June Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on Thursday 16th June 2022 at 7:15pm in Fiskerton Village Hall.

Present:  Cllrs C Darcel, C Hill, A Walker, P Whitt, Mrs M Vail (Clerk).

There were no members of the public.

Meeting started at 7.15pm.

091/22 Resolve to move into closed session as the following item contains information of a sensitive nature

RESOLVED to move into closed session at 7.15pm.

092/22 To consider application(s) for the vacant post of parish councillor.

One application had been received. After consideration, it was RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Mr Kevin Brereton to the councillor vacancy.  Action: Clerk

093/22 Resolve to move out of closed session:

RESOLVED to move out of closed session at 7.18pm.  The meeting was paused until 7.30pm.

094/22 Open session to start at 7:30pm: suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes for residents to speak:

There was no open session as no residents were in attendance.

095/22 Apologies for absence: None.

096/22 Declaration of interests: Cllr C Hill declared an interest in Planning items, noting that she will abstain during these items due to sitting on WLDC’s Planning Committee.

097/22 Approve notes of Annual Meeting of 19th May 2022 as a true record:

RESOLVED to approve the notes as a true record of the Annual Meeting held on 19th May 2022; and they were duly signed. Action: Clerk

098/22 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

C/Cllr I Fleetwood – not in attendance.

D/Cllr A Welburn - not in attendance.  Receipt of her June 2022 report was noted.

D/Cllr C Hill – nothing to report.

D/Cllr C Darcel reported that:

Both he and D/Cllr C Hill had recently attended training for WLDC’s Planning Committee.

It is unlikely that residents will gain more planning say in their area.

WLDC has had minimal involvement in the planning process for the new solar farms.  Approx 7.5 hectares of solar farm are planned for the east of the district; taking land out of agricultural production.

099/22 Chairman’s report:

The Chairman:

advised that the meeting will run until all business has been attended to, with Standing Orders being suspended at 9.30pm if required.  If Members do not wish this, then an Extraordinary Meeting will be called to complete unfinished business.

noted the resignation of Cllrs R Wall and S Canner at the Annual Parish Meeting.  Action: Clerk to send letters of thanks; and to request return of any FPC documents.

requested a welcome letter be issued to newly appointed Cllr K Brereton.



a. To resolve to receive the following payments/receipts schedule for May 2022:

RESOLVED to receive the following schedule:


Glendale, Grasscuts, April 2022, £455.94 + £91.18 VAT = £547.12

Allen Signs, APM Banner and date panels, £90.36 + £18.07 = £108.43

Allen Signs, Jubilee coins banner, £69.44 + £13.89 = £83.88

Clerk, salary, May, £410.40

PAYE, May, £39.60

Pension, May 2022, £133.33

Sage, payroll & accounts package, May 2022, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin media call package, May 2022, £9.45 + £1.88 VAT = £11.33

Virgin Media, phone handset, May 2022, £7.00

ARMA Roofing, extras, £490.00 + £98.00 = £588.00

Village Hall, Hall hire, meetings in Feb and March, £48.00

Zurich Insurance, £570.09

Village Hall, Grant for Jubilee event, £500.00

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £2842.61 + £226.82 VAT = £3069.43

RECEIPTS May 2022:

Interest, May, £1.79

WLDC, grant, Jubilee commemorative coins, £250.00

British Gas, FIT payment, £162.41


b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts for June 2022:

Proposed by Cllr A Walker, seconded by Cllr C Hill, RESOLVED that the following June accounts be paid.  Action: Clerk

Clerk, salary, June, £410.40

PAYE, June, £39.60

Pension, June 2022, £133.33

Sage, payroll & accounts package, June 2022, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin media call package, June 2022, £9.45 + £1.88 VAT = £11.33

Virgin Media, phone handset, June 2022, £7.00

Glendale, Grasscuts, May 2022, £455.94 + £91.18 VAT = £547.12

Glendale, grasscuts, June 2022, £455.94 + £91.18 VAT = £547.12

TOTAL = £1530.66 + £188.04 VAT = £1718.70

Noted that the Clerk’s trial of Natwest’s free accounting package is progressing, and that a report will be given at the July meeting once the quarterly Spend Against Budget reports have been produced.

PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:

101/22 Neighbourhood Plan: to receive update from NP Committee:

A meeting has not yet taken place.  Currently only Cllrs A Walker and P Whitt are on this Committee; and it is hoped that newly appointed Cllr K Brereton will join this Committee.

102/22 To approve responses on the following:

D/Cllr C Hill’s abstention from this item was noted.

144949, erection of 6no. residential park homes including external works and access. LOCATION: Land rear of Barlings View Ferry Road Fiskerton Lincoln LN3 4HU

144904, proposed first floor extension to create annex accomodation for family member.  LOCATION: 24 Ferryside Gardens Fiskerton Lincoln LN3 4HS

144553, remove existing extension and erect single storey side and rear extension.   LOCATION: 69 Ferry Road Fiskerton

RESOLVED that FPC has no objections to any of the abovementioned three planning applications.  Action: Clerk


103/22 Resolve to reaffirm commitment to the project of construction of new Cycle/Footways as per resident email request:

RESOLVED unanimously to reaffirm FPC’s commitment to the aforementioned project.  Noted that FPC has aseat on the Witham Valley Access Group. Action: Clerk

104/22 To consider resident’s email opining that the Village Hall should be developed to become more and more the community hub of the village for ALL groups and ages of residents, and that the Post Office service is a key part of that:

Following consideration; Councillors reaffirmed that the Parish Council supports both the Village Hall; which it sees as the community building in the village; and of the Village Hall Management committee.  It appreciates that the Post Office is an extremely important asset to the village; being a much-needed lifeline.  Action: Clerk to forward email to VHMC.

105/22 Resident notification of free app re. fly tipping:

Following consideration, Councillors agreed they would rather promote a single app over multiple apps which do the same thing, noting that Fix My Street is broader in its use and known to be administered by the local authority. Action: Clerk to promote Fix My Street app in Fiskerton News, and to reply to resident. Action: Cllr A Walker to circulate instructions for using Fix My Street.

106/22 Resident complaints about grass cutting outside property:

Of two complaints received; one concerned a verge subsequently found to be maintained by residents.The other related to the scalping of grass outside a property which the grasscutters have already been made aware of.

107/22 Resident email concerning weeds/nettles and potholes on Orchard Road:

Road issues can be reported via Fix My Street.Action: Clerk to advise resident.

Verge-side weeds and nettles are to be reported to the grasscutter to establish if these can be cut back within the contract. Action: Clerk.  Action: Councillors to monitor Orchard Road.

108/22 Resident request to consider upgrade to play equipment, and enquiry as to how play parks are considered for upgrades:

Following consideration, FPC’s long term aspiration to obtain the Paddock for a larger and centralised play area was noted.  Councillors have worked towards obtaining the Paddock over several years. A small play equipment reserve fund exists, and this will require building up. Action: Clerk to reply to resident.

109/22 Church – email of thanks for grasscutting contractor carrying out their wishes:

E-mail noted.  Contractor to be advised accordingly, with FPC’s appreciation also passed on. Action: Clerk.

110/22 Resident email concerning vote of no confidence in Chairman:

Resident concerns have been raised that a vote of no-confidence had been carried out after the meeting had been called to a close. Advice has been sought from Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) on this matter.  LALC's response was that, although the meeting had been called to a close, because the Chairman had allowed for discussion and voting to continue, the meeting was still actually in progress, so the vote stands.

111/22 Resident email regarding field on the South side of Ferry Road - just to the west of the Fishing Lake and opposite Fiskerton Wood:

Concerns exist as to the structures that have appeared on this site, and what its planned future use is.  Action: Clerk to seek advice from WLDC.

NEW ITEMS: to consider and agree actions as required:

112/22 To approve adoption of the following draft policies:

Disciplinary Policy and Procedure; Grievance Policy and Procedure; Lone Working Policy; Media Policy; Protocol on Communication; Expenses Policy; Social Media Policy.

Cllr A Walker suggested approving and accepting the draft policies as they are, and to introduce a review schedule.  Action: Clerk to recirculate draft policies.

Action: All Councillors to read draft policies ahead of July meeting. Item deferred.

113/22 Consider producing Protocols for bullying and conflicts of interest:

Cllr C Darcel advised he has three bullying issues against him to address.  Noted that this is covered under the Code of Conduct and that Cllr C Darcel should address his concerns to WLDC as per FPC’s Complaints Policy.  It was suggested that Cllr C Darcel draft bullying and conflicts of interest protocols for the Council’s consideration.

114/22 Speed Cameras: to consider purchasing 2 speed indicator signs, 3 posts and 3 solar panels, the extra post and solar panel for the existing SID, with a likely total cost of less than £6000:

Noted that speed cameras form part of the village gateways project.  During discussion, it was noted that useful data can be extracted as evidence to support requests for a police presence to monitor traffic speeds. It was agreed to consider LCC’s recommendations from their site visit once these are received.  Funding may be possible from various sources, and LCC will speak with LRSP.

115/22 Consider suggestion that FPC and VHMC pay for the space used in Fiskerton News:

RESOLVED to award a one-off £100.00 donation.  Action: Clerk to write to Editor.

Action: Clerk: agenda item to discuss what to put in the magazine. Action: Cllr A Walker to take suggestion to VHMC.

116/22 Consider request from CD to the Clerk that the Clerk supplies an audio copy of the part of the May 2022 Annual Meeting, or a verbatim transcript, where the VH contract was discussed:

Cllr A Walker explained the background to the request; and that as Cllr C Darcel had not been asked by FPC to submit this request, it would be an inappropriate use of Council resources to use FPC staff for personal reasons. LALC has advised that a Clerk works for their Council as a whole, and not for individual councillors. Cllr C Darcel advised that he was certain the statement made in the May 2022 meeting was not correct and that he wanted to be certain of what he says.

A proposal by Cllr C Darcel, seconded by Cllr C Hill that Cllr C Darcel be given a copy of the recording, had two votes against (Cllrs Walker and Whitt).As the Chairman has the casting vote, the proposal was not carried.

117/22 Consider draft Constitution Papers in regard to the village hall:

These have been circulated; with a request from the VHMC that FPC take on responsibility for the car park, play area and land around the village hall. Noted that documents state that the VHMC should be responsible for everything.Item deferred. Action: Clerk to recirculate documents.

118/22 Consider items raised in the Annual Parish Meeting:

The main matter raised had been regarding opportunity for residents to speak to councillors/feedback after a meeting has ended. A Saturday drop-in had been suggested, and also informal sessions before/after meetings – noted that no FPC decisions would be taken in these informal sessions.

RESOLVED unanimously that, from the September 2022 meeting, a 15-minute informal session for residents would be scheduled from 7.15pm, with a 10 minute informal feedback session after the meeting has ended. Action: Clerk to advertise in Fiskerton News.

119/22 Consider unsafe condition of office chair:

The chair is missing a wheel, therefore is unsafe, and it is VHMC’s responsibility to replace it.Agreed that the Clerk should work at home until July at the earliest.Action: Clerk to provide specifications of an appropriate chair.

UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:

120/22 Repairs to Village Hall roof including

i. To note receipt of fully completed copy of the electrical installation certificate and final payment made to contractor: 

Both matters were noted, and work has now concluded.

121/22 Transfer of land from Morris Homes:

FPC’s solicitor has advised that: ‘The Transfers were received and completed on 11 March 2022.  The application has been submitted to the Land Registry for registration and I am afraid we are now in their hands.  They are experiencing significant delays at the moment and so applications are taking quite some time to be dealt with.  The Parish Council became legal owners of the land on completion of the Transfers. i.e. on 11 March 2022’.

122/22 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee:

i. Distribution of commemorative coins:

 Approx 85 coins had been distributed at the Village Hall Jubilee event.  RESOLVED to deal with the remaining coins as follows (to be promoted via Fiskerton News):

under 16-year-olds who haven’t yet received a coin and would like one, can collect a coin from the Post Office in the Village Hall up until 14th July

From 18th July to 29th July, anybody of any age may collect a coin from the Post Office.

Coins will also be available for collection from the Parish Council in the Village Hall between 7.10pm and 7.30pm on Thursday 21st July. 

Action: Clerk

RESOLVED unanimously to suspend Standing Orders at 9.30pm to allow the meeting to continue.

123/22 Update on outstanding jobs as follows:

i. Office sort out: A small amount of paperwork remains to be reviewed.  The Clerk was authorised to throw out items no longer required; and to check on queried items if unsure.

ii. Putting old minutes onto website: Ongoing.

iii. Consider cloud-based storage system: Ongoing. Noted that some councillors had not received recent meeting paperwork via their FPC email addresses, therefore a central storage location would be beneficial.

iv. Village Gateway Project: Discussed earlier in meeting.

v. Carpenter’s Arms defibrillator: This does not need electrical power but does require a box.  Cllr K Brereton can progress this.

RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a box. Action: Clerk

124/22 Consider, if Plough Lane and Orchard Road are to remain named as is, how to request update to any master street name database so over time sat-navs re learn the correct street names:

After consideration, RESOLVED that no action is to be taken.


125/22 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:

Road sign confusion for drivers at Holmfield/ Waterhill

Tracking of meeting actions

Management of CIL monies

Risk Assessments for play area

126/22 Date of next meeting: Thursday 21st July 2022, 7.30pm, Fiskerton Village Hall. 

Cllr C Hill advised that she will be unable to attend.

127/22 Resolve to move into closed session as the following item contains information of a sensitive nature

RESOLVED to move into closed session as the following items contain information of a sensitive nature.

128/22 Salary review as per terms of clerk’s contract:

After consideration, RESOLVED with one abstention (Cllr C Darcel) to move the Clerk to NALC Salary Scale 17 effective from 1st July 2022, and for a further salary review to take place in the Autumn when the budget is agreed.

129/22 Complaint relating to one councillor:

As per FPC’s Complaints Policy, complaints about councillors cannot be dealt with by FPC.  Instead, the complainant must contact WLDC.

Meeting ended at 9.58pm.

Mrs Michelle Vail, Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                 

Dated 04.07.2022