September 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on Monday 13 September 2021 at 7:30pm in Fiskerton Village Hall

Present: Cllrs K Brereton, C Hill, A Walker, P Whitt, Mrs M Vail (Clerk), C/Cllr Fleetwood, D/Cllr A Welburn; and two members of the public

227/21 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

The public spoke regarding noise and parking issues at the Old Hall care home; noting also their concerns as to the welfare and care of residents. They noted that matters have not improved despite their having approached both the Old Hall care home and other organisations on the matter.

They were advised that the parish council does not have powers to allow it to take direct action.Action: clerk to write to the police and WLDC about matters as appropriate.

The two members of the public left the meeting at 7.53pm.

D/Cllr Welburn then spoke on the situation, noting that WLDC had attended; but that there is a lack of substantial evidence to be able to progress matters.

Cllr Walker, as a resident, then asked about a graffiti removal service.Action: clerk to contact WLDC.

Meeting started at 8.03pm

228/21 Apologies for absence:Cllrs Canner, Darcel, Wall

229/21 Declaration of interests: No interests were declared.

230/21 Approve notes of meeting of 19 July 2021 as a true record:

It was RESOLVED with one abstention to approve the notes as a true record.

231/21 Approve notes of extraordinary meeting held on 2 August 2021 as a true record:

It was RESOLVED to defer approval of these draft minutes due to insufficient Members present to vote who had attended this meeting.

232/21 Approve notes of extraordinary meeting held on 23 August 2021 as a true record:

With two amendments, it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the notes as a true record.Action: clerk

233/21 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

D/Cllr Hill – nothing to report

D/Cllr Welburn – her written report had circulated

C/Cllr Fleetwood – his written report had been circulated.



a. To resolve to receive the following schedule of payments and receipts for July and August 2021:

It was RESOLVED unanimously, with AW proposing, seconded by KB, to receive the schedule of payments and receipts for July and August 2021 as listed below.


Sage, payroll & accounts package, July 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Sage, payroll & accounts package, August 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin Media, phone handset, July 2021, £7.00

Virgin Media, phone handset, August 2021, £7.00

Virgin media call package, July 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Virgin media call package, August 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Clerk, salary, July 2021, £581.80

Clerk, salary, August 2021, £433.00

PAYE, August 2021, £35.00

Glendale, grass cutting, June 2021, £565.62 + £113.12 VAT = £678.74

Printer ink, £61.72 + £12.34 VAT = £74.06

PWLB, July, loan, £1026.27

Clerk expenses, paper, £5.70

Transfer to deposit account, £10,000.00

Repay £450 to WLDC for unrequired WLDC CIF grant.

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £13,228.03 + £136.44 VAT = £13364.47 


Transfer from current account, £10,000.00

Scouts, grasscuts and rent, £127.00

Allotment rent, Priestley, £13.00

Allotment rent, Blewitt, £10.00

Allotment rent, Howard, £8.00

Grazing rent, £40.00

Interest, July, 0.51

Interest, August, 0.63

TOTAL RECEIPTS = £10,199.14

b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts for September 2021:

It was RESOLVED unanimously, with AW proposing, seconded by KB, to approve the September 2021 payments as listed below. Action: clerk

Sage, payroll & accounts package, Sept 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin Media, phone handset, Sept 2021, £7.00

Virgin media call package, Sept 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Clerk, salary, Sept 2021, includes 6 additional hours, £490.40 (extraordinary meeting, typing verbatim minutes, work in holiday)

PAYE, Sept 2021, £49.60

Glendale, grass cutting, Aug 2021, £377.08 + £75.42 VAT = £452.50, estimated

Glendale, grass cutting, Sept 2021, £377.08 + £75.42 VAT = £452.50, estimated

ROSPA, Annual Play Inspection, £72.00 + £14.40 VAT = £86.40

Grant, St Clements Church Council, £3000 to church clock repairs

Annual Data Protection Fee, £40

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £4440.62 + £170.73 VAT = £4611.35

PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:

235/21 Neighbourhood Plan: to receive update including any response to FPC submissions:

WLDC had reviewed and commented on the submissions.  Nothing had been flagged up as unsuitable.  Next steps are: to amend the draft plan with WLDC’s amendments; to formally agree the revised draft plan; and to move to a consultation period (desired before Christmas).  Action: AW to request the Chairman calls an extraordinary meeting to agree and approve these next steps.

AW then apologised for omitting to mention at the last NP meeting:

Appendix C : Important Views and Vistas: – 2 additional views had been added in (one from Hall Lane towards the spires, 2) from the airfield down over the village.

236/21 Central Lincs Local Plan Consultation response – receive update including any response to FPC submissions:

CLLP had acknowledged receipt of submissions, but were unlikely to respond specifically on the submissions.  Action: clerk to ascertain if a response is possible.

At this point, CH declared an interest in the next two items so would abstain from any votes.

237/21 Airfield solar farm – consider inviting the developers to discuss community gain: The application has been approved.  Action: clerk to invite developers back.

238/21 Planning application: 143533, single storey garden room extension, Shooters Cottage Moor Lane Fiskerton, LN3 4EG:

It was RESOLVED to submit a ‘no objections’ comments to WLDC.  Action: Clerk

UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:

239/21 Repairs to Village Hall roof including grant applications; any meetings/minutes:

Minutes from three VHRR committee meetings had been circulated. A decision is awaited from the National Lottery grant application; who require comprehensive information from the contractors by 13 September 2021.  Due to this requirement, the decorating element has been removed from the application.

If a PWLB loan is required, they require a copy of the VHRR Committee’s report as submitted to FPC for approval.  As this has been piecemeal over a few months; AW brought everything together into this one briefing as follows:

Feb 2020 – joint meeting between the Council and Village Hall Management Committee.  The Village Hall Management Committee said they had a leaking roof and they asked the Council for assistance in getting the roof repaired.  The Council agreed to assist and the Council agreed to take ownership of the project and to run it through to conclusion.

Sometime later Cllr Wall collated a list of potential grant providers from Community Lincs.  Cllrs Wall and Walker began working through this list to plan for funding. 

Soon after that, the Village Hall Roof Repairs Committee was assembled and Members were voted onto that committee. Since the formation of that committee, every meeting has been comprehensively minuted and copies of minutes are available to view.

As part of that committee’s work, it:

Agreed the scope of work that wants doing to remove the plastic tiles off the roof which are causing all the issues; replace these with standard concrete tiles; reposition the solar panels nearer to the apex of the roof to prevent footballs getting trapped, and to remove the skylight windows, again to stop footballs getting trapped, and to remove lead off the roof to prevent attractiveness to thieves.

This scope of work was sent out to interested roofers; and quotes were received. Quotes were reviewed and a preferred contractor was chosen and met with.  The chosen contractor is now looking to order the required materials: there is a potential 16-week lead in time to obtaining materials therefore earliest start time for the work is late 2021 or into 2022.

There is a potential shortfall of funding if the National Lottery do not approve the grant application.  If there is a shortfall the council will look to take out a Public Board Loan Board loan; which has been discussed at a Council meeting; and voted and agreed unanimously to take out a PWLB loan to fund the shortfall if needed

It was RESOLVED to publish VHRR Committee minutes on the website. Action: Clerk

240/21 Transfer of land from Morris Homes including any additional financial contribution from Morris Homes; progress of solicitor with the additional searches:

The solicitor has received the results of the searches and the report to FPC is being put together.  However, the solicitor is currently absent.  No update from Morris Homes.  Action: clerk to chase.

241/21 Troughs and planters – update; resident offer to level up horse trough and water plants in exceptional dry weather; approve expenditure to plant trough up:

The Manor House trough has been relocated to the green.  It was agreed to take the resident up on his offer, with AW offering to help the resident with the levelling up.  D/Cllr Welburn offered assistance from her CIF grant monies (anticipated £150).  It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the above suggestions and actions. Action: clerk to obtain quote for soil and plants. 

242/21 Village Gateway signs – consider feedback from Greetwell Parish Council:

Greetwell PC had provided information about their village gateways which was noted.

AW had circulated plans for this project including: signs and artwork; speed signs; narrowing lines; vehicle activated signs at the three village gateways.  These are to be submitted to LCC.  Noted that the gateway signs may be relocated if the village is extended in the future.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to include the white gate boards to the project as Greetwell PC have; and to include these in with the LCC application.  Action: AW, clerk

243/21 Revised draft Hodgson Trust allotment agreement :

Noted that this is very similar to the current version.  Items 4 and 10 now tally and make sense – FPC is now responsible for both the maintenance and the insurance.  It was RESOLVED to defer item to next meeting so Cllr Wall can confirm the changes. Action: clerk to check position with insurer.

244/21 Five-mile bridge – update from Canals and Rivers Trust:

The Canal & River Trust have advised that they are not responsible for the ramp; and are only responsible up to the water’s edge. Previously LCC and Sustrans have also advised that they are not responsible.  Action:  clerk to approach Environment Agency; also check records.

245/21 Scout hut solar panel feed in tariff payments:

The latest payment received from British Gas was for £670.86 in October 2020.They are legally required as part of the FIT scheme to undertake a physical meter read every two years.  Action: clerk to arrange meter read date.  AW offered to assist on accessing the building, if required.

NEW ITEMS: to consider and agree actions as required:

246/21 Findings of ROSPA play inspection – August 2021:

KB noted that, with the exception of the wall leaning (Medium risk), all other issues were minor. Action: clerk to arrange inspection of wall; and to ascertain from CD about swing chains ordered in 2020. Action: AW to tighten nuts. Action: KB to incorporate findings into inspection regime. Swings to be reinstated.

At 9.02pm, D/Cllr Welburn left the meeting.

247/21 LALC’s options for website support:

LALC are offering a Basic and a Premium service offering respectively: support and advice at £5 + VAT per month, and support, advice and uploading documents to the website at £15 + VAT per month.It was RESOLVED not to subscribe to either option.Noted that LALC will offer occasional website maintenance refresher training.


The following require no action: Nettleham Police Newsletter; WLDC Parish News; D/Cllr Welburn reports; C/Cllr Fleetwood reports; PWLB Updated guidance and terms; and LCC Road closure Priory Drive and St Clements Drive Sept 6 -10

249/21 Resident – concerns about the amount of cars parked along Chapel Road, outside the Old Hall Care Home; and another resident has ongoing concerns about noise and nuisance coming from the Hall:

Matters considered within Open Session.  Action: clerk to reply to resident.

250/21 Resident – suggestion that FPC write to the Highway Authority regarding drains following summer flooding on High Street:

Action: clerk to forward details to LCC.

251/21 Resident – request for FPC support for LCC to resurface along Ferry Road:

Action: clerk to write to C/Cllr Fleetwood.

252/21 Resident – update on headstone damage; and request to consider care and consideration when mowing churchyard when the contract is again renewed:


253/21 Resident – weeds and nettles under hedge on Orchard Road, and condition of Orchard Road’s road surface:

LCC have inspected the road surface and, whilst acknowledging it is deteriorating, advise no plans to take action at this time.  Action: Clerk to chase Glendale for non-response, then to reply to resident.

Weeds noted on Holmfield (WL responsibility); and uncut grass on connecting paths on Holmfield estate.  Action: clerk

A resident has reported the Post Office not being open when it should.  Noted that there has been Post Office equipment failure; but normal service will resume shortly.

254/21 Chairman’s comments:  No comments as Cllr Darcel is absent.

C/Cllr Fleetwood left the meeting at 9.16pm.


255/21 Approve agenda for Annual Parish Meeting; and agree any required actions:

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft agenda.

256/21 Set date for extraordinary meeting to discuss with resident concerns in respect of Holmfield open space:

Noted that the complaint is a District Councillor issue therefore it is not for FPC to get involved in. Proposed by AW and seconded by PW, it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve AW’s suggestions as follows:

i. the creation of a committee of three councillors who do not reside on Holmfield with the purpose of canvassing Holmfield residents to gather their general consensus regarding Holmfield open space;

ii. then to call a committee meeting to consider findings ahead of reporting back to full council in preparation for such time as FPC takes ownership of the Open Spaces.

iii. To set a £200 budget to cover associated expenses as required such as VH hire for meetings and printing of questionnaires

It was suggested that AW, CH and one other person forms the committee.  Action: AW to speak with Cllrs Wall and Canner about one of them being the third member; and to arrange committee meeting.

KB left the meeting at 9.27pm.

257/21 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:

Review all complaints received in last 2 years against newly adopted Complaints Policy



E-mail accounts

Recent WLDC actions to interfere in FPC matters and undermine FPC decisions

Office sort out

258/21 Date of next meeting: Monday 11 October, 2021, 7.30pm, Fiskerton Village Hall.

Meeting ended at 9.42pm

Mrs Michelle Vail                                  

Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                  Dated 21.09.21