September 2021


Chairman: Cllr Chris Darcel          Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail

E:  Tel: 07305 818857

Notice of Meeting

The next meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council will be held on Monday 13 September 2021 at 7:30pm in Fiskerton Village Hall at which the business listed in the agenda below will be transacted.  The time between 7.30pm and 7.45 pm may be given over to a public session if required, but if no members of the public wish to speak, the meeting will start at 7.30pm.

Michelle Vail   Clerk/RFO: Fiskerton Parish Council


1. Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes

2. Apologies for absence

3. Declaration of interests

4. Approve notes of meeting of 19 July 2021 as a true record

5. Approve notes of extraordinary meeting held on 2 August 2021 as a true record

6. Approve notes of extraordinary meeting held on 23 August 2021 as a true record

7. To receive observations of the District and County Councillors.



a. To resolve to receive the following schedule of payments and receipts for July and August 2021:


Sage, payroll & accounts package, July 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Sage, payroll & accounts package, August 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin Media, phone handset, July 2021, £7.00

Virgin Media, phone handset, August 2021, £7.00

Virgin media call package, July 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Virgin media call package, August 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Clerk, salary, July 2021, £581.80

Clerk, salary, August 2021, £433.00

PAYE, August 2021, £35.00

Glendale, grass cutting, June 2021, £565.62 + £113.12 VAT = £678.74

Printer ink, £61.72 + £12.34 VAT = £74.06

PWLB, July, loan, £1026.27

Clerk expenses, paper, £5.70

Transfer to deposit account, £10,000.00

Repay £450 to WLDC for unrequired WLDC CIF grant.

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £13,228.03 + £136.44 VAT = £13364.47 


Transfer from current account, £10,000.00

Scouts, grasscuts and rent, £127.00

Allotment rent, Priestley, £13.00

Allotment rent, Blewitt, £10.00

Allotment rent, Howard, £8.00

Grazing rent, £40.00

Interest, July, 0.51

Interest, August, 0.63

TOTAL RECEIPTS = £10,199.14

b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts for September 2021:

Sage, payroll & accounts package, Sept 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin Media, phone handset, Sept 2021, £7.00

Virgin media call package, Sept 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Clerk, salary, Sept 2021, includes 6 additional hours, £490.40 (extraordinary meeting, typing verbatim minutes, work in holiday)

PAYE, Sept 2021, £49.60

Glendale, grass cutting, Aug 2021, £377.08 + £75.42 VAT = £452.50, estimated

Glendale, grass cutting, Sept 2021, £377.08 + £75.42 VAT = £452.50, estimated

ROSPA, Annual Play Inspection, £72.00 + £14.40 VAT = £86.40

Grant, St Clements Church Council, £3000 to church clock repairs

Annual Data Protection Fee, £40

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £4440.62 + £170.73 VAT = £4611.35

PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:

9. Neighbourhood Plan: to receive update including any response to FPC submissions

10. Central Lincs Local Plan Consultation response – receive update including any response to FPC submissions

11. Airfield solar farm – consider inviting the developers to discuss community gain

12. Planning application: 143533, single storey garden room extension, Shooters Cottage Moor Lane Fiskerton, LN3 4EG

UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:

13. Repairs to Village Hall roof including grant applications; any meetings/minutes

14. Transfer of land from Morris Homes including any additional financial contribution from Morris Homes; progress of solicitor with the additional searches

15. Troughs and planters – update; resident offer to level up horse trough and water plants in exceptional dry weather; approve expenditure to plant trough up

16. Village Gateway signs – consider feedback from Greetwell Parish Council:

17. Revised draft Hodgson Trust allotment agreement

18. Five-mile bridge – update from Canals and Rivers Trust

NEW ITEMS: to consider and agree actions as required:

19. Findings of ROSPA play inspection - August 2021

20. LALC’s options for website support


21. The following require no action:

Nettleham Police Newsletter

WLDC Parish News

D/Cllr Welburn report

C/Cllr Fleetwood report

PWLB Updated guidance and terms

LCC Road closure Priory Drive and St Clements Drive Sept 6 -10

The following require consideration and action as required:

22. Resident – concerns about the amount of cars parked along Chapel Road, outside the Old Hall Care Home; and another resident has ongoing concerns about noise and nuisance coming from the Hall

23. Resident – suggestion that FPC write to the Highway Authority regarding drains following summer flooding on High Street

24. Resident – request for FPC support for LCC to resurface along Ferry Road

25. Resident – update on headstone damage; and request to consider care and consideration when mowing churchyard when the contract is again renewed.

26. Resident – weeds and nettles under hedge on Orchard Road, and condition of Orchard Road’s road surface

27. Resident – trough help level it up and in exceptional dry weather keep it watered

28. Chairman’s comments


29. Approve agenda for Annual Parish Meeting; and agree any required actions

30. Set date for extraordinary meeting to discuss with resident concerns in respect of Holmfield open space

31. Matters for inclusion on next agenda

32. Date of next meeting: Monday 13 September, 2021, 7.30pm, Fiskerton Village Hall.

Mrs Michelle Vail                                  

Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                  Dated 08.09.21