November minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on Thursday 3RD November 2022 at 7:30pm in Fiskerton Village Hall.
Present:  Cllrs K Brereton, C Darcel, C Hill, A Walker, P Whitt, Mrs M Vail (Clerk)
D/Cllr A Welburn, C/Cllr I Fleetwood
No members of the public were present.
Meeting started at 7.30pm
197/22 Open session: No members of the public were present. 
198/22 Apologies for absence: None.
199/22 Declaration of interests: None.
200/22 Approve notes of meeting of 3rd October 2022 as a true record:
RESOLVED that the minutes were a true record and they were duly signed.
During this item, reference was made to the solar panel farm; payments for the Christmas tree; and speeding in the village.  However, these comments did not relate to accuracy of the minutes, therefore the minutes were not amended.
201/22 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:
C/Cllr I Fleetwood:
o during the recent road closure of Greetwell Road, litter picking had taken place between Cherry Willingham and Lincoln. Litter levels coming towards Fiskerton were not as bad.
o on the A158, speeds of up to 112mph in a 40mph zone have been recorded.
o is undertaking his annual audit of street lights and reporting faulty ones to LCC. These are usually fixed within two weeks.
o Noted that Fix My Street can be used to report Highways faults.
o following a query from Cllr K Brereton concerning street lights in some areas remaining on when they would be expected to be off, he advised that the lights operate on sensors.  Power cuts and clock changes can affect the lighting; and some lights are left on by LCC.
D/Cllr A Welburn:
o her Oct 2022 report has been circulated.
o She will be touring the local area with the new community policing inspector on 11th November 2022 should councillors wish to meet them/highlight local issues.
D/Cllr C Darcel: advised of a planning application in respect of a battery pack near the 
            Star Energy site in Reepham parish.
D/Cllr C Hill: nothing to report.
202/22 Chairman’s report:
o He will trim the grass at the war memorial and plant up ahead of Remembrance Day. An offer from Lincolnshire Co-op to voluntarily clean up the war memorial, lay fresh gravel, and litter pick has been accepted. Noted that each Co-op employee has 16 hrs per year to undertake volunteer work; and they can be used for small-scale community projects.
o The Witham Valley Access Group is holding its AGM at 7pm on 28th November in Fiskerton Village Hall; and there is an open invitation for all councillors to attend.  It is hoped that Fiskerton residents will become involved in the group.
o Confirmed that, although the Christmas tree is located at the Village Hall, FPC is buying a tree for the whole village and not a tree for the village hall alone.
a. To resolve to receive the following payments/receipts schedule for Sept 2022:
RESOLVED to receive the following schedule.
* Sage, payroll & accounts package, Sept, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80
* Virgin media call package, Sept, £9.45 + £1.88 VAT = £11.33
* Virgin Media, phone handset, Sept, £7.00
* ICO, £35.00
TOTAL = £70.45 + £5.68 = £76.13
* Interest, Sept, £3.69
* EDF, £334.31
TOTAL = £338.00
b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts for Oct/Nov 2022:
RESOLVED to approve payment of the following accounts.  Action: Clerk
A query was made regarding the possibility of reclaiming VAT on the purchase of the winter bedding plants. (Note: a VAT receipt is required).
* Clerk, salary, Oct, £432.27
* Clerk, salary, Nov, £432.27
* PAYE, Oct, £45.00
* PAYE, Nov, £45.00
* Pension, Oct, £141.42
* Pension, Nov, £141.42
* Sage, payroll & accounts package, Oct, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80
* Sage, payroll & accounts package, Nov, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80
* Virgin media call package, Oct, £9.45 + £1.88 VAT = £11.33
* Virgin Media, phone handset, Oct, £7.00
* Virgin media call package, Nov, £9.45 + £1.88 VAT = £11.33
* Virgin Media, phone handset, Nov, £7.00
* Glendale, Grasscuts, Sept, £227.97 + £45.59 VAT = £273.56 Estimated
* Lambert, Smith, Hampton, Paddock consultancy fees (Oct), £150 + £30 = £180.00
* PKF Littlejohn, audit fees, £200.00 + £40.00 VAT = £240.00
* Cllr A Walker, reimburse for winter bedding plants, £55.50
* Fiskerton Village Hall, Annual Office Rent, £1200.00
TOTAL = £3141.75 + £126.95 = £3268.70        
c. To consider draft budget for 2023/24:
Three draft budget options had been prepared: one to increase the budget, another to reduce the budget, and a third ‘middle ground’ budget. The Chairman provided a summary of these.  Noted that LCC and the police comprise the two biggest elements of the Council Tax demand, of which a parish council precept forms only a part. Further noted that WLDC are likely to approve a 6% increase on their budget.
Noted that FPC has not raised its precept in 3 years.  D/Cllr A Welburn advised that it is good strategy to always raise the precept so as not to fall behind with inflation.
Following consideration, RESOLVED to increase the budget, with three in favour of the increase; and two in favour of reducing the budget.  
d. To resolve on precept estimate to be submitted to WLDC by 25 November 2022:
RESOLVED with three for, and two against, to submit a precept estimate of £25,051.28 to WLDC.  Action: Clerk.  Noted that the final precept demand will be submitted to WLDC in January 2023.
Cllr A Walker then ran through the budget allocations in more depth including the following points:
o VAT – need a pot of money set aside initially in order to pay VAT, although VAT is reclaimable.  
o Agreed to rename ‘Holmfield hedges and maintenance’ as ‘Property Maintenance’, and to reallocate funds.  Action:  Cllr A Walker to update finance sheets and recirculate ahead of January 2023 meeting.
o Church clock – biannual maintenance.  Action:  Cllr A Walker to liaise with Rev Penny Green.
e. Resolve to remain with Natwest accounting package until April 2023 (special motion):
As Sage Accounting has not been used whilst trialling Nat West; it will be too time-consuming to update Sage from the start of the financial year.  Therefore, RESOLVED to continue with Natwest for this financial year then to decide how to proceed for 2023/24 in Spring 2023.
f. Note IGAS Community Grant Fund 2023 has opened:
RESOLVED to apply in respect of speed indicator devices for the village. Action:  Cllr A Walker, Clerk
PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:
204/22 Neighbourhood Plan: nothing to report. Noted that it appears that the old Neighbourhood Plan Group and previous FPC remain in contact with the Church Commissioners, which will cause confusion.  Therefore, RESOLVED to write to the Church Commissioners including to advise that the current FPC is the correct authority to deal with, and to set up a Spring meeting.  The outcomes from the Spring meeting will allow the new FPC (following the May 2023 elections) to drive matters forward. Action:  Cllr A Walker to draft letter.  Action: Clerk to issue letter.
205/22 Central Lincolnshire Local Plan: a submission by an ex-councillor has been recorded by the CLLP Examinations team as FPC’s submission, but it does not reflect FPC’s views nor FPC’s 2021 submissions. A seat has been secured at the CLLP hearings on 24th November 2022, and Cllr A Walker will submit written correspondence and attend.  Although he will be there as an individual and not as a councillor, his individual views are the same as FPC’s views. Noted that one spectator may attend, but a place must be booked for them.
C/Cllr I Fleetwood and D/Cllr A Welburn both left the meeting at 8.59pm.
Cllr K Brereton left the meeting at 9pm, returning at 9.02pm.
206/22 Solar Farm phase 2 – negative impact on countryside:
Concerns were expressed regarding the size and negative impact of the solar panels on the locality; and noted that an official public right of way footpath has been built over.  Apart from a judicial review, which is prohibitively expensive, it was agreed that there is nothing which FPC can do.
NEW ITEMS: to consider and agree actions as required:
207/22 Draft constitution documents for Village Hall: car park agreement, play area agreement, and Village Hall Management Committee constitution – any update from Charity Commissioners: A response is still awaited.
208/22 Consider required works and risk assessments arising from ROSPA Annual play inspection report:
The 2022 ROSPA report has flagged up concerns about the boundary wall.  However, the wall was risk assessed after the 2021 ROSPA report had raised similar concerns; and trees were subsequently removed.  The current Risk Assessment is nearly completed and will be given to the Clerk for filing.
UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:
209/22 To review Action Log:
The Action Log was reviewed, with updates given on outstanding actions as below, and in following items:
o Jubilee coins have been donated to the school, who were very grateful.
The Clerk left the meeting during this item, at 9.25pm, returning at 9.32pm.
210/22 Carpenter’s Arms defibrillator – due to be installed at the village hall. 
211/22 Village Gateway Project: approve expenditure: 
LCC have advised that three gateway signs with the required artwork will cost £1099.93, and that they can place the works order as a ‘minor’ job which will help the installation to be to be completed more quickly. These will replace the existing signs and will use the existing posts. RESOLVED, one against (CD), to approve expenditure.  Action: Clerk
212/22 Drafting of bullying protocols:
CD had circulated some information for consideration at a future meeting.  Action:  Cllr A Walker to recirculate.
213/22 CD’s approach to WLDC Enforcement regarding field on the South side of Ferry Road - just to the west of the Fishing Lake and opposite Fiskerton Wood:
Noted that further development appears to be taking place; and that the matter is with WLDC’s Enforcement Team.  RESOLVED to wait for WLDC Enforcement Officers to act.   
214/22 Paddock:
An offer has been issued to the land owners to purchase the Paddock.  A response is awaited.
215/22 Remaining Lottery grant money:
The remaining 5% of the grant money has been claimed and paid. The VHMC have approved various items for purchase. The decorator has been instructed to proceed, and the Clerk is actioning the remaining purchases. Action: Clerk
216/22 Matters for inclusion on next agenda: None
217/22 Set dates for 2023: 
RESOLVED to set the following dates with a new meeting start time of 7pm.:
Jan 19th, Feb 16th, March 16th, April 20th; May 18th, May 25th (APM), June 15th, July 20th, Sept 21st, Oct 19th, Nov 16th (no meetings in August or December)
During this item, the Clerk left the meeting at 9.46pm, returning at 9.52pm.
218/22 Resolve to move into Closed Session as the following contains information of a sensitive nature:
RESOLVED to move into Closed Session as the following contains information of a sensitive nature. 
219/22 Review of property managed by FPC:
Following review, RESOLVED to write to a resident in respect of matters which they had raised. Action: Clerk
Meeting ended at 9.58pm
Mrs Michelle Vail  Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council         Dated 16.11.22