event:

i. to receive update:

The VHMC will, on 3rd June, hold a celebration of the new roof and a Jubilee party.  This leaves the 5th June free for FPC to arrange something if it so wishes.

ii. to resolve on any required decisions:

RESOLVED unanimously to apply for WLDC’s Jubilee grant to fund commemorative coins for children in the parish.  Action: Clerk

iii. consider clerk’s request for event details to allow for application to WLDC for a grant of £750.00:

FPC is proceeding with commemorative coins, therefore no event details were needed.

027/22 Five-mile bridge: to receive update from clerk:

A new concrete ramp has been installed; with appreciation and thanks having being received from some residents for FPC’s efforts in achieving this result. Noted that the non-slip coating on the bridge is wearing/or has worn thin.

At 9.29pm, C/Cllr Fleetwood and D/Cllr Welburn left the meeting.

028/22 Carpenter’s Arms defibrillator:

i. Approve time sensitive expenditure for replacement parts (+ spares) at £278.00 + £57.39 VAT = £344.34:

RESOLVED unanimously to ratify this time sensitive decision

ii. Consider relocation to the village hall and to buy a replacement cabinet:

Noted that a competent installer, and a certificate of installation will be required.  Action: Clerk to request help of ex-Cllr Brereton.

iii. Consider appointing a Councillor as nominated person responsible for both defibrillators:

Action: Clerk to approach ex-Cllr Brereton.

029/22 Update on outstanding jobs as follows:

i. Introduction of additional policies:

Several draft policies are in hand – to be brought to the next meeting for approval to adopt.

ii Office sort out:  Clerk and AW to liaise for work to be done during the roof repairs.

iii. Putting old minutes onto website:

To date, all 20 sets of minutes have been uploaded in PDF format; and 4 sets have been posted in accessible format.  Noted that the 2017 minutes are not on the website so these also require uploading (although accessible format is not required for these).

iv. Consider cloud-based storage system:

CD thought that 10TB are available at a cost. Action: CD

v. Setting up of FPC specific email addresses:

All councillors have FPC specific email addresses linked to the old website; with the exception of Cllr Darcel who has set up a separate, FPC specific email address. 

vi. Post lockdown event first weekend of June: See above.

vii. Hodgson Trust agreement – adding bees into agreement:

Confirmed that the request had been to specify within the agreement that bees are classed as livestock, therefore not allowed to be kept on the allotments. RW noted that a Hodgson Trust meeting had been held on 17th February 2021.

At this point in the meeting (9.45pm) it was agreed to defer items 30 – 42 inclusive to the March 2022 meeting.

030/22 To ratify time sensitive decision to reschedule meetings to the following dates due to work on Village Hall roof as follows: Monday 7th March, 2022; No meeting in April 2022:

RESOLVED to ratify the time sensitive decision.

031/22 Matters for inclusion on next agenda: None

032/22 Date of next meeting: Monday 7th March 2022, 7.30pm, Fiskerton Village Hall. 

Mrs Michelle Vail  Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                 

Dated 02.03.22



VHRR Summary for FPC 17 Feb 2022

The VHRR committee met on the 8 Feb 2022 and the minutes from that meeting have been circulated. The cttee paid thanks to KB for his contributions and noted how valuable these had been. The pre-construction phase plan has been sent to and agreed by the contractor, ARMA roofing, who have in return sent us their risk assessments, COSHH assessments and method statement. The contractor has been able to acquire a higher performing tile which he recommends we install at no increased cost to us, the cttee agreed these should be installed. The contractor has also said he will allow a decorator in the hall while the external repairs are ongoing and allow them to use his scaffolding tower at no additional cost so we are actively chasing quotes for decorating. The funding from WLDC has been received. The National Lottery Community Fund (TNLCF) will make payment to the PC in arrears once the work is complete. The Bernard Sunley Foundation, require a contract to be in place before they will release their funding, AW in conjunction with the clerk produced a draft contract, which, after discussing the concerns raised by Cllr Darcel, has been approved for use by the cttee. The contract has been signed by both parties and sent to Bernard Sunley so we should receive their money soon. As this payment will be made to the VHMC some of the Hosgsons trust money will be needed to cover the VAT against it. The cttee agreed that the remaining balance of the Hodgsons Trust money will be used to pay for the decorating with any left over being given to the VHMC for furnishings. In addition to this the VHMC will be contributing £180 and the PC £1754, the PC will also fund the outstanding VAT then reclaim it back at the end of the year. A contingency fund of £21,366 exists if snags arise, comprising £4300 from TNLCF, £4000 from the Hodgson trust, £4820 from the VHMC and £8246 from the PC. Chairman . The work is scheduled to start on Monday 14 March and WLDC building control have been made aware. During the work an area around the hall, including the football nets at the rear of the hall, will be fenced off and closed to the public. The cttee have requested that the clerk mentions this in the March and April parish newsletters. There is a pre-work prep session planned for Sunday 13 March at 15:00 if anyone is available the help will be appreciated. When the work is complete an opening event is being planned for Friday 3 June, and it is hoped a celebrity will attend, the current short list is, Sir Edward Leigh or Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, if there are any other suggestions, please let us know. During the work control of entry into the work site and the hall will be strictly controlled by the contractor, nobody is to attempt to gain entry without first gaining his approval. Also, the nominated point of contact for all communication with the contractor is AW therefore all official communication with the contractor is to be routed through him