June 2021 Agenda


Chairman: Cllr Chris Darcel          Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail

E: clerk@fiskerton-lincs.org.uk  Tel: 07305 818857

Notice of Meeting

The next meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council will be held on Monday 21 June 2021 at 7:30pm in Fiskerton Village Hall at which the business listed in the agenda below will be transacted.  The time between 7.30pm and 7.45 pm may be given over to a public session if required, but if no members of the public wish to speak, the meeting will start at 7.30pm.

Michelle Vail   Clerk/RFO: Fiskerton Parish Council


1. Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes

2. Apologies for absence

3. Declaration of interests

4. Approve notes of remote meeting of 6 May 2021 as a true record

5. To receive observations of the District and County Councillors.

6. Holmfield open space: CD response to resident representations at May meeting



a. To resolve to receive the following schedule of payments and receipts for May 2021:


10/05/21, Glendale, March grasscutting, £188.54 + £37.71 VAT = £226.25

10/05/21, Glendale, April grasscutting, £188.54 + £37.71 VAT = £226.25

10/05/21, Zurich, insurance, £622.16

10/05/21, LALC, Annual training fee, £120.00

10/05/21, B Solly, Internal Auditor Fee, £40.00

12/05/21, Post Office, top up from current account to petty cash holdings, £100.00

15/05/21, Cllr Darcel, reimburse from petty cash for Zoom meetings, £86.34

17/6/21, Sage, payroll/accounts package, May 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

20/4/21, Virgin Media, handset, May 2021, £7.00

20/4/21, Virgin Media, call package, May 2021, £8.34 + £1.66 VAT = £10.00

20/05/21, Mr Coles, annual access to riverbank payment, £400.00

28/4/21, Clerk, salary, May 2021, £404.00

28/4/21, PAYE, May 2021, £64.00

TOTAL PAYMENTS = £2247.92 + £80.88 VAT = £2328.80


12/05/21, to petty cash holdings from current account, £100.00

26/05/21, VAT reclaim for 2020/21, £885.29

28/05/21, Interest, 0.48


b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts:

A, Sage, payroll & accounts package, June 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

B, Virgin Media, phone handset, June 2021, £7.00

C, Virgin media call package, June 2021, £8.34 + £1.66 VAT = £10.00

D, Clerk, salary, June 2021, £404.00

E, PAYE, June 2021, £64.00

F, Arma Roofing, Village Hall roof and wall repairs, £1350.00

G, Glendale, grass cutting, end of April & May 2021, £377.08 + £75.42 = £452.50

H. Clerk’s printing costs (Jan – May 2021), £26.25

I, Clerk’s 6.5 additional hours on audit work and FOI request, £78.00

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £2333.67 + £80.88 VAT = £2414.55


8. Neighbourhood Plan: to receive any update

9. Resolve on any further actions regarding solar panel development on the airfield

10. Resolve on response to planning application as follows:

7 June, 143034, erection of a Distribution Network Operator communication mast at Fiskerton Airfield

11. Consider response to any planning application received for 17 affordable homes in Fiskerton (Church Commissioners and WLDC)


12. Repairs to Village Hall roof including grant applications; any meetings/minutes; and to resolve on any required actions

13. Transfer of land from Morris Homes including any additional financial contribution from Morris Homes; progress of solicitor with the additional searches; and to resolve on any required actions

14. A post lockdown gift to all residents

15. Troughs and planters

16. Speed signs and Village Gateway signs

17. New website update including transferring minutes in table format; volunteer time availability and his suggested charges

18. E-mails: consider:

a. setting up of e-mail addresses specific to each councillor to be used solely for council business

b. how can historical information saved within the clerk’s current e-mail address be retained once the old website (to which the clerk’s e-mail is linked) be closed down

19. Consider new ways of working:eg dropbox, cloud, external storage

20. Resolve to put Witham Valley Access Group walking routes onto website

21. Hodgson Trust allotment agreement


22. Consider rescinding Lark Energy Grants Policy

23. Grass cutting – complaint from resident at Stoney End

24. Possible grasscutter damage to headstone

25. To consider matters in respect of Five Mile Bridge:

26. Consider suggestions for ball play areas

27. Resolve to reinstate the two missing swings in the play area.

28. Note that play inspection is booked in for August 2021

29. Resolve on actions regarding need for policies and GDPR risk assessments

30. Resolve on matters relating to the holding of office documents as follows:

a. Agree on procedure for control of documents

b. Consider how to improve on document security

c. Agree on clear out of documents and how to achieve this


31. Nettleham Police Newsletter – no action required

32. Neighbourhood Watch newsletter – no action required

33. WLDC Parish News - – no action required

34. WLDC news release restart litter pick scheme

35. D/Cllr Welburn report – no action required

36. C/Cllr Fleetwood report – no action required

37. Lincs Environ Awards – correspondence

38. Resident - for the maintenance of the paths at the rear of Nelson Road and St Clements leading to the river to give them a cut now and then please

39. Chairman’s comments

40. Matters for inclusion on next agenda

41. Date of next meeting: TBC:

Suggested dates are either Monday 19th or Monday 26th July at 7.30pm, Fiskerton Village Hall. To be preceded by Annual Parish Meeting. 

42. Resolve to move into closed session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature:

43. To resolve to join the Local Government Pension Scheme effective at the earliest possible date following this meeting; at a monthly cost to Fiskerton Parish Council of £105.30.

44. To consider any applications for the councillor vacancy

Mrs Michelle Vail

Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                  Dated 15.06.21