March 2022 Minutes


Chairman: Cllr Chris Darcel          Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail

E:  Tel: 07305 818857

Minutes of the Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on Monday 7th March 2022 at 7:30pm in Fiskerton Village Hall

Present: Cllrs S Canner, C Darcel, C Hill, R Wall, A Walker, P Whitt, Mrs M Vail (Clerk), C/Cllr I Fleetwood, and two members of the public.

Meeting started at 7.30pm

033/22 Open session: One member of the public noted that access onto Five Mile Bridge is much improved following recent installation of a concrete ramp.

034/22 Apologies for absence: D/Cllr A Welburn

035/22 Declaration of interests: None

036/22 Approve notes of meeting of 17th February 2022 as a true record:

With one amendment, it was RESOLVED with one abstention (PW) to approve the notes as a true record:

037/22 Agree how detailed meeting minutes should be:

It was acknowledged that producing minutes takes up too much of the Clerk’s time; and that they contain far more detail than what is legally required to be recorded. It was noted that agendas and meetings are too long: however, this reflects that FPC is an active Council with many projects ongoing. Opinion was split with some preferring more succinct minutes; but others wishing to retain the current level of detail. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk produces more succinct minutes. 

038/22 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors including:

i. To note receipt of reports: Received from C/Cllr Fleetwood and D/Cllr Welburn

D/Cllr Hill – nothing to report

D/Cllr Darcel – having attended a recent meeting (Director of Health – LCC); and noting the levels of Covid infection in the County; he acknowledged that health and wellbeing is important in Fiskerton.  RW noted that it was a shame the Paddock had not been acquired in 2019; and that CD had been responsible for the village not getting the Paddock at that time.

039/22 Chairman’s report:

A pothole outside the old shop requires reporting to LCC.  Action: clerk

A resident had contacted CD about the two Holmfield footpaths; these have been added to LCC’s maintenance list.

Regarding the riverbank from Five Mile Bridge toward Cherry Willingham, the farmer this year is keeping sheep on the riverbank.  He had asked if FPC would provide signs asking for dogs to be kept on leads; but it is not FPC land.  (see item  066/22 below). Action: Clerk to include in Fiskerton News article.



a. To resolve to receive the following schedule of payments/receipts Feb 2022:

RESOLVED unanimously to receive the following schedule:


Sage, payroll & accounts package, Feb 2022, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin media call package, Feb 2022, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Virgin Media, phone handset, Feb 2022, £7.00

Clerk, salary, Feb 2022, £412.26

PAYE, Feb 2022, £30.00

LCC Pension, Feb 2022, £131.04

Village Hall hire for FPC meetings, £48.00

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £655.76 + £5.49 = £661.25


Interest, Feb, 0.55p

Hodgson Trust, VH roof repair, £5000.00


b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts for March 2022:

RESOLVED unanimously to approve payments.  Action: clerk

Sage, payroll & accounts package, March 2022, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin media call package, March 2022, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Virgin Media, phone handset, March 2022, £7.00

Clerk, salary, March 2022, £611.94 – (inc. 22 additional hrs on website/policy work)

PAYE, March 2022, £79.80- (inc. 22 additional hrs on website/policy work)

LCC Pension, March 2022, £204.96 - (inc. 22 additional hrs on website/policy work)

Village Hall hire for FPC meetings, £48.00

Old website annual fees – TBC

J Vail, work on accessible website documents, £100.00

Clerk printing costs, £27.90

TOTAL TO BE PAID exc annual fees = £1107.06 + £5.49 = £1112.55

041/22 National Pay Award agreed at 1.75% – approve expenditure for clerk’s salary, pension payments backdated to 1/4/21.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve.  Action: Clerk

042/22 To resolve to approve the following routine April payments in the absence of an April meeting:

Sage, payroll & accounts package, April 2022, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin media call package, April 2022, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Virgin Media, phone handset, April 2022, £7.00

Clerk, salary, PAYE, Pension, April 2022, to include pay increase.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve.  Action: Clerk

043/22 To resolve that the clerk pays any other April payments in the absence of an April meeting, following circulation of those accounts to councillors for approval to pay

RESOLVED unanimously to approve.  Action: Clerk

044/22 To receive bank reconciliations Oct – Dec 2021:

RESOLVED unanimously to receive.

045/22 To receive spend to date against budget April 2021 – Feb 2022:

RESOLVED unanimously to receive.

046/22 Review asset register: RESOLVED to approve the asset register as previously circulated.

047/22 Any feedback on trialling NatWest free accounting package:

Initial research into this package is favourable, and it is possible to run payroll as well.Therefore, RESOLVED unanimously for a 3-month trial period (April, May and June 2022). Action: Clerk

048/22 Consider any change to grass cutting quotes for 2022 season due to church rewilding project

The Church has provided a specification for their project; and the Clerk has again pointed out to the contractor previous damage in the churchyard; suggesting that hand mowing or strimming might be a better option. Based on the aforementioned, the appointed contractor has quoted an extra £392.64 + VAT for the whole year over their original quote. RESOLVED unanimously to approve this additional expenditure forone year. Action: Clerk

Standing Orders were suspended to allow one resident to speak – she noted that she has been cutting grass outside her property when it should be cut by the responsible authority’s contractor. The Clerk suggested that some residents prefer to maintain verges outside their properties themselves, and that the contractor may think this is the case here. Standing Orders then resumed.

PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:

049/22 Neighbourhood Plan: to receive update from NP Committee:

The next meeting is expected to take place mid-late May.

CH declared an interest in the following items as she sits on WLDC’s Planning Committee

050/22 144403: extension to existing brewery: Ferry Hill Farm, LN3 4HU:

RESOLVED that there are no objections:  Action: Clerk

051/22 144265: erect closed circuit television (CCTV) system and the placing of a storage container: Fiskerton Airfield, Reepham Road, Fiskerton:

RESOLVED that there are no objections:  Action: Clerk

052/22 144466: application for 2 oak frame car ports: Swallow Grange Nelson Road; LN3 4ER:

RESOLVED that there are no objections:  Action: Clerk

UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:

053/22 Repairs to Village Hall roof to include

i. to receive update from VHRR Committee:

A meeting had been held recently with the roofer; and work commences on 14th March 2022.  Some of the Hodgson Trust grant needs to be used towards some of the decorating costs, and also towards some VAT payments (note: some grant monies have been paid to the VHMC, not to FPC, therefore the VAT on these monies cannot be reclaimed by FPC). Two decorator quotes had been obtained and were considered.  RESOLVED to accept the J. Canner quote at £3200.00 with 4 in favour and 2 abstentions (RW, SC). Action: AW

ii. consider quotes from solicitors to remove current restriction on title register as flagged up by grant provider:

Two quotes had been received. Noted that, as the current restriction has time expired, it is not doing any harm as is, therefore FPC will not be proceeding in this matter.  Noted that it would be useful to obtain a letter from the National Lottery once all invoices have been paid to confirm that they have no further interest.

054/22 Transfer of land from Morris Homes to include:

i. To receive update:

Confirmation has been given to the solicitor to complete/date the Transfers as soon as Morris Homes are ready.  Following receipt by our solicitor of quotes for the potential of chancel repair liability and calculation of Land Registry Fees, a completion statement has now been provided to FPC, and there will be a balance due back to FPC of £153.42. Action: Clerk

055/22 Holmfield Open Space Committee:

i. to receive update:

The Committee will become active once FPC is in ownership of the land.

056/22 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee:

i. to resolve on required decisions for purchasing commemorative coins:

RESOLVED to offer coins to those aged 16 and under; and for any spare coins to be offered to older ages.  RESOLVED to purchase 250 enamelled coins in PVC wallets; and if the application for a WLDC Jubilee grant is not successful, that FPC will fund the coins itself.  SC was thanked for suggesting this idea. Action: Clerk

057/22 Carpenter’s Arms defibrillator:

i. To receive update: Plans to relocate this to the village hall are in hand.

058/22 Plough Lane – naming of: Action: RW to talk to residents.

059/22 Update on outstanding jobs as follows:

i. Introduction of additional policies – several are ready for approval.

ii. Office sort out: Clerk and AW to liaise for work to be done during the roof repairs.

iii. Putting old minutes onto website: Work progresses.

iv. Consider cloud-based storage system:

After considering options, RESOLVED to progress with the Dropbox option.  AW can set this up and provide a demonstration.  Action: AW

v. Village Gateway Project:

LCC have replied with a named point of contact; and an apology for not responding sooner.  AW is liaising with the LCC contact who will meet with FPC for a site visit.  Action: AW

One resident left the meeting at 8.40pm.

NEW ITEMS: to consider and agree actions as required:

060/22 To ratify time sensitive response to LCC ref rerouting of Viking Way:

RESOLVED to ratify the submitted response. The route will be clearly waymarked.

061/22 To ratify time sensitive decision to join LCC’s Parish Agreement Scheme – Urban Highway Grass Cutting 2022-23:

RESOLVED to ratify this decision.

062/22 Consider quote of £1100 to fell trees/remove stumps: location: play area adj. boundary wall:

RESOLVED unanimously to approve this quote.  Contractor to be asked to inspect another tree of concern at this location. Action: RW.  Consideration can be given to felling more trees in 2023.

063/22 To discuss the attempts of the district council to interfere in parish issues and undermine the decisions and activities of the Parish council, to include:

A statement was read out by AW; to which CH responded.

i. That the PC write to the editor of the village newsletter saying that our district councillors have no authority to be publicly discussing Parish issues and that they therefore refuse to publish any article relating to parish issues other than the official write up provided by the clerk:

At a proposal by RW, seconded by SC, RESOLVED unanimously that CD does not submit anything to Fiskerton News in respect of the Village Hall Management Committee unless FPC has agreed it first.

ii. That the PC article for the next newsletter includes a statement apologising for the incorrect and misleading information published by the district council and provides the correct figures wrt VH usage, PO subsidy and allocated reserves:

No agreement was reached on this point.

iii. That the PC raises a formal complaint against WLDC for allowing it’s members to behave in a manor to deliberately mislead the public and to undermine the activity of the PC:

At a proposal by CD, seconded by RW, it was RESOLVED with one against (CH) that if AW wishes to complain to WLDC, then CD is happy for him to do so.

064/22 Consider safeguarding concerns regarding a photo taken of Holmfield Open Space:

Both the Police and WLDC’s protection department have confirmed that there has been no safeguarding breach in this instance. The police also provided general advice that a person is entitled to take a photo, especially if it relates to a complaint regarding behaviour.

065/22 To consider using transparency fund money to purchase large TV screen for


The VHMC would need to consider the practicalities of housing a TV; and of obtaining a TV licence.

066/22 To consider whether to pay farmer £400 for access to riverbank for the year 1 May 2022 – 30 April 2023:

The original agreement was for cattle to be kept off the land, but sheep are now there. RESOLVED unanimously to offer £400 to keep all livestock off the riverbank.  Action: Clerk

067/22 To consider offer to FPC of a free file storage cabinet:

The VHMC have discussed this offer.  RESOLVED to accept the offer.   Action: AW, SC

Items 45 and 46 were considered next:

068/22 WLDC Amended Code of Conduct: resolve i) to adopt the amended Code of Conduct (the LGA Model Code - West Lindsey Code - as the Standard by which to work to, and ii) to sign an “undertaking to abide by the Code of Conduct” form which is to be returned to the Monitoring Officer:

RESOLVED to adopt the amended Code of Conduct and to sign the form.  Action: Clerk

069/22 To agree format of APM; and approve expenditure for date panels for banners:

Agreed that the APM format remains as is.  RESOLVED to purchase one additional banner and two date panels.  Action: Clerk

Due to the time elapsed, the meeting was called to a close at 9.32pm; with it being noted that all remaining agenda items will be carried over to the May 2022 meeting. Resident left the meeting after reporting skateboarding at Holmfield.

However, the two further agenda items, as minuted below, were then considered and voted on.  Advice on this situation has been sought from the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC), and LALC has replied that they consider that, as the Chairman allowed the two agenda items to be discussed and a vote take place, then the meeting was clearly still active so the votes stand.

(Clerk’s note: the two items below have been renumbered on the resolution of FPC to match the agenda items they relate to.)

038/22 Consider proposal that the Parish Council consults residents with a view to the Parish Council resigning the role of being Custodian Trustees for the village hall

This proposal was withdrawn by the proposer. 

039/22 To receive a proposal for a vote of no confidence in Cllr Darcel as the Chairman of the Council

AW read out a statement after which a vote of no confidence in the Chairman was carried with 4 votes in favour, and 2 against.

Meeting ended at 9.50pm.

Date of next meeting: Thursday 19th May 2022, 7.30pm, Fiskerton Village Hall. 

Mrs Michelle Vail,  Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council

Dated 06/04/22