September 2020 Minutes of a remote meeting on 14 September


Minutes of the Remote Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on

Monday 14 September, 2020 at 7:30pm

Present:  Cllrs Canner, Darcel, Harrison, Hill, Walker, Wall

Also present:  C/Cllr Fleetwood, Mrs M Vail (Clerk)

There were no members of the public present.

Meeting started at 7.30pm.

121/20 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

No open session due to no members of the public being present.

122/20 Apologies for absence: None

123/20 Declaration of interests:

Noted that RW and AW are both members of the Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC).

124/20 Approve notes of remote meeting held on 27 August 2020 as a true record:

It was RESOLVED, with AW abstaining, to approve the notes as a true record.


125/20 Accounts

a. To note the schedule of payments and receipts for July and August 2020:

The schedule of payments and receipts for July and August 2020, circulated ahead of the meeting, was received.

Noted that the VHMC is owed £255.80 for room hire – the clerk advised that she would arrange for payment upon receipt of an invoice.

b. To resolve to approve the following accounts for payment:

It was RESOLVED (RW proposed, MH seconded) to approve the following accounts for payment; and noted that the exact amount of the clerk’s wages and PAYE would be confirmed once the payroll had been processed, taking into account the recent pay award.

Accounts to be passed for payment:

A Mobile phone package – Sept 2020 - 17.00

B SAGE Payroll – Sept 2020 - 8.40

C Glendale – Sept grass cuts - 216.00

D SAGE – Sept 2020 - 14.40


E Clerk’s salary – Sept 2020 - TBC

F PAYE – Sept 2020 - TBC

c. To receive update on Sage accounting software and resolve on matters accordingly:

The clerk reported that the Sage package being trialled did not appear to give FPC all the functionality that it required; that she had spent time with a Sage advisor who, after experimenting themselves with the package in question, had confirmed this; and had advised that the only suitable package is Sage 50 at £65 + VAT per month.

CD considered that this was not actually the case, and would consider alternatives.

Action: CD.  

d. As per recommendations in the internal auditor’s report:

The clerk advised that some of the financial reports provided for this meeting had been taken from the bespoke Excel package currently on trial in order for councillors to compare with previous reports produced from the Sage package.  Bank reconciliations, however, had been produced on Sage; and reconciling had been a quick and simple process.

i. To approve financial risk assessment:

Noted that this risk assessment (circulated ahead of the meeting) details the control measures in place to ensure that each requirement; as listed on the AGAR forms; is being met and therefore financial risk is being managed appropriately.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the financial risk assessment.

ii. To confirm bank statements April – August 2020 have been circulated to all councillors ahead of being submitted to chairman for approval and signing:

Confirmed that these had been circulated ahead of the meeting.

iii. To receive bank reconciliation April – August 2020:

The bank reconciliations for current account, deposit account, and petty cash had been circulated prior to the meeting; and these were received.

iv. To note actual spend to date against budget:

Noted – this had been circulated ahead of the meeting.

v. To note that all councillors have been issued a copy of the Financial Regulations:

Noted that Financial Regulations had been circulated on several occasions.


126/20 Neighbourhood Plan

i. Receive update on Neighbourhood Plan:

A meeting had taken place recently; attended by councillors and residents who had provided positive input into the process.  Noted that 95% of respondents would not change their view to accept more housing. 

Next steps were considered which include the: need to discuss the results of the NP survey; and the need to produce a proper plan very close to the recommendations.  CD has issued past plans; with a revised indicative plan still to be issued. Noted that consideration is required on what to include regarding the Tanya site.

Another meeting is required in the near future; and it is hoped for a target timescale of October 2020 to hold an open meeting and the required consultation period. Action: CD to seek advice from WLDC on NP procedures given the Covid restrictions.


127/20 To note LCC response to request that they fund, from their grant received from National Government, link paths/cycleways between Fiskerton and Cherry Willingham, and Fiskerton and Reepham

LCC had advised that the proposed works have been added onto the master list of schemes.  The initial tranche of money has already been allocated so FPC proposals will be considered when future funding is received for these types of works: LCC cannot give any promises or timescales for delivering these works at this stage.

CD had written to LCC regarding the suggested improvements and their importance; (note: these can be linked into the proposed solar farm) but had not received a reply.

Action: clerk to write to LCC (Chair of Highways, Chief Executive of LCC, and C/Cllr Fleetwood) to stress the importance to the village of these footpaths and cycleways; and for the safety of children going to school in both Reepham and Cherry Willingham; and accessing these villages to use their sports facilities; and for mobility scooter users; and to request that, therefore, these be prioritised on the waiting list.

128/20 Update on transfer across to LCC Website; including to approve access by Cllr Walker to the new website:

The clerk reported that the volunteer had transferred much parish council information across to the new LCC website; and that he required 1) confirmation regarding the transfer of the non-FPC information; and 2) photos of the village.  It was RESOLVED that the community information be transferred. All agreed that the volunteer could be provided with, if required, the password to the current website.

AW noted that the village hall booking sheet was on the current website; and that the e-mail history and e-mails linked to the current website would be lost. AW expressed his concern that the decision to move to the new website had been taken at the previous meeting at which he had not been present.  CD noted that FPC could be given a new e-mail address.

Action: clerk to liaise with volunteer

129/20 Update on School/ road sign artwork:

AW still awaits a reply from LCC.  Action: AW to chase.

The meeting briefly digressed into considering whether some colour on the letter head, which is currently monotone, would be beneficial.Following advice from the clerk that this was not an agenda item so shouldn’t be discussed at this present time; it was agreed to defer for future consideration.

130/20 Update on progress of repairs to Village Hall roof:

The chosen contractor had been on holiday so the clerk will contact him again.Confirmed that his access to the village hall; activities within it, his cleaning regime; and fire exit requirements; all require coordinating due to the Covid 19 requirements.It was agreed that AW and the contractor liaise.Action: clerk, AW

131/20 Update on Village Hall Car Park repair:

Confirmed this does not relate to the actual car park but to the LCC footpath at the entrance to the car park.LCC hope to repair the footpath during October half term week.

132/20 Update on Village road repair reporting trial:

Noted that the requested entry for the village newsletter about this trial had not appeared; similarly with the requested community speed watch item.

Consideration was then given to setting FPC up on Facebook; as a way of reaching a greater audience; and IF noted that it is very labour intensive.

Noted that a Social Media Policy would be required; and that all responses need to be from the Council as a whole, not from individual councillors. A holding response could be issued until Council meets to consider any posts; and the displaying of posts can be delayed to allow for moderators to review each for unsuitability. Action: AW, CH, clerk to initiate matters.Item for next agenda. Action: clerk


133/20 August 2020 edition of ‘Our News’ – Neighbourhood Watch circular

134/20 August 2020 edition of Town and Parish council newsletter

135/20 August 2020 Environment Agency newsletter – Barlings Eau recovery works

The above three items were taken en-bloc – noted that all were for information only, with no actions required.


136/20 To consider matters relating to Morris Homes – the Holmfield open spaces as follows:

i. Resident not of opinion fence is a party fence; trees and some play equipment:

A quote had been received: 6 fence posts will be required. AW declared that he knows the resident in question so will abstain from related financial matters. After brief consideration; it was agreed to have the land transferred first before considering any other matters.

ii. transfer of two areas of open space land at the High Meadows development in Fiskerton to the Parish Council for a nil consideration. Approve appointment of legal representative so that Morris Holmes can issue a draft Transfer and supporting documentation:

RW noted that High Meadows should be corrected to Holmfield Estate.Requested that the clerk find a suitable solicitor; with some firms being suggested.Clerk to request from Morris Homes a map showing party boundaries; although noted that the appointed solicitor will be able to obtain this. Action: clerk

137/20 To consider any items for September village newsletter:

The September deadline has passed. It was RESOLVED to authorise AW to write an article for the October edition covering: Highways faults reporting; speed watch and speeding; the councillor vacancy; the www.widenmypath website; and a Neighbourhood Plan update.

Future agenda item:

AW suggested that FPC makes a financial contribution towards the running of the village newsletter. Action: clerk

138/20 To consider how councillors respond to communications to the Clerk ie who replies to emails or other correspondence to the clerk and what is said:

Noted that some councillors had replied direct to a resident’s e-mail which had been circulated by the clerk for information.It was RESOLVED unanimously that the clerk is the person to reply to residents; if necessary, incorporating councillor responses into her reply.

139/20 To consider the village hall, and:

i. what happens if its committee is not viable:

Noted that the VHMC is attracting more members, and that it would be an easy process for FPC to take over responsibility of the village hall if its committee membership ever fell significantly.

ii. VH Management Committee and whether there should be more than one Parish Councillor on it:

The notion of ‘conflict of loyalties’ if a person is a member of more than one organisation; was noted; along with the need to trust each other to act in an appropriate and proper manner.The question was raised about what if there are more than 2 parish councillors sitting also on the VHMC.

AW noted that the Trustees Act and the Charities Commission Website guidance both permit individuals to sit as both Managing Trustees and Custodian Trustees ie therefore on both FPC and on the VHMC; and the point is made that one should be aware that a conflict could arise; and that one should manage it responsibly.He further noted that he and RW, when financial maters are being discussed, were declaring an interest and were opting out of both related discussions and voting.

140/20 To consider "Risk Assessments; ie. the need to complete them, what format, and what level of risk is acceptable:

Following a query raised concerning when a play area risk assessment had last been completed; it was confirmed that one had been completed approx. 1 month earlier; ahead of the ROSPA external play equipment inspection in August; and had been circulated to all present in e-mail format.  Action: CH to recirculate.

CD noted that there was no requirement for a risk assessment to be written down for reopening the playground (note: this is due to the organisation having less than 5 employees); whereas RW opined that they do require to be written down.AW noted that all should see risk assessments; and that the Council as a whole should agree to each of these.AW added that the insurance states that a risk assessment is required.

The clerk suggested that reviews of the play area be considered as inspections; with findings written down which would be, in the insurer’s terms: ‘first line of defence’ in the event of any claims.

RW noted that risk assessments should take place for the play area on a regular basis; then discussed by councillors for them to accept the identified levels of risk; then filed.

141/20 To consider VHC/FPC insurance & a memorandum of understanding:

Noted that if both organisations were insured by the same insurer then this could ensure that certain items are not insured twice; and it will ensure that everything is properly insured, for example the newly repaired roof and solar panels, especially as the ownership and management responsibilities overlap.   CD noted that the FPC insurer is happy to extend cover to the village hall but would need additional information to be provided.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to obtain two quotes from the same provider.  Action: clerk  

142/20 The river bank, take over the lease?, trees, seats. (CD)

Noted that if FPC rented the land then it could make it a more attractive place for residents to access.It was RESOLVED unanimously to write to the Environment Agency regarding opportunity to rent.  Action: clerk

143/20 Chairman’s comments:

Sir Edward Leigh had visited residents to talk about the no 3 Short Ferry bus; and that he was against the loss of this service.It was RESOLVED unanimously to write again to Stagecoach and LCC requesting that they reconsider the reinstatement of this service. Noted that users were finding the Call Connect service unsatisfactory, and that a Short Ferry bus shelter, paid for by FPC, was now unused.

CD noted that a move towards a Greater Lincolnshire unitary authority was again being mooted.

144/20 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

C/Cllr Fleetwood – nothing to report.

D/Cllr Hill – noted that WLDC were meeting remotely until January 2021, and that a WLDC Planning meeting would take place on 16 Sept.

145/20 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:

Request was received for shorter agendas.

SC noted parking issues in the Church View area; and that the police had attended and had spoken with people. Action: clerk: parking to be an agenda item

146/20 To resolve to move into Closed Session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to move into closed session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature.At this point, IF left the meeting.

147/20 To consider matters relating to the following items:

i. Update on the Scouts solar panels:

An update was provided, noting that, having checked bank statements, in the region of £700 was still unaccounted for. Action: clerk to contact British Gas.

ii. approve expenses in relation to Clerk’s printing; and to set a monthly expense amount for printing:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve £24 in payment of printing expenses accrued by the clerk during May – August 2020.Moving forward, the clerk will submit printing expenses on a bi-monthly basis; and noted that the monthly amount could be greater or lesser depending on printing requirements.

iii. Confirmation of national pay rise backdated to 1st April 2020:

Noted that the hourly rate has increased from £10.57 to £10.86; therefore, the clerk is due backpay of £54.81.

iv. To approve payment for clerk’s LCC website training

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve payment of the clerk’s time in attending 2 hrs training; totalling £21.72.

v. To approve 22 additional hours worked for end of year accounting and auditing:

 It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve payment of clerk’s additional time in working on the end of year accounting and auditing, as per the internal auditor’s recommendation ie 22 hours totalling £238.92.  Noted that it is anticipated that not as much additional time will be required in 2021. 

vi. To confirm successful completion of clerk’s probation period:

It was RESOLVED, with CD against, to confirm successful completion of clerk’s probation period.

148/20 to consider any applications received for the casual vacancy:

None had been received.

Next remote meeting will be held on 12 October 2020.

Meeting ended at 10.09pmMrs Michelle Vail

Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                          Dated 25.09.20