March 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Remote Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on

Monday 8 March 2021 at 7:30pm

Present: Cllrs Brereton (arrived at 7.31pm); Canner, Darcel, Harrison (arrived at 7.38pm), Hill, Walker, Wall

Also present:C/Cllr Fleetwood, D/Cllr Anne Welburn (arrived at 7.31pm), Mrs M Vail (clerk)

There were no members of the public.

Meeting commenced at 7.

072/21 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

As there were no members of the public present; no open session was required.

073/21 Apologies for absence: D/Cllr Welburn – to arrive after the start of the meeting.

074/21 Declaration of interests:

CH in respect of item 8 as she sits on WL’s Planning Committee. Councillors were reminded that they can declare any interest during the meeting.

075/21 Approve notes of remote meeting of 8 February 2021 as a true record:

The clerk was thanked for an excellent job in minuting meetings in the difficult situation of remote Zoom meetings.

In respect of item 055/21 – to amend draft minutes to clarify that:

In respect of item 069/21 – to amend the minutes to reflect that the ramp at Five Mile Bridge has NOT been improved.

With these amendments, it was RESOLVED with one abstention (MH) to approve the minutes as a true record. Action: clerk

In respect of item 069/21 it was confirmed that the clerk was following up with the WL Chief Executive in respect of the Parish Council acquiring the Paddock for community use.

076/21 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

C/Cllr Fleetwood reported that he had cleaned many street signs and two bus shelters, although the tops still require attention due to the need for access via a ladder.   He was thanked for his work.

RW enquired, as a Witham Valley Access Project Group representative, if an overgrown hedge on Ferry Road (location: just past Drake's View to the footpath, about 100 yards) could be cut back as currently pedestrians have to walk on the road.C/Cllr Fleetwood advised that the responsibility lies with the landowner but if they refuse and the path is impeded, then LCC could carry the work out and recharge the landowner.

D/Cllr Welburn noted that:

a number of Telecomms works were being undertaken in Fiskerton. 

details of the Community Infrastructure Levy -  how much has been paid out; and how it has been split between the parish councils - can be viewed on the WL website and is published yearly. 

there is a new WL communications person – anticipated that they will be visiting the local villages in due course to record interesting stories for a ‘Working Together’ article.

Grant money is still available to Fiskerton if councillors could promote this to small local groups who might benefit.

D/Cllr Hill and D/Cllr Darcel – nothing to report.


a. To note the following schedule of receipts and payments for February 2021:

It was RESOLVED unanimously, proposed by RW and seconded by SC, to accept the following schedule of receipts and payments for February.


03/02/21, Amazon, social distancing tape and dog signs, £13.14 + £2.63 VAT = £15.77.

16/02/21, Sage, Payroll/accounts package, Feb 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

19/02/21, WLDC, Building Regulations fee, £306.00 + £61.20 VAT = £367.20

22/01/21, Virgin Media, phone package, Feb 2021, £17.00

22/02/21, Onyx trophies, Cllr Adams plaque, £50.75 + £10.15 VAT = £60.90

22/02/21, Clerk, printing costs, £20.40

22/02/21, Fiskerton Scouts, Grant award, £1100.00

26/02/21, HMRC, PAYE Feb 2021, £69.40

26/02/21, Clerk, salary, Feb 2021, £403.64

26/02/21, Lincoln Print and Copy Shop, play area signage, £30.00 + £6.00 VAT = £36.00

TOTAL PAYMENTS - £2029.33 + £83.78 VAT = £2113.11


26/02/21, Interest, 0.48


b. To resolve to:

i. ratify additional £25.00 expenditure incurred on Pelican Trust colour leaflets:

A time sensitive decision had been taken to go with colour leaflets, priced at an additional £25.00 over the previously agreed £100 limit. It was RESOLVED unanimously to ratify the additional £25.00.

ii. approve payment of the following accounts:

It was RESOLVED unanimously, proposed by RW and seconded by SC, to approve payment of the following accounts.  Action: clerk

A Sage, payroll & accounts package, March 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

B Virgin Media, phone package, March 2021, £17.00

C Clerk, salary, March 2021, £457.20

D PAYE, March 2021, £82.80

E LALC Annual Membership for 2021/22, £291.89

F Greenbarnes Ltd, Noticeboard, £476.84 + £95.37 = £572.21

G Pelican Trust, Leaflets, £125.00

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £1469.73 + £99.17 VAT = £1568.90

c. To consider whether to join LALC’s Annual Training Scheme for 2021/22 at £100.00 + VAT:

The clerk provided an overview of the cost of joining the scheme and core training costs as a member; as compared to costs of attending courses if either the scheme was not joined; or if non-core training was accessed as a member.  Noted that most courses are run virtually at present.  The clerk is to circulate details of the course schedule.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve expenditure of £100.00 + VAT to join the scheme subject to enough interest being shown to make this financially beneficial. Action: clerk

d. To consider insurance quote:

A quote had been circulated for insurance to cover both the village hall and parish council under the one policy.  Subsequently; the VHMC had moved to wanting its own independent policy; and it had considered it a good idea to be insured with the same company as the parish council.  RW confirmed that the VHMC pays for the village hall insurance and there is no duplication of cover; and he advised that he had received advice that standard practice is for VHMC’s to insure the building even though they belong to their Parish Council, and that it is the norm for parish councils to pay for play areas etc.

No further action is required in respect of this matter.

CD stated that he was not convinced that FPC owns the village hall; and that he had asked the Charities Commission to advise. Noted that FPC is used as a depository for the village hall deeds.  RW advised that FPC does own the village hall.   AW advised that a previous National Lottery community award of a large sum of money had been granted to FPC and not to the VHMC; and he confirmed that FPC are the registered owner of the village hall with Land Registry. 

CD observed that if FPC was the registered owner then the village hall would appear on FPC’s books; and it does not. AW confirmed it’s a charity asset not a community asset therefore needs to be on the village hall books.


078/21 Neighbourhood Plan including:

i. Receive update:

A meeting held on 22nd February had been very productive.  CD will prepare a document to support the choice of sites; and AW is to work on the policies, after which a brainstorming session will be required. There is a resident who is keen to help.  CD then expressed concerns and worries that FPC is moving further away from obtaining the Paddock and that WL appear to be taking time in responding to communications on this matter. CD would like to see FPC being able to put down a sizeable amount of money if it is to try to negotiate for the Paddock.  In the future a decision may need to be taken as to whether to continue trying to obtain the Paddock, or to give up on that and look elsewhere. Noted that there is no point in asking the current owners until WL confirm their support.  Action:  clerk/CD to chase WL for a response. 

ii. Receive any minutes of meeting held on 22nd February 2021:

No minutes were available.

079/21 Consider response to planning application 142117 for old airfield re. construction and operation of a solar photovoltaic farm, including fencing, internal service tracks, inverters, transformer stations, cabling, CCTV, landscaping, substations and ancillary cabins:

A well-reasoned response had been prepared and circulated by AW. RW noted there had been very short notice to discuss the application.  Only 3 or 4 people had opposed the application on the WL website.  At a proposal of MH, it was RESOLVED by the majority to submit AW’s drafted response to WLDC as the formal FPC response, and to also send a copy to Sirius and to the landowner.  Action: clerk.  The clerk was also asked to submit to WLDC details of all responses received from residents as a result of the recent leaflet drop across the village.  Action: clerk

080/21 Consider response to 142376 application for change of use of summer house to holiday let:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to support this application.  Action: clerk


081/21 Repairs to Village Hall roof; to include:

i. to receive minutes sub-committee meetings held on 2nd and 16 February 2021:

The minutes were received. The next meeting is scheduled for 11 March 2021.

ii. update on grant applications:

An application has been made to IGAS. BIFFA has previously not supported an application. 

The FCC has declined to support this project in their current round of applications, due to high demand and limited finances.  Action: AW to circulate FCC’s reply.  Noted that, in the current climate, many grants are being diverted to Covid causes; and few applications are currently successful.  D/Cllr Welburn noted that more success may come later in the year; that bid writing is becoming increasingly professional; and that it is worth writing to local businesses as these are obliged to donate to local communities.  Action: all to think of possible local organisations to approach. 

iii. feedback from initial visit from structural engineer:

The structural engineer had contacted the original designers and had obtained the original design drawings.  He is totally happy with everything planned and considers that what FPC is doing is acceptable.  He has documented evidence to support his opinion from the original build documentation.  Noted that his work has been free of charge.

RW advised that the original designers of the village hall had been contacted.  They had confirmed that the building had been designed originally for concrete tiles and that structurally it wasn’t a problem with the windows or floors.  They had further confirmed that, if there is a problem; they will look after FPC without charge, having drawn up the original drawings.  In respect of Building Regulations and planning applications; they had considered that they did not think they’d be very interested. He confirmed the building would be structurally sound enough for what is planned.

D/Cllr Welburn left the meeting at 8.35pm.

082/21 To consider:

i. documents received in respect of transfer of land from Morris Homes:

ii. as required, to approve expenditure to allow funds on account for land searches to be conducted totalling £813.20 + VAT

Councillors gave consideration to documents which had been circulated ahead of the meeting; noting that additional searches were recommended for which FPC would need to pay money on account at £813.20 + VAT.  Confirmed that FPC has previously agreed that it wants the land; that Morris Homes has committed to pay up to £1000 towards costs.  As the land is very well known to councillors, it was suggested that the cost of the searches was possibly unnecessary and was expensive.  CD noted the need to be cautious.

AW summarised the following suggestions as discussed:

establish if Morris Homes can provide more financial support

Ask the solicitor is any of the suggested searches are essential

Obtain advice from FPC’s insurer – if FPC chooses not to have the recommended searches; will this impact on us in the future? Can we insure it? 

Instruct the solicitor to register the land to FPC

Then give the matter consideration in light of all responses

It was RESOLVED to approve the above actions.  Action: clerk

083/21 The open spaces on the Holmfield Estate.

i. planting up the open space between Nos 25 and 27 either per the original planning conditions, or replanting the trees and shrubs that have been vandalised since the area was replanted in 2012-2013.

ii.  repair the fencing adjacent to No 27 as previously agreed,

iii. encroachment of land between The School and N0 52(?):

CD had previously circulated information in respect of the above spaces and how they had been intended to be.  Noted that, although fencing had been considered in August and September 2020, no decisions had been taken at those times.   At a suggestion from RW, it was RESOLVED unanimously to push ahead with Morris Homes, the solicitor and Land Registry, then, once FPC were the registered owners of the land that it should then:

talk to the resident about a 50/50 split of fence repair costs as a party fence.

write to the householder in respect of encroachment of land to advise that the land is FPC property.

084/21 the river bank (Five Mile Bridge to Cherry Willingham):

The farmer may be accepting of a monthly consideration of £40 for the cows to be relocated off the river bank.  CD noted that an Environment Agency representative was happy with the idea.  Councillors confirmed that this was an amount they were happy with; subject to the details being sorted. There will be a need for a proper written agreement (to cover such things as: buying site access; grass cutting; maintenance; upkeep; access for dredging).  It was RESOLVED with RW + MH against, to proceed as above.  Action: clerk to contact farmer.  Noted that the river bank is part of the Viking Way. Action:  MH to research any rulings to keep animals off footpaths

085/21 Troughs and planters; including planters on the Crescent - a resident of the Crescent, has been maintaining the planter opposite the bus shelter for several years and would like to continue doing so:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to write a letter of thanks to the resident who has maintained a planter.  Action: clerk

086/21 Speed signs:

KB and AW will, as Covid lockdown eases, put the signs onto lampposts. KB is happy to help with moving the battery powered sign between locations. It was confirmed that this is charging up without any issue.

087/21 Village Gateway signs:

LCC had confirmed that all FPC’s plans are doable.  They suggested that a request is raised via their Highways Customer Services team for each element of the project; which they can then progress. Noted that this project has been ongoing for nearly 5 years and that LCC are only now advising FPC of how to proceed.  Action:  AW to draft request; and to circulate LCC e-mail.  Action: clerk to submit request.  It was confirmed that:

a design has been agreed;

FPC will pay for the emblem at approx. £500 per side;

£1500 expenditure has already been agreed;

LCC will pay for the remainder as long as it is Highways approved.

088/21 To consider Grazing right renewal and Hodgson Trust allotment agreement:

Nothing to report on the allotment agreement as the Trust have not met. It was confirmed that the rent for grazing is being paid so no action is required.

089/21 Receive feedback from meeting of Witham Valley Access Project Group held on 24 February 2021, attended by RW:

RW had been asked to act as the FPC representative the last time the Group was active.  The Group had requested that the footpath, which had been discussed under item 076/21 above, be mentioned.

090/21 To appoint an FPC representative to attend future Witham Valley Access Project meetings:

It was RESOLVED unanimously that RW continue as representative.  Noted that the group are very active in Fiskerton parish regarding permissive access.

C/Cllr Fleetwood confirmed that LCC do not cut the Viking Way; but instead encourages farmers to maintain their sections.  Any bank cutting along the River Witham is usually done by the Environment Agency (main bank); and areas that are cut down at the bottom of the Delph may be undertaken by Witham Third.


091/21 Police newsletter for February – noted.

092/21 WLDC press releases – Census day and Budget Announcement – noted.

093/21 C/Cllr Fleetwood – monthly briefing – noted.

094/21 Nettleham Police March Newsletter – noted.

095/21 Resident’s letter in respect of grant to Scout Hut; solar farm and the river bank:

The letter was brought to the attention of councillors. 

AW noted that when the grant award had been approved at the last meeting, he had asked which budget pot it was coming out of.  He had received the reply that it doesn’t really matter.  AW thinks it is important to designate where that money is coming from.  The clerk confirmed that clarification would be useful. 

CD and RW then confirmed that their understanding from the previous meeting had been that the money was coming from the Lark Energy Community Fund.  This means that the grant award to the Scouts was being paid for from community money and not taxpayer money.   (Clerk’s Note: The Scouts were paid from the Lark Energy Community Fund. That was the fund from which the Scouts applied for the money).  Noted that the Scouts had thanked FPC for the grant. It was RESOLVED that the clerk reply to the resident.  Action: clerk


096/21 To agree requirements in respect of April Annual Parish Meeting:

In light of AW’s noting of village hall reopening requirements as Covid lockdown gradually eases; it was RESOLVED to defer the Annual Parish Meeting until after 21st June.

097/21 To consider rescheduling May meeting from 18 May to 5th or 6th May 2021

Current legislation only allows remote meetings to take place until 7th May 2021 and to date; Government has no plans to extend this, although NALC are entering discussions to encourage Government to reconsider.  It was therefore RESOLVED to reschedule the May meeting to 6th May 2021.  

098/21 To consider insurance quote:

Item discussed above.

099/21 To consider suggestion to upgrade Ferry Road to B road status:

C/Cllr Fleetwood advised that most money is spent on A roads and the support of other parishes would be needed to apply to LCC for an upgrade from the current C205 to a B road.  Even so, it would not be a given that the B road status would attract more funding for repairs.  C/Cllr Fleetwood had lobbied for many years.  Action: clerk to contact LCC.

100/21 To consider overgrown hedge on Ferry Road (location: just past Drake's View to the footpath, about 100 yards):

Item discussed earlier in the meeting.

101/21 A post lockdown gift to all residents:

A suggestion was made for a gesture of thanks from the Parish Council to the community to tie in with the 21st June 2021 date when all Covid restrictions are planned to be lifted.  AW and MH suggested a £5 Scothern Nurseries voucher per household; and CH and CD volunteered some of their WLDC CIF fund to help celebrate the end of Lockdown.  Action: all to consider ideas.

102/21 Chairman’s comments: None

103/21 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:

MH’s investigations re animals on Viking Way

104/21 Date of next meeting: Tuesday 6th April, 2021 at 7.30pm. 

Meeting ended at 9.45pm.

Mrs Michelle Vail  Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                  Dated 19.03.21