May 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on Thursday 19th May 2022 at 7:30pm in Fiskerton Village Hall.

Present:  Cllrs S Canner, C Darcel, C Hill, A Walker, R Wall, P Whitt, C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr A Welburn, Mrs M Vail (Clerk) and one member of the public.

Meeting started at 7.30pm.

070/22 Election of Chairman and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office form:

Cllr A Walker nominated himself, seconded by Cllr P Whitt.In the absence of any other nominees, a vote was taken to appoint Cllr A Walker as Chairman, with 2 against (CD and CH), 2 abstentions (SC and RW) and 2 for (AW and PW).As the outgoing Chairman (CD) had the casting vote, the outcome remained the same.Following further consideration, SC and RW recast their votes in favour, therefore it was RESOLVED that Cllr A Walker be appointed as Chairman for the 2022/23 year. He duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form.SC then thanked the outgoing Cllr C Darcel for his work whilst Chairman.

071/22 Election of Vice Chairman:

Cllr P Whitt was nominated by Cllr A Walker, seconded by Cllr R Wall.  In the absence of any other nominees, it was RESOLVED that Cllr P Whitt be appointed as Vice Chairman for the 2022/23 year.

072/22 Open session: There was no public representation.

073/22 Apologies for absence: None.

074/22 Declaration of interests: None.

075/22 Approve notes of meeting of 7th March 2022 as a true record:

In respect of minute 038/22 on the Paddock, CD opined that, whilst this item was a correct record of what had been said in the meeting, the actual content was incorrect. 

RW noted that the minute numbering did not tally with the agenda numbering on two items.  With amendments to both minute numbers, it was RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a true record. Action: Clerk

076/22 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors including:

i. To note receipt of reports:

From D/Cllr A Welburn (April, May 2022). From Cllr I Fleetwood (May 2022).

C/Cllr I Fleetwood: Some local roads are having chippings applied and, despite the 20mph limit, some drivers are speeding on these surfaces.

There was nothing to report from D/Cllrs A Welburn, C Hill and C Darcel.

077/22 Chairman’s report:

Cllr A Walker advised that this meeting would be in session until 9.30pm, with any outstanding items to be carried over to the next meeting. Subsequent meetings would close once all business on the agenda had been considered.

FPC had, in an earlier meeting, expressed support for making a £500 grant to the VHMC towards a Jubilee event.  A grant application had now been received on the correct paperwork therefore, it was RESOLVED to ratify approval of this request.  Action: Clerk

Following a query by the Chairman concerning the safety of one play area tree (marked no. 5 on plan), RW confirmed that the tree surgeon had assessed the tree and had verbally reported that the tree was safe until it could be reassessed in 2023.  SC confirmed that he had also received the same verbal report.

078/22 School’s headteacher - to acknowledge her loss and consider any request for assistance from the school governors:

AW reported the headteacher’s passing around Eastertime; remarking that she had turned the school around and had left a big hole in the community.  The Chair of Governors, Sally Reeve, has suggested a memorial in the village. 

The Clerk has sent a letter of condolence to the school; and it was suggested that FPC’s School Coordinator (to be reappointed later in this meeting) keeps in close contact with the school and brings back to Council any request for assistance.

079/22 To appoint to the following FPC positions for 2022/23:

Appointments were suggested as follows, with resolutions to accept these to be taken after each block.

Council officer’s appointments

Bank signatories – all members as signatories and all to sign cheques.  Action: Clerk to add PW to mandate.

Member to oversee accounting and finance - AW

Member to oversee personnel, discipline, remuneration - AW

Planning Committee – AW, PW, CD

Village Hall Roof Repair Committee – AW, RW, SC, CH, PW

Neighbourhood Plan organiser/leader – To be absorbed into NP Working Group below

Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – AW, PW, RESIDENTS

Holmfield Open Space Committee – to be disbanded as no requirement for it.

VAS coordinator, charge batteries and move signs – AW, PW

Website master - Clerk

Member to oversee training – Clerk

RESOLVED to approve the above appointments, proposed AW and seconded CD.

Routine Inspections appointments

Flood alleviation scheme inspector - AW

Play area inspector - PW

Bus shelter inspector – AW

Allotments inspector – AW (RW WILL HELP)

Grass cutting inspector – AW

Inspector for public open space fences, gates and signs – PW

RESOLVED to approve the above appointments, proposed AW and seconded CH.

Coordinators appointments

Village Hall – PC are custodian trustees, liaison with VH committee - AW

Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils coordinator - Clerk

LCC Highways liaison – reports and communications - Clerk

Community Hub liaison councillor – this is included within the VHMC. - AW

Public transport liaison councillor - AW

Litter picking coordinator - PW

School coordinator – PW

Village signs/planters project leader/coordinator - AW

Coordinator with Reepham and Cherry Willingham for link footpaths – remove this position and consider any matters within FPC meetings. To also include Witham Valley Access Group matters as required.

RESOLVED to approve the above appointments, proposed AW and seconded CH.



a. To resolve to receive the following schedule of payments and receipts for March/April 2022:

Regarding the 22 additional hours paid to the Clerk, AW noted that Councillors could have written the policies at no cost to FPC. The Clerk advised that she would be happy not to work additional hours. Regarding the CIL receipt, a) Clerk to establish which property it relates to, and b) agenda item on how to manage CIL payments received. Action: Clerk


Sage, payroll & accounts package, March 2022, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin media call package, March 2022, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Virgin Media, phone handset, March 2022, £7.00

Clerk, salary, March 2022, £687.41 – (inc. 22 additional hrs on website/policy work)

PAYE, March 2022, £118.72- (inc. 22 additional hrs on website/policy work)

LCC Pension, March 2022, £234.71 - (inc. 22 additional hrs on website/policy work)

Old website annual fees – £45.96

J Vail, work on accessible website documents, £100.00

Clerk printing costs, £27.90

Insignia, Jubilee coins, £442.50 +£88.50 = £531.00

Sage, payroll & accounts package, April 2022, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin media call package, April 2022, £9.45 + £1.88 VAT = £11.33

Virgin Media, phone handset, April 2022, £7.00

Clerk, salary, April, £410.40

PAYE, April, £39.60

Pension, April 2022, £133.33

Tree Man Dan, £1100.00

M Vail, reimburse TSOHost payment, £6.95 + £1.39 = £8.34

J Canner, decorating, £3200.00

ARMA Roofing, £43,000.00 + £8600.00 = £51,600.00

TOTAL PAID = £49,617.39  + £8701.06   VAT = £58,318.45

RECEIPTS March/April 2022:

Precept, £23970.00

WLDC, CIL payment, £2978.06

VH roof repair monies paid by VHMC (inc grants from Bernard Sunley Foundation and VHMC), £5180.00

National Lottery, £29,321.55

EDF, £46.82

Interest, March, 0.61p

Interest April, £4.51

TOTAL RECEIPTS = £61,501.55

b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts for May 2022:

RESOLVED unanimously to approve payments.  Action: clerk

Following a query from CD concerning grant receipts for the village hall roof repairs, AW provided a summary of these grant payments.

Glendale, Grasscuts, April 2022, £455.94 + £91.18 VAT = £547.12

Allen Signs, APM Banner and date panels, £90.36 + £18.07 = £108.43

Clerk, salary, May, £410.40

PAYE, May, £39.60

Pension, May 2022, £133.33

Sage, payroll & accounts package, April 2022, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin media call package, May 2022, £9.45 + £1.88 VAT = £11.33

Virgin Media, phone handset, May 2022, £7.00

ARMA Roofing, extras, £490.00 + £98.00 = £588.00

Village Hall, Hall hire, meetings in Feb and March, £48.00

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £1703.08 + £212.93 = £1916.01

c. Consider insurance quotes; in conjunction with clarifying whether FPC or VHMC is responsible for insuring the VH car park:

Three quotes had been sought with only one received, which offered a 1-, 3- or 5-year term.  RESOLVED to approve the 5-year long term agreement with Zurich at £570.09 per annum. Action: Clerk

d. Internal audit:

i. To note the contents of the Internal Audit Report 2021/2022:

The Internal Auditor had been able to tick ‘yes’ to each relevant box on the Internal Audit Report (circulated ahead of the meeting), thus confirming that FPC had achieved all relevant internal control objectives throughout the 2021/22 financial year. Proposed by CH and seconded by RW, it was RESOLVED unanimously to note and accept the contents of the Internal Audit Report 2021/2022.

ii. To resolve to approve Section 1- Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022:

Proposed by RW and seconded by SC, it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve Section 1- Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022 (circulated ahead of the meeting).

To resolve to approve Section 2 - Accounting Statements 2021/2022:

Proposed by RW and seconded by SC, it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve Section 2 - Accounting Statements 2021/2022 (circulated ahead of the meeting).

C/Cllr I Fleetwood left the meeting at 8.21pm.

PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:

081/22 Neighbourhood Plan: to receive update from NP Committee:

The Committee has not met recently. Following the earlier reappointment of members, a meeting is expected to be held soon.

082/22 Central Lincs Local Plan Consultation, runs for 8 weeks 16 March- 9 May 2021:

CD and AW have re-submitted the previous submission, with AW adding in an additional paragraph. 

083/22 To approve responses on the following:

144553, 69 Ferry Road, remove existing extension and erect single storey side and rear extension – ratify submission of no objections:

RESOLVED, with one abstention (CH) to ratify this time-sensitive response.

144838, Land at Kosylea, Orchard Road, Fiskerton, outline planning application to erect 1no. dwelling with access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications.       

144839, St Johns, Chapel Road, remove conservatory and erect single storey extension.    

 144880,  Hall Farm Hall Lane, erect a single story farm office building including removal of existing buildings

RESOLVED with one abstention (CH) that there are no objections to the above three applications.  Action: Clerk

UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:

084/22 Repairs to Village Hall roof:

Noted that the contractor had done a very good job.

i. late payment to roofer:

CD considered it very poor not to pay the contractor when his invoice had been first received. AW advised that the contractor had completed the work five weeks earlier than expected. AW reported that the electrical certificate has not been fully filled in; which the contractor is yet to rectify despite having been chased.  Standing Orders were suspended to allow the resident to speak, who advised that BS7671 states that work is not completed until the paperwork has been completed. Standing Orders then resumed. RESOLVED to withhold payment of the outstanding £588.00 until completed paperwork has been received. Action: AW to liaise with contractor.

ii. approve roofer’s additional work costs over the original quote - £588.00:

This relates to damaged solar panel rails and brackets which were required to be replaced.

AW reported that a representative from the National Lottery had visited and was very happy with the project; thereby approving the 5% final payment of £1500.00.  A VHMC H&S policy needs to be in place before the final claim is submitted.

The National Lottery grant included a 10% contingency fund of which £588.00 was allocated to the solar panels replacement parts. The remaining £3810.00, plus £800.00 from the Hodgsons Trust, means there is £4610.00 to spend, therefore the VHMC will write to FPC suggesting possible items which this money could be spent on.  Action: Future agenda item: Clerk

085/22 Transfer of land from Morris Homes

i. To consider one resident’s email that another resident’s recollections about the £10,000 from Morris Homes are completely wrong (as per draft minutes of October 2021):

RESOLVED to respond to resident that that the October 2021 minutes are a correct record of what was said on the night, however right or wrong the recollections are considered to be, and that Parish Council decision making is being informed by official documentation of what happened at the time.  Action: Clerk

086/22 Holmfield Open Space Committee: The Committee was disbanded earlier.

087/22 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee:

i. to note final grant amount awarded by WLDC:

WLDC had awarded £250.00 to match FPC’s contribution. RESOLVED that FPC’s contribution should be taken from the Lark Energy reserve. Action: Clerk

ii. to resolve on process for distributing commemorative coins:

AW has advised the parish through Fiskerton News that the coins will be handed out at the Village Hall Jubilee event to all 16-year-olds and under of the parish. The event has been widely promoted. Unclaimed coins will then be advertised for collection, being extended to include siblings. CD agreed to hand out the coins.

RESOLVED to purchase a promotional banner up to £100.00 + VAT. Action: Clerk

A suggestion was made to plant the Jubilee commemorative tree in the churchyard.  Action: Clerk to approach Revd Penny Green.

D/Cllr A Welburn and the resident left at 9.06pm and 9.07pm respectively.

088/22 Update on outstanding jobs as follows:

i. Introduction of additional policies – see below

ii. Office sort out:

Office files and papers have been sorted through by the Clerk and AW.  Councillors were invited to review the items marked for discarding before the end of the week, after which AW will remove them.  They will be temporarily returned to allow for removal and secure disposal of any sensitive information.  The Clerk will, in due course, review files and folders that have been retained.

The donated cabinet is too big for the storeroom. Agenda item. Action: Clerk

iii. Putting old minutes onto website: Work is ongoing.

iv. Consider cloud-based storage system: Work is ongoing.

v. Village Gateway Project:

Two LCC Officers attended a site visit with AW, reviewing all the entrances to the village and discussing options, funding and possible grants.  LCC will put recommendations and costings together.  Action: AW to chase.

vi. Carpenter’s Arms defibrillator:

It is planned to relocate this to the village hall. It is powered by a standalone battery, therefore only a cabinet will be required. Action: Clerk to ask resident to progress matters.

Due to the two-hour limit for meetings approaching, agenda items 20 – 30, and items 33 – 35 to be carried over to the next meeting.


089/22 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:

Road sign confusion for drivers at Holmfield/ Waterhill

Tracking of meeting actions

Management of CIL monies

Risk Assessments for play area

Draft constitution documents for Village Hall: car park agreement, play area agreement, and Village Hall Management Committee constitution

RW advised that he had spoken to residents regarding the Plough Lane/Orchard Road signage ie. that Plough Lane is a cause of concern, as sat navs recognise it as Orchard Road; and that the two streets originally had the signs installed the wrong way round. The residents were unanimous in wanting the signage to remain as is.

090/22 Date of next meeting:

Annual Parish Meeting, Tuesday 31st May, 7 – 9pm, Fiskerton Village Hall

Ordinary meeting, Thursday 16th June 2022, 7.30pm, Fiskerton Village Hall. 

Meeting ended at 9.32pm.

Mrs Michelle Vail,  Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                 

Dated 08.06.22