October 2020 Minutes of a remote meeting on 19 October

Minutes of the Remote Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on

Monday 19 October, 2020 at 7:30pm

Present:  Cllrs Canner, Darcel, Harrison, Hill, Walker, Wall

Also present:  Mrs M Vail (Clerk).  There were 4 members of the public present; with 1 of these arriving just after the start of the meeting; and 2 arriving at approx. 8.10pm.

149/20 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

One resident gave thanks in respect of the Paddock hedges having been cut.There was a brief discussion around who had cut the hedges; and who was responsible for clearing up the resultant debris. The resident then spoke to express her serious concerns in respect of a parish councillor’s comment made in a previous meeting that the Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC) had mismanaged its money; and requested that the comment be withdrawn with an apology until investigations were carried out. She noted that all on the VHMC are voluntary, and that such comments cause damage and undo the good work of the volunteers.

RW and SC expressed their agreement.Noted that this matter is to be discussed later (see below - minute ref: 169/20 iiii).

CD noted that a resident had offered to litter pick and that 2 sets of litter grabbers and bag hoops could be purchased.CD could approach WLDC, or FPC could buy these.

CD further noted that the new website was getting ready to launch.

Meeting started at 7.42pm.

Confirmed that the meeting of the 12 October 2020 had been deferred to this meeting.

150/20 Apologies for absence: None

151/20 Declaration of interests: None

152/20 Approve notes of remote meeting held on 14 September 2020 as a true record:

Noted that:

Item 147/20 vi - should read that ‘CD had been against’.

Item 126/20 – should read ‘95% would not change their view’.

Item 140/20 – should be amended to read ‘there was no requirement for a risk assessment to be written down for reopening the playground’

It was RESOLVED, with RW abstaining, to approve the notes with the above amendments included as a true record. Action: clerk


153/20 Accounts

a. To note the schedule of payments and receipts for September 2020:


Clerk – printing expenses – 24.00

Clerk – PAYE Sept 2020 – 116.00

Clerk – Salary Sept 2020 – 590.41

Sage – Sept 2020 – 14.00 gross, 2.40 VAT, 12.00 net

Virgin media – Phone package Sept 2020 – 17.00

Information Commissioners Office – 35.00

TOTAL 796.81 gross, 2.40 VAT, 794.41 net

RECEIPTS: there were no receipts

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the schedule of receipts and payments for Sept 2020.

b. To resolve to approve the following accounts for payment:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the following accounts for payment.

A Mobile phone package – Oct 2020 – 17.00

B SAGE – Oct 2020 – 14.40

C Clerk’s salary Oct 2020 – 416.10

D PAYE – Oct 2020 – 72.60

E ROSPA – 86.40



154/20 Neighbourhood Plan

i. Receive update on Neighbourhood Plan:

CD had sent off a revised sketch to LCC and the Church Commissioners; and will follow this up prior to calling a NP meeting regarding next steps.   Action: CD

RW noted that the only item on the WLDC Neighbourhood Plan website is a 2014 WL statement. This is to be discussed at the next NP meeting.  Action: CD


155/20 Update on transfer across to LCC Website:

The volunteer had had to move on to help other parish councils.  Noted that some current documents are in table format; and some documents on the new LCC website require reviewing – these can be looked at by a local person.  (See minute ref below - 169/20 iv)

Noted that the LCC website calendar will only show the current month, and that LCC are working on this – FPC can, however, post a list of village hall bookings on the website.

Noted that the existing e-mail address for the clerk is linked to the current website.

Action: clerk to send AW link to training on the new website; and to arrange access for him to the website.

156/20 Update on progress of repairs to Village Hall roof:

Noted that AW had not been contacted by the contractor to arrange to visit the village hall to review the job despite several approaches from the clerk. RW advised that he could also be contacted to arrange access.Action: clerk to chase contractor

157/20 Update on horse trough outside Manor House:

LCC had not replied to an approach to them by the clerk regarding the horse trough.The resident was to have approached a possible recipient, but the clerk had not heard anything further.WLDC had been advised and had volunteered to collect the trough, although this had not yet happened.

As FPC might have access to someone who could move the trough, it was RESOLVED unanimously, subject to this, to locate the trough on the Crescent if permission from the housing association is granted.A query was raised as to who would look after the trough. Action: AW, clerk

158/20 Update on Morris Holmes land transfer; and ratify appointment of solicitor and fees

Progress was being made; with relevant paperwork and documents being submitted to the solicitor to enable them to proceed in this matter.Both solicitors had made contact with each other.Morris Holmes’ solicitor had offered to pay FPC’s costs up to £1000 including disbursements.It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve expenditure of up to £1000 in case FPC is required to pay upfront.

Item for next agenda – to consider what to do with the land.Action: clerk


159/20 Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter October 2020 – note only, no actions required

160/20 Nettleham Area Policing Newsletter October 2020 - note only, no actions required

Both items were noted.PC Harrison had spoken with councillors on 12 October 2020.

The clerk confirmed receipt of a letter from the VHMC which would be read out later in the meeting.


161/20 To consider making a financial contribution towards the running of the village newsletter:

Following a proposal to contribute £25.00 which was not voted upon, it was then RESOLVED unanimously to approve a proposal to donate £50.AW suggested asking how far £50 will go.Action: clerk

162/20 To consider parking concerns in village:

SC noted improvements; although approximately 6 cars were still parking on the Church View entrance. Several village locations of concern were noted; and AW suggested that additional parking could be incorporated into the NP. Action: all to e-mail clerk with parking concerns; then clerk to advise police. Action: clerk

163/20 To consider ROSPA report and any actions required; including resolving on any required expenditure:

All considered this to be a good report.CD suggested finding a handyman to address identified issues.RW noted the ideal of reducing identified risk levels to ‘low’. Noted that the wall requires repair.It was confirmed that 4 sets of chains were required for the swings (this expenditure has previously been approved); and it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve £60 to purchase two flat swing seats plus delivery. Action: clerk

164/20 To consider any items for next edition of village newsletter

Speedwatch and vacancy for a parish councillor.

165/20 Chairman’s comments:

These were made earlier in the meeting within the Open Session.

166/20 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

CD had circulated news pertaining to the stepping down of the Leader of WLDC which he had been very sad to hear.

167/20 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:

To consider: plans for land being transferred from Morris Holmes; Risk assessments; Facebook account; Hodgson Trust allotment agreement; Budget setting; Planters; and

Vacancy – one resident present at the meeting is an applicant; and he confirmed his availability to attend on 9 November for an interview.He offered any help as required on risk assessments.

168/20 To resolve to move into Closed Session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to move into Closed Session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature. At this point (8.47pm) the members of the public left the meeting – the resident who spoke at the start of the meeting was advised that she would be informed of the outcome in due course.

169/20 To consider matters relating to the following items:

i.Update on the Scouts solar panels:

British Gas had finally responded to advise that outstanding cheques were being reissued and would be received within 21 days.  Action: clerk to chase if these are not received. One final payment cannot yet be released as British Gas need to physically inspect the meter first as part of their inspection cycle – the clerk has forwarded this e-mail to the Scouts for them to arrange the required access.

British Gas had also provided evidence identifying the person who had requested that the named recipient of payments be changed from FPC to the Scouts. Action: clerk to circulate British Gas e-mail again.

ii. To consider correspondence from Scouts regarding solar panels:

SC and RW had previously volunteered to meet with the Scouts.  Action: clerk to write to Scouts.

AW has previously circulated a draft ‘FPC Reserve Fund Management Policy for the Lark Energy Community Fund’ policy; and it was agreed that, whilst it would be beneficial to have matters written down, this draft policy should be discussed after the meeting with the Scouts.

iii.To consider correspondence from Village Hall Management Committee regarding minutes of FPC’s meeting held on August 10th, 2020:

A letter of complaint from the VHMC was read out by the clerk in respect of a comment made in the meeting of 10 August 2020 that the VHMC had mismanaged its money in the past. Concern was expressed regarding the recording of this in the minutes of that meeting.

After discussion, a proposal by RW, with SC seconding, that ‘as the PC has not seen any evidence of the VHMC mismanaging money in the past, that the comment made in the minutes of August 10th, minute 112/20, be rescinded by a subsequent minute, and an apology sent to the VHMC for making an inaccurate and unsubstantiated accusation’ was carried with 4 in favour and 2 against.

Action: clerk to write to i) VHMC and ii) resident; also to attach a copy of this minute to the minutes of the meeting of August 10th 2020.

iv. To consider using local person to undertake work on new FPC website; and agree their hourly rate of pay:

Noted that approximately 30 files require converting to an acceptable format; and that some files already posted on the new website require editing.

A quote is still awaited from the local person; and it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve expenditure of £10 per hour up to £100 in total. Action: CD to contact local person.

170/20 to consider any applications received for the casual vacancy:

As recorded above.

Meeting ended at 21.24pm

Mrs Michelle Vail                                                                                                        29.10.20

Parish Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council