June 2020 Minutes of a Remote Meeting on 22 June

Minutes of the Remote Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Monday 22nd June 2020


Present: Cllrs Canner (SC); Darcel (CD), Harrison (MH), Hill (CH), Walker (AW), Wall (RW),

Also in Attendance: C/Cllr Fleetwood, Mrs M Vail (clerk)

There were three members of the public present.


049/20 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

The following matters were noted:

Much damage had been caused to the river bank by cows in 2019 when it had been too wet for them to be in this area; and the effects of this will be suffered long-term.

Priory estate footpaths had recently been resurfaced but weeds were already growing through the tarmac.  AW offered to take photos. Action: clerk to report.

MH thanked both AW for his effort and expertise on the NP questionnaire booklet; and CD for his gathering of further detailed information. CH suggested that the NP booklet be dedicated to Cllr Wendy Adams who had put much work into it.  The suggestion of presenting a certificate to Cllr Adams’ partner will be discussed at a later date.

Meeting started at 7.30pm.

050/20 Apologies for absence: D/Cllr Welburn

051/20 Declaration of interests: None

052/20 To approve the notes of the remote meeting held on 8 June 2020 as a true record:

Reported that not all councillors had received the draft notes so item deferred until next meeting (note: draft notes had been e-mailed out on 9th June 2020)

053/20 To consider proposed solar farm plans, Fiskerton West, in light of site visit:

Following a site visit, AW and RW had drafted a letter for submission as part of the developer’s consultation period.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the submission of the letter as is.  Action: clerk

054/20 To consider allotment documents from the Hodgson Trust:

RW had circulated the documents.  AW noted that clause 4.6 (Trustees responsible for maintenance) and clause 11 (the Council will indemnify the Trustees for any third party claim) were of concern in that if the Trust carries out poor repairs which result in a third party claim, then FPC is liable for the cost of that claim even though it is not responsible for the poor maintenance leading to such a claim.  Action: RW to seek clarification from Hodgson Trust.  Action: clerk to seek advice from the insurers.  Item for next meeting. Action: clerk

055/20 Village Hall roof repair – to receive progress report on obtaining quotes:

Quotes obtained by AW had been circulated.  The clerk, CD and SC were liaising with other contractors for quotes. AW suggested that quotes should include an option for an opening skylight.

CD expressed concerns about the whole of the expenditure being borne by FPC should a grant for this work not be forthcoming; and also noted that FPC’s insurer had advised that they would not insist on the work being guaranteed if it were carried out by a competent person. Cllr Hill commented “the builder only has to go bust and the guarantee is worthless”. Action: RW, AW to ascertain if the VH insurer demands a guarantee. 

Concerns were expressed regarding not having a guarantee; and noted that the work could be more expensive with a guarantee; and that FPC should consider the matter of a guarantee at the appropriate time.

056/20 Maintenance of the flood plain:

The rear of the village hall is significantly overgrown and, based on feedback in 2019 that this area is cut bi-annually, it is due for a cut in 2020. Noted that a farmer has previously undertaken the cutting; and that relevant information might be stored in the parish office store.  Action: clerk to 1) approach farmer; and 2) check in store.  Action: CD to approach WLDC about this in connection with the Fiskerton Flood Defence Scheme.  AW noted the current lack of any such records; and the future need to record matters.

057/20 To consider purchasing a Zoom package for future meetings:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve CD’s purchase at £14.39.  Action: clerk to reimburse CD.

058/20 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

IF – a report had been submitted to the clerk. In addition, IF updated briefly on the situation in respect of hospitalised Covid 19 patients. 

CD – noted two extensions on Church View Crescent; one having gone through the planning process, and the other being built under permitted development rights; and further noted the seeming unfairness that the neighbours of the permitted development extension had not had the same option to object that the neighbours of the extension granted under the planning process had had.

IF explained that planning rules work to 3 documents:  National Planning Policy Framework; Neighbourhood Plan if one exists; and Mid Lincs Local Plan.  As FPC is still formulating its NP; it may consider including within it a policy. Most properties have permitted development rights.  It is possible to apply to WL and other authorities to ask for these to be removed; but in the case above, work has commenced. If a Planning Officer had visited the site then that was all FPC and WLDC could do. 

CH – nothing to report

059/20 Chairman’s Comments: To be included within the closed session.

060/20 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:

To receive update of where the Mid Lincs Local Plan is at – IF advised that the chairmanship has changed; there had been a recent meeting; policies are coming together, and that an end date is not yet known. Consultation will take place as the Covid 19 situation allows; and information can be found on the Mid Lincs website.

To consider repairs required to play equipment as identified in the 2019 annual external inspection report.  

Resident’s e-mails regarding horse trough, and also concerns regarding solar farm.

A possible special motion may be brought by CD and CH to reschedule a couple of meetings.

To consider increasing number of councillors from 7 to 9.  CD advised that WLDC had confirmed that this would be possible. Action: MH, CD to circulate information.

061/20 To resolve to move into Closed Session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to move into Closed Session due to the following items containing information of a confidential nature. At this point in the meeting (8.10pm) IF and the residents left the meeting.

062/20 To approve final draft of Clerk’s job description:

With an addition suggested by CD in point 12c of the proposed job description so that it reads: ‘to promote the Parish Council through its website and to ensure information is regularly and accurately updated; and the clerk should have sole responsibility for managing the parish council website’; it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the job description.

063/20 Data breach:

A potential data breach had been identified – immediate preventative action had been taken to strengthen security, and WLDC had been advised.  Consideration was given to the security of documents stored within the parish office.  Action: CD to research companies who can scan documents.

064/20 Update on the Scouts solar panels; consider response from Scouts following request in previous meeting to write to them regarding FIT readings and payments; and agree any further actions as required:

AW had provided an e-mailed explanation of the situation; and a response had been received from the Scouts.  It was confirmed that the clerk should write to: 1) Ofgem; 2) British Gas; 3) the Treasurer; and the Chair of Trustees of the Scouts.  Action: clerk.

Action: AW to provide clerk with FPC logo for official letterhead

065/20 to consider a proposal to send the draft Lark Energy Community Fund policy document to the Fiskerton Scouts and the Village Hall Committee to review and for the Council to support Cllr Walker to continue his investigations into the unpaid revenue from the Scout hut panels:

Item deferred for future consideration.

066/20 Chairman’s Comments:

Request that draft agendas be sent to CD earlier to allow sufficient time for consideration. Action: clerk

Noted CD’s pleasure at the quality of grass cuts.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the sending of a letter of thanks. Action: clerk.

CD to meet with a particular councillor to resolve various matters of concern. Action: CD                                                   

General comments were then made as follows:

RW noted that item 040/20 ii regarding the Tanya application required amendment.  Action: RW to supply clerk with correct wording ahead of these draft minutes being approved at the July full council meeting.

The clerk advised that, now she had access to the bank accounts, working on the financial audit process was the priority job.

SC reported vehicle obstruction on Church View Crescent; and also a settee left on the front – this can be reported to WLDC as fly tipping. Action: CD to approach household in question.

RW thanked all who had got back so quickly in respect of the Gardening Club and the Co-op scheme.

Meeting ended at 8.44pm

Michelle Vail, Parish Clerk/RFO                                                                         24 June 2020