November 2020 Minutes of a remote meeting on 9 November

Minutes of the Remote Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on

Monday 9th November 2020, at 7:00pm

Present:  Cllrs Darcel, Harrison, Hill, Walker

Also present:  Mrs M Vail (Clerk) and one member of the public

Absent:  Cllrs Canner and Wall

Meeting started at 7.01pm   

171/20 To resolve to move into Closed Session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to move into closed session due to the following items containing information of a confidential nature.

172/20 To interview applicant for the councillor vacancy:

The applicant was interviewed; then he left the meeting at 7.10pm.

173/20 To resolve on appointment to the councillor vacancy:

After consideration, it was RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Mr Kevin Brereton as parish councillor.

174/20 To resolve to end the Closed Session:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to end the closed session.

There then followed a recess between 7.15pm and 7.30pm. Just before the main meeting began, Mr K Brereton signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form.

Present:  Cllrs Brereton, Canner, Darcel, Harrison, Hill, Walker, Wall

Also present:Mrs M Vail (Clerk); D/Cllr Anne Welburn; and one member of the public.

Meeting recommenced at 7.

175/20 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

The resident spoke in respect of 1) the two closed sessions in this meeting and 2) the numerous parked vehicles at Church View Crescent; CCTV; and a possible business at this location.Noted that councillors had previously been asked to supply the clerk with details of parking issues to pass on to the police; that the police had attended a recent FPC meeting as well as talking to people at the location in question.

Further noted by D/Cllr Welburn that there needs to be obstruction for the police to take action; that the business can be reported to WLDC; and that there are enforcement traffic wardens but that they focus on Lincoln.

Action: clerk to write to police for advice; and to report the possible business to WLDC.

176/20 Apologies for absence: PC Harrison.  Noted that C/Cllr Fleetwood was not present.

177/20 Declaration of interests: Noted that Cllrs Walker and Wall are members of the Village Hall Management Committee.

178/20 Approve notes of remote meeting held on 19 October 2020 as a true record:

It was RESOLVED with one abstention (KB) that the notes were a true record.


179/20 Accounts

a. To note the schedule of receipts and payments for October 2020:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the following schedule of receipts and payments for October 2020.

RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS OCTOBER 2020:                                             

01/10/2020,     EDF Energy, VH solar panel income,      £259.26

30/10/2020,     Deposit Account, OCTOBER 2020 INTEREST, £0.51                      

TOTAL RECEIPTS,                                                       £259.77

01/10/2020,     Sage,   OCT 2020 PAY/ACCT PACKAGE, £7.00 +   £1.40 VAT = £8.40

05/10/2020,     Glendale, GRASS CUTS SEPT 2020,   £180.00 + £36.00 VAT = £216.00

05/10/2020,     Glendale, GRASS CUTS AUGUST 2020, £180.00 + £36.00 VAT = £216.00

20/10/2020,     Virgin Media,   Oct mobile phone package,                                   £17.00

28/10/2020,     CLERK,     OCT 2020 SALARY,                                                  £416.10

28/10/2020,     CLERK,     OCT 2020 PAYE,                                                        £72.60

28/10/2020,     ROSPA Play Safety, 2020 play inspection,  £72.00 + 14.40 VAT = £86.40           

TOTAL PAYMENTS,                                                                                        £1032.50

b. To resolve to approve the following accounts for payment:

Following queries raised on the accounts; it was confirmed that 1) there had been two grass cuts in October; 2) that the external appointed auditor was PKF Littlejohn who audited many parish councils; and 3) although the village hall invoice covers rent for many weeks when the clerk has not been there due to the Covid pandemic; FPC still has the store room; and that the arrangement was a FPC commitment made at the time of agreement.

Councillors were also asked to approve the December payments due to there being no scheduled December meeting; and also, to approve the external auditor’s invoice.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the November and December accounts for payment as follows:  Action: clerk

October/November Accounts to be passed for payment:

Mobile Phone Package, November 2020,     £17.00

SAGE Payroll/Accounting, November 2020,  £14.40

Clerk’s salary, November 2020,                   £337.96

PAYE, November 2020,                                £53.00

Grasscutting, October 2020,                        £432.00

Fiskerton Village Hall, office rent for period Sept 2019 to Aug 2020, £1200.00          

TOTAL OCTOBER TO BE PAID,             £2054.36

December Accounts to be passed for payment:

Mobile Phone Package, December 2020, £17.00

SAGE Payroll/Accounting, December 2020, £14.40

Clerk’s salary, December 2020,                    £337.96           

PAYE, December 2020,                                  £53.00           

External auditor fees,                                      £240.00

TOTAL DECEMBER TO BE PAID,             £662.36

180/20 Budget setting; to include:

i. To consider cash incentive for people to join speedwatch scheme:

LALC had confirmed that FPC can support a community led group which would run the speedwatch scheme; by offering funding which the group can choose to use to fund volunteers. Concern was expressed regarding paying people and setting a precedent.  Confirmed that Community Speed Watch is a volunteer led project; that it can start with the existing 4 volunteers and hope to encourage more people to join.  CD and D/Cllr Welburn both offered to help.  AW was thanked for his background work on this project.

ii. To resolve on 2021 - 22 Precept estimate amount to submitted to WLDC:

MH noted three projects she would like to see FPC support as follows: 1) purchasing land, preferably The Paddock for recreational use, 2) assisting the FVHC in providing a suitable replacement/repair of the Hall roof and support in providing improved community facilities such as a shop, cafe, library on the premises, and 3) providing a reasonable grant to repair and hopefully modernise the winding of the church clock.

CD suggested not increasing the precept as people are Covid impacted financially; and FPC has healthy reserves.  AW noted that the precept had not been increased for 4 years. D/Cllr Welburn suggested a slight precept increase to avoid a big increase in the future. Noted that many other local parishes are considering a 2% precept increase.

It was RESOLVED with five for, one against (AW) and one abstention (CD) to increase the budget by 2%.  Action: clerk to submit precept estimate form to WLDC.

iii. To consider grant application – church clock:

Members discussed FPC’s grants policy and how best to fund such a large amount. D/Cllr Welburn suggested leaving the grants policy as is to fund smaller amounts; and to keep larger scale funding support separate of the grants system.

The grant application was then considered and it was RESOLVED unanimously to award £3000 towards the church clock project, recognising that this is a village asset. Action: clerk


181/20 Neighbourhood Plan

i. Receive update on Neighbourhood Plan:

There has been little progress since the previous meeting.  CD is to chase LCC again for a response.  The Church Commissioners do not want any input. CD noted the need for WLDC and Secretary of State pressure to support the acquiring of the Paddock.  Next NP meeting was arranged to be Monday 16th Nov 2020; with CD to issue joining details.  Action: CD


182/20 Update on progress with new LCC Website:

A brief update was provided; including to note that AW was now able to access the new site to carry out background work.  A query was raised as to whether the village newsletter could be included on the new website; and in what format. AW suggested keeping the existing website for all but FPC items; and also, to keep it on for one more year.

183/20 Update on repairs to Village Hall roof; and consider a new proposal:

Confirmed that: 1) the appointed contractor was no longer interested in the job; and 2) there had been issues in getting anybody to guarantee their own work. AW proposed scheduling the work for Spring 2021 to allow time to research grant funding.Following consideration of the matter; it was agreed to find a local, known, builder; and for SC to approach a roofer.  Action: SC.    

AW then proposed, with RW seconding, funding the roof via £12,000 from FPC and with the remainder of the required financing coming from a Public Works Board Loan (PWBL); and that any grants awarded to FPC in the meantime could be used to reduce the loan amount and, depending on the size of the loan, also FPC’s contribution amount.

CD mentioned that he and the Chairman of the VHMC had seen a new contractor on site and that CD had subsequently received and circulated a quote.RW confirmed that he knew of this contractor who was known to be competent roofer. CD then proposed, with CH seconding, putting forward a bid for repair asap, applying for a WLDC grant.

At this point in the meeting (9.05pm) D/Cllr Welburn left the meeting.

Neither of the above two proposals were voted on; and; following further consideration of the matter, it was RESOLVED unanimously to research possible grants towards this work; whilst also seeking additional quotes for the work; and for a final decision on how to finance the work to be resolved upon at the next FPC meeting.Action: clerk to circulate the three quotes received to date.

184/20 Update on relocating horse trough outside Manor House:

A person has offered to help move the horse trough to the Crescent; and RW volunteered to assist with traffic control.  Action: AW to chase. SC advised that the supplier of a planter purchased earlier in 2020 will fulfil the order as she can.


All following items, taken en bloc, are to note only with no action required.  In addition; C/Cllr Fleetwood’s latest briefing had been circulated.

185/20 NHS letter - New Gainsborough Urgent Treatment Centre (open from 2/11/20)

186/20 LCC Town and Parish Councils Newsletter - October 2020

187/20 Police advice – how to be safe in Halloween

188/20 Police November newsletter

189/20 WLDC News Release - Lincs 4 Warmer Homes (L4WH) scheme


To consider and resolve on as required:

190/20 Village Hall wall repair:

ROSPA had flagged this up in its 2020 report; and one quote has been received to date.Noted that the wall to the right of the car park entrance also requires repair.After consideration, it was RESOLVED unanimously that the wall should be repaired and that SC be authorised to obtain a bricklayer’s quote.Action: SC

191/20 Grazing right renewal:

Item deferred to January 2021 meeting.

192/20 What to do with Holmfield land once transferred to FPC from Morris Homes:

Noted both that planning permission for change of use would be needed; and that some things are not allowable due to the proximity of housing.It was agreed to defer this item until such time as the land is in the possession of FPC.

193/20 Risk assessments:

Noted that risk assessments in connection with the play area had been discussed at the previous council meeting.RW was concerned that risk assessments were not written and recorded so how can these therefore be discussed.Confirmed that CD and CH had carried out a play area risk assessment prior to it reopening post- Covid lockdown.KB confirmed that, if not written down, there was no proof in case of need; and that a written risk assessment is a legal document. Action: KB to review FPC’s risk assessments.A proposal by RW, seconded by AW that risk assessments be written down from this date forward; and kept as a safe record and filed; was carried unanimously.

194/20 Communication with residents: to consider use of social media; and communication generally:

Agreed that FPC can improve in its communications with residents; and that a calendar should be compiled as an aide-memoire for timing of communications.Action: clerk. CD suggested an editorial panel comprising CD, AW and one other.Action: AW to create a Facebook profile; also, to draft a newsletter article for the next edition; to be circulated to all for comment prior to submission.

195/20 Hodgson Trust allotment agreement:

The agreement is with the agent for review prior to coming back before FPC.Action: RW to chase.Noted that this charity benefits the village, with £6235 already spent in the village to date, with another £6000 anticipated to be spent before year end).

Action: clerk to write thank you letter.  Action: clerk to make this a recurring agenda item until agreement is in place.

196/20 Planters:

Primtake have confirmed that they will improve regarding maintaining the planter outside their property; and that they will be displaying a plaque on this planter. Noted that all planters currently look run down.  Action: clerk to put on calendar.A Facebook post was suggested asking if businesses would look after a planter in return for an adverting plaque.

197/20 Purchasing signs for village to deter dog fouling:

A resident had contacted CH on this matter.It was RESOLVED unanimously that the clerk approach WLDC to supply 10 dog foul signs, also two sets of litter grabbers and bag hoops.  Action: clerk

198/20 Any items for next edition of village newsletter:

Action: AW to draft and circulate article for comment.  Moving forward, the editorial panel can draft items.

199/20 Chairman’s comments:

Consideration was given to the provision of a plaque in memory of Cllr Wendy Adams; and also, to suggested wording/illustration.It was RESOLVED unanimously for CD to circulate a proof. Action: CD

CD had advised WLDC of a fly tipping complaint on the Holmfield open space – it is hard for WLDC to take action as the land is currently privately owned; although they may get involved.

A Cherry Willingham nursing home is a Covid hotspot.

A complaint had been received concerned dumped wine bottles on the Plough Lane public right of way – noted similar on Mucky Lane behind the village hall.

Progress on trialling Sage Accounting is being made but there are some matters still to bottom out. CD suggested approving the clerk’s time in getting these correct.

Confirmed that, when clerk is given an action regarding correspondence, she can just get on with it, but that councillors would find it helpful to see what has been sent.

200/20 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

CH – nothing to report.

CD –WLDC’s Scrutiny Committee had met and had considered flood issues which WLDC will look at; with the CW ward to invite representatives to discuss problems across the CW ward. RW had suggested a relief road to the south which would also act as flood protection CD is to have plans drawn up. Action: CD, RW

201/20 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:

Clerk’s hours

Night time street lights being turned off too early

Budget final demand figure  

202/20 To resolve to move into Closed Session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to move into closed session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature.

203/20 To consider matters relating to the following items:

i. Update on the Scouts solar panels:

Payment from British Gas has still not been received.  Action: clerk to chase. Noted that a tree behind the scout hut has been removed.

ii. Meeting with Scouts:

Delayed due to Covid lockdown.A Zoom virtual meeting is to be set up.Action: clerk to arrange date and to supply RW and SC with paperwork.Action: CD to issue Zoom joining details.

CD noted that he had looked at the VHMC’s accounting books.AW asked that CD submits any concerns in writing so that the VHMC can respond in the proper manner.

Meeting ended at10.40pm

Mrs Michelle Vail  Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                          Dated 4.12.20