November 2020 Minutes of a remote meeting on 30 November

Minutes of the Remote Extraordinary Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on Monday 30th November 2020, at 7:00pm

Present:  Cllrs Brereton, Canner, Darcel, Harrison, Hill, Walker, Wall

Also present:Mrs M Vail (Clerk); C/Cllr Fleetwood, D/Cllr Anne Welburn; and one member of the public.

Meeting commenced at 7.

204/20 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

There was no public representation.

205/20 Apologies for absence: None

206/20 Declaration of interests:

D/Cllr Welburn advised that she sits on WLDC’s grant application panel.

Noted that AW and RW each sit on both the Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC) and on the Parish Council.D/Cllr Welburn noted that both can take part in discussions; and that there is no reason why they can’t declare an interest.RW then declared an interest.

207/20 To consider the following in respect of the village hall roof repair:

i. Whose responsibility is the roof repair?

ii. What is needed?

iii How much will it cost?

iv. How much will the VHMC be contributing to the repair?

v. What can the Parish Council do to help?

vi. Course of action bearing in mind the PC has no authority over the VHMC and should not interfere with its management?

208/20 In order to facilitate the progress of a grant application in respect of the village hall roof repair in a timely manner to meet deadline dates; to either:

i. resolve on a preferred contractor for the full village hall roof repair from the 4 quotes received to date; or

ii. to resolve to provide an agreement to approve Cllr Walker and a second councillor to select the preferred contractor on behalf of Fiskerton Parish Council.

The above items were considered en bloc. There was a lengthy discussion; with the following main points being made:

Confirmed that FPC had resolved in its meeting held on 10th August 2020 that it would lead on the village hall roof repair project; the financing of same (FPC is in a much better position to apply for a grant); and that, at that time, no figures had been mentioned.  The minutes of this meeting had subsequently been approved as true record, therefore are now a legal document.

AW noted that FPC has a duty to assist as custodian trustees.  Cllr Welburn noted that responsibility lies with the VHMC; and that FPC had resolved to assist.  She suggested that funding be achieved by grant monies; and by an equal split between the FPC and VHMC.

CD asked if the VHMC had submitted a business case to FPC for replacing the roof; and expressed his concern that FPC had agreed to something when it hadn’t been aware of the whole situation. He further noted that one contractor had offered a guarantee of work; and that FPC has a legal duty to spend wisely and obtain best value for money.

SC noted that matters had been going on too long; that FPC is here to assist; and that both FPC and VHMC should work together to move the situation forward.

MH suggested that 2 or 3 people look at and compare the quotes carefully; then choose one to proceed with. The need to finalise a contractor asap was noted so as to allow the grant application to be firmed up.  It was RESOLVED by the majority to set up a working group comprising: KB, SC, RW, AW AND CH.

MH then proposed, with KB seconding, that both the VHMC and FPC should contribute towards the expenditure; with grants making up the remainder.  Noted that a PWBL had previously been suggested as an alternative funding route.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve this proposal.

AW suggested applying for a grant for the largest amount possible which would cover for contingencies; and confirmed that £10,000 had been added to costs for internal redecoration costs. A summary of worst-case scenario is that, based on £59,467 expenditure; and a maximum 10.75% FPC contribution that is required to be paid to the FCC grant funder; that approx. £6000 maximum of FPC’s own money will be required. The need to focus FPC’s efforts on securing a grant funding stream was noted.

At this point in the meeting (8.28pm) Cllr Welburn left the meeting.

A proposal by CD, seconded by CH, to limit FPC to £6000 expenditure received 1 vote for; so was not carried.  A further proposal by KB to limit FPC to £6000 expenditure based on obtaining FCC grant funding was approved unanimously.

A subcommittee meeting was then arranged for 4th December outside the village hall at 2pm. Action: CD to circulate a fifth quote.

209/20 To receive an update on recent meeting with Scouts representatives in respect of solar panels on the Scout House and:

i. resolve to ratify a contract document for the management of the panels:

RW advised that it had been a good meeting; that the Scouts had signed the aforementioned document; and that FPC need to resolve to sign the document also.  Action: RW to recirculate the document.

ii. resolve to send contract document to the Scouts and VHMC for them to sign:

Noted that the document will also go to the VHMC to sign; and whilst the VHMC Chair prefers 2 documents; the Scouts prefer 1 document. This will be discussed at an upcoming VHMC meeting.

C/Cllr Fleetwood stated that it would be a shame if the roof did not get fixed; noting that some years previously when the village hall burnt down, that he and others had volunteered time and effort for the benefit of Fiskerton; and that the village hall must be maintained and brought up to standard.

A proposal by RW, seconded by SC, to ratify a contract document for the management of the panels was RESOLVED upon with 6 for and one abstention (CH). Noted that FPC’s Chair and Vice Chair would sign the document on behalf of FPC.

A proposal by RW, seconded by SC, to send the contract document to the Scouts and VHMC for them to sign was RESOLVED upon with 5 for and 2 against (CD, CH).

Meeting ended at 8.50pm

Mrs Michelle Vail

Parish Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                          Dated 10/12/20