June 2020 Minutes of a Remote Meeting on 8 June
Minutes of the Remote Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Monday 8th June 2020
Present: Cllrs Canner (SC); Darcel (CD), Harrison (MH), Hill (CH), Walker (AW), Wall (RW),
Also in Attendance: D/Cllr Welburn, C/Cllr Fleetwood, Mrs M Vail (clerk)
There were no members of the public present.
Meeting started at 7.37pm.
030/20 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:
There was no open session as no members of the public were in attendance.
031/20 Apologies for absence: None
032/20 Declaration of interests: None
033/20 To approve the notes of the remote meeting held on 11 May 2020 as a true record:
The clerk noted that the draft notes presented to this meeting for approval was the third draft; that she stood by the first draft to have been circulated; and that changes to the second and third drafts were as a result of comments made by councillors on the previous drafts. With the following amendments, it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the draft notes as a true record:
o Item 29/20 C – first bullet point to simply read: ‘Not following Standing Orders in respect
of reversing the Neighbourhood Plan’
o Item 029/20 B i - include that CD had asked AW to leave the meeting.
o Item 020/20 – make clear that the mention of open gardens was a suggestion
034/20 Chairman’s Comments: Item deferred until later in the meeting.
035/20 To note that FPC is now able to advertise a casual vacancy as 10 parish electors have not applied to the Returning Officer for an election:
Noted that one application had been received to date; also that; as the notice had only very recently been published via various village channels; there may be more residents interested in applying. In particular, it may be worth contacting those who had expressed interest in helping via the Neighbourhood Plan process.
Action: CD
036/20 Accounts:
A. To receive update on access to bank account:
The application process had been delayed by the Covid 19 situation; but had recently moved forward, and access should soon be possible. This delay may have knock on effects with completing the end of year accounts and audit processes; so the clerk may need to request a time extension form the external auditor.
B. To receive interim report on Sage accounting software trial:
There is now sufficient data to make use of Sage meaningful; although bank accounts still require linking in. Early feedback is that it is intuitive to use, and production of reports is straightforward. The Sage package is being trialled alongside an improved Excel spreadsheet as updated by AW.
C. To receive the schedule of payments for May 2020 as follows:
From: 01/05/2020 To: 31/05/2020
Fiskerton Parish Council - Income and Expense Day Book
Produced by Sage Business Cloud Accounting Start
Trx No Type Date Name Ref Total
34 Money out 01/05/2020 Clerk 1318 CLERK EXPENSES -61.13
35 Money out 01/05/2020 Clerk 1316 SALARY -329.72
37 Money out 01/05/2020 Sage DD SAGE PAYROLL -8.40
33 Money out 17/05/2020 Glendale Countryside 1319 GRASSCUTTING -216.00
28 Money out 20/05/2020 Virgin Media DD MOBILE PHONE -10.00
48 Money out 20/05/2020 Virgin Media DD MOBILE PHONE -7.00
32 Money out 26/05/2020 Clerk 1320 SALARY -405.65
30 Money out 27/05/2020 Zurich Insurance 1322 INSURANCE -593.56
31 Money out 28/05/2020 HMRC 1321 PAYE -70.00
TOTAL -£1,701.46
D. To resolve to approve the following accounts for payment:
It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the accounts below for payment.
Accounts to be passed for payment
A Clerk’s wages – May 2020 405.65
B PAYE – May 2020 70.00
C Mobile Phone Package 17.00
D SAGE Payroll – May 2020 8.40
E Zurich Insurance 2020 - 21 593.56
F Glendale – May grass cuts 216.00
Total to be paid 1310.61
E. To finalise which budget head the drain repairs at the allotments should be allocated to and; if this be the Flood Alleviation Fund, then to resolve to top this back up from General Funds and by what amount:
This was allocated to the Flood Alleviation fund in the 2019/20 accounts, which leaves this fund very low and therefore requiring topping up from the deposit account. However, if it was actually paid from the Lark Energy Fund, then the 2019/20 accounts require amending. The situation is complicated in that FPC also received half the money back.
Action: CD, AW, clerk
037/20 Reporting of Highways faults; and feedback on the pothole repair log:
AW has reported several faults and received LCC updates on each. AW has circulated instructions to all, but no-one to date has submitted any reports to LCC. AW had hoped for feedback at this meeting on the use of the Fix My Street app. CD noted that he would like to see a monthly report, as one had been promised to a resident.
At this point (20.08pm) a short recess to allow for the next Zoom online session to commence.
Meeting recommenced at 20.11pm with all present except RW and MH.
038/20 To consider working with LCC to widen the narrow section of Plough Lane:
The footway is not wide enough for a pram: it was not widened at the time LCC undertook other works. Cllr Fleetwood advised that this work would fall within the Highways budget; and that there is no guarantee that this project would get done.
Action: clerk to take this up with LCC
At this point (20.14pm) RW re-joined the meeting.
039/20 To receive progress report on Village Footpaths project:
LCC’s Senior Countryside Officer had forwarded information on to CD. It was confirmed that regeneration of Mucky Lane is a possibility if someone drives it. The Cherry Willingham to Fiskerton footpath requires some attention.
There then followed discussion regarding the proposed solar panel farm to either side of Fiskerton Road; noting that wide strips have been included to either side of Fiskerton Road to Cherry Willingham. Can we work with the developer to achieve the goal of linked up inter-village footpaths? – this needs a combined LCC, WLDC and parish council effort. Its about village connectivity and safety; with 4 villages working together. General feeling that a footpath on the eastern side would be preferable; although consideration would need to be given as to the landowner.
Cllr Welburn reported that she had met with the developer who had agreed to supply a footpath behind the hedge along Fiskerton Road to Reepham; although the last approx. 150mtr is currently an issue as owned by a different landowner. She further noted that this would be a permissive path for the life of the development, anticipated to be a minimum of 25 years; and that, by considering this as part of a project, it was more likely to attract funding. IF suggested a tarmac surface or road planings. Noted that FPC had not yet decided if it supports having solar panels on both sides of the road.
Agreed to: have a site visit to the aerodrome with the plans (which have been circulated); and to resolve on matters at an extraordinary meeting.
Action: all
Noted that CD had talked with the representative from the organisation.
040/20 Neighbourhood Plan
i. Receive update on Neighbourhood Plan:
It was RESOLVED unanimously to defer this item to later in the meeting until MH could re-join the meeting.
ii. Rejection of Tanya planning application – what does FPC want putting in NP; and where to get advice/support:
The NP inspector had noted that this had not been included in the original draft NP. However it was noted that it was included in the final plan sent to WLDC on May 1st 2019. Noted that all FPC can do is to include it in the NP again; and that on the previous plan it was shown as a brownfield site as an example for development. The site is currently up for sale. It was RESOLVED unanimously to write to the owner.
Action: clerk
041/20 To consider any comments/objections to be submitted to WLDC regarding planning application 141051: 20 Holmfield: to erect replacement boundary wall and fence to max height of 2.2mtrs:
Noted that LCC had expressed concerns that there would be no sight lines for pedestrians crossing the road; and that the new wall would be positioned so that there would be no space between the wall and pavement. It was RESOLVED, with CD, RW, SC and AW in favour, and CH abstaining, that CD write to WLDC echoing LCC’s concerns and requesting that these be considered before any decision on the application be made.
Action: CD
042/20 To note any response from WLDC enforcement officer regarding containers on the airfield:
Despite chasing WLDC for a response, none had been forthcoming from WLDC.
Action: clerk to continue to chase.
At this point (20.48pm) a short recess occurred to allow for the next Zoom online session to commence.
Meeting recommenced with all in attendance (MH on phone); except Cllr Welburn who sent apologies.
Discussion on the containers took place, including to note that 2 years previously; FPC had objected to containers which had been closer to the war memorial - noted that planning applied to these containers; but would not apply to the ones currently under consideration which were further away from the memorial.
Further noted that there is a container on Ferry Road; and that different planning criteria applies to the village and to the countryside settings. IF noted that each case would be dealt with on its own merits; whether it would affect the street scene or not.
MH rejoined the meeting via video at 21.09pm.
043/20 Website accessibility compliancy – to receive any update on:
i. Compatibility of current website:
AW had not yet undertaken the audit; and reminded the meeting that he had asked for another councillor to take this task on. Item to be discussed at the July meeting.
ii. To note that LCC is still building websites with no date yet available for going live: Noted.
iii. To consider, if appropriate at this point in time, whether to remain with existing website; or move to the LCC hosted website:
Item not discussed at this time.
044/20 Any response from Morris Holmes re concerns about PLIC on Holmfield Estate:
No response received to date. The clerk acknowledged historical letters as provided to her by CD.
Action: clerk to chase
045/20 Hodgson Trust:
Noted that information from the Hodgson Trust had only been received and circulated earlier in the day.
i. Update on allotment documents; the apparent lack of a signed agreement with the Hodgson Trust; and any response on this matter from the Hodgson Trust:
Noted that a couple of minor alterations to the document had been made by the Trust; and that RW had removed reference on the document to it being a draft. It is now for FPC to consider. It was RESOLVED unanimously to consider the agreement at the July meeting.
Action: clerk
ii. To review the decision to allow Bees to be kept on the allotments in light of response from Hodgson Trust (Special Motion brought by Cllrs Wall, Harrison, Walker):
Trustees had all agreed that bees should not be kept on the allotments. It was RESOLVED unanimously to reverse the decision taken at the previous FPC meeting. AW noted that it was not FPC’s decision to take.
Action: clerk to advise allotment tenant.
iii. To receive the draft Hodgson Trust accounts for 2019:
The accounts were received; and noted that the Trust was solvent; and that it gave money to the community as detailed in the report it had provided to FPC.
At this point in the meeting, it was RESOLVED unanimously to return to the earlier item on the Neighbourhood Plan as follows:
AW had added some conclusions and requirements to the questionnaire results; and produced the information as a A5 booklet so it can be delivered to residents. This had been circulated along with three proposals as follows:
1. That the attached booklet is printed and delivered to every home in the Parish.
2. That the non-policy part of the old plan be reviewed and freshened up.
3. That the requirements in the attached document are mapped to the policies in the NP to show which policies need amending.
CD had subsequently submitted comments for inclusion. MH queried if the ‘requirements’ section was needed as residents would see for themselves once the leaflets were delivered. A full document would be available in due course for all to access on the website. CD liked the presentation but expressed concerns regarding the costs of producing a 24-page A5 booklet, which would be £498; but if this were reduced to 12 pages comprising hard evidence, would cost £325. A 3 page folded document would cost £286.
Noted there is £800 in the NP budget from the Lottery Fund, of which £540 had been spent on the questionnaire. MH noted that a reasonable ‘cost against information provided’ balance should be considered.
RW noted he was happy with the survey; and that the previous NP had been at no cost to FPC. The aforementioned Lottery Fund grant had been obtained by himself; and that FPC should not
incur costs to residents.
CD suggested that the conclusions and recommendations were required; and supported the A5 size.
MH suggested that AW shorten and tidy the A5 document; then all councillors to give agreement to the revised version; and it was RESOLVED to approve this suggestion, with CH, AW, MH, CD in favour; and SC, RW against.
Action: AW
046/20 Correspondence Received:
i. Letter from Langley’s Solicitors confirming matter they were engaged on is closed; details of storage of documents; plus a receipt for payment received
ii. From resident regarding church clock repairs
The above two letters were noted.
047/20 Update on School/ road sign artwork:
AW had circulated items including artwork. School artwork had been included in the designs. CD, RW, MH all preferred the black and white designs. CH and SC considered a brighter colour would look better.
CD preferred professionally produced images but noted that the school had been asked. RW noted that, as already agreed to use the children’s drawings, FPC should stay with this. SC noted that the artwork would be tidied up.
Noted that there are 4 in favour of the school artwork, and 1 against.
048/20 Village Hall roof repair – to receive progress report on obtaining quotes:
Specification information had recently been received by the clerk; who could now proceed with obtaining quotes. Action: clerk. It was RESOLVED that SC approach one builder.
Action: SC
Noted that RW had talked to Community Lincs who will do a search for grants, but needs quotes in order to do so.
Meeting ended at 9.29pm when the final Zoom session expired.
All subsequent agenda items to be deferred to an extraordinary meeting called for 22 June 2020.
Mrs Michelle Vail
Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council
Dated 12.06.20