May 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held remotely via Zoom on Thursday 6th May, 2021 at 7:30pm.     

Present: Cllrs K Brereton, S Canner (joined at 8.04pm), C Darcel, C Hill, A Walker; R Wall, Mrs M Vail (Clerk); and four members of the public.

Meeting started at 7.39pm

135/21 Election of Chairman and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office form:

Cllr Darcel was nominated by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Wall.In the absence of any other nominees, it was RESOLVED that Cllr Darcel be appointed as chairman for the 2021/22 year. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office form has been signed.

136/21 Election of Vice Chairman:

Cllr Walker was nominated by Cllr Darcel, seconded by Cllr Wall. In the absence of any other nominees, it was RESOLVED that Cllr Walker be appointed as Vice Chairman for the 2021/22 year.

137/21 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

The four residents each spoke regarding a recent Fiskerton News article by CD about a gathering on the Holmfield estate open space in summer 2020.Concerns were expressed that the article was not unbiassed nor a fair representation of the situation; was potentially divisive to the community; and that the Nolan principles had seemingly been disregarded.

RW noted that the article did not represent the Parish Council; and clarified that although FPC does not own the land; it is working towards obtaining ownership.At that point, it can act positively and in a hopefully acceptable way to residents.

AW noted that the article did not say it was written by a District Cllr; and residents will see it as a Parish Council article.He would expect an apology from CD to all councillors; as well as an apology in the next Fiskerton News.He concluded by noting that FPC does not have a Complaints Policy; querying how these complaints will be dealt with.

KB noted his support of Cllr Walker’s comments.

CD confirmed that he would be happy to clarify in the next Fiskerton News that the article had represented his personal views; and that he wants to bring a proper written response to comments made at this meeting; and in e-mails received on the matter, to the face-to-face meeting parish council meeting in June.He is happy to apologise on any point he is found to be incorrect on.

138/21 Apologies for absence: Cllr Canner who was expected to arrive late; and C/Cllr Fleetwood who was at another meeting.

139/21 Declaration of interests: No interests were declared.

140/21 Approve notes of remote meeting of 6 April 2021 as a true record:

It was RESOLVED to approve the notes as a true record.

141/21 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

No observations were made.

142/21To appoint to the following:

Appointments were suggested as follows, with resolutions to accept these after each block:

Council officer’s appointments

Bank signatories – all members as signatories; with RW, SC, AW, CD to sign cheques.  Action: clerk

Member to oversee accounting and finance - AW

Member to oversee personnel, discipline, remuneration - CD

Planning Committee – RW, SC, KB, AW

Village Hall Roof Repair Committee – AW, RW, SC, KB, CH

Neighbourhood Plan organiser/leader - CD

Speed watch coordinator, charge batteries and move signs – AW, KB

Website master - Clerk

Member to oversee training – Clerk

 It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve a proposal by RW, seconded by KB, that the abovementioned Council Officer appointments be accepted.

Routine Inspections appointments

Flood alleviation scheme inspector - AW

Play area inspector - KB

Bus shelter inspector – SC, RW

Allotments inspector – RW, SC

Grass cutting inspector – RW, SC

inspector for public open space fence’s, gates and signs – CD

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve a proposal by RW, seconded by SC, that the abovementioned Routine Inspections appointments be accepted.

Coordinators appointments

Village Hall – PC are custodian trustees, liaison with VH committee - AW, RW

Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils coordinator - Clerk

LCC Highways liaison – reports and communications - Clerk

Community Hub liaison councillor - AW

Public transport liaison councillor - CD

Litter picking coordinator - CD

School coordinator – AW, KB

Village signs/planters project leader/coordinator - AW

Coordinator with Reepham and Cherry Willingham for link footpaths – RW

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve a proposal by KB, seconded by RW, that the abovementioned Coordinators appointments be accepted.



a. To resolve to receive the following schedule of payments and receipts for April 2021:

Confirmation is awaited from Morris Homes as to whether they will reimburse the Sills & Betteridge payment listed below. This money is required on account to enable additional recommended searches.  It was confirmed that the process of acquiring the land has not been delayed as a result.

It was RESOLVED unanimously following a proposal by RW, seconded by SC, to accept the following schedule of payments and receipts for April 2021.


7/4/21, TSO Host, Annual website fee, £17.88 + £3.58 VAT = £21.46

7/4/21, TSO Host, One year domain fee, £6.95 + £1.39 VAT = £8.34

16/4/21, Sage, payroll & accounts package, April 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

20/4/21, Virgin Media, handset, April 2021, £7.00

20/4/21, Virgin Media, call package, April 2021, £8.34 + £1.66 VAT = £10.00

28/4/21, Clerk, salary, April 2021, £375.40

28/4/21, PAYE, April 2021, £56.60

29/4/21 Sills & Betteridge, fees for additional searches (transfer of Morris Homes land) £813.20 + £162.64 = £975.84

TOTAL PAYMENTS = £1304.37 + £173.07 VAT = £1477.44


01/04/21, Precept, £23,970.00

20/4/21, CIF grants, received on behalf of Luncheon Club, £400.00

30/04/21, Interest, 0.51p


Explanation was given that the £400 was received on behalf of the Luncheon Club until such time as they are constituted and set up their own bank account at which point they will be in a position to receive the money. Age UK formerly managed the group’s finances but have pulled out

b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts:

In respect of item F below, it was confirmed that the insurance renewal was for year 2 of a 3-year long term agreement.

In respect of item H below, the clerk explained her conversation with the farmer wherein it had been stated that the £400 payment was for free access on to the riverbank without cattle being present; and that the farmer would continue with his existing responsibilities for maintenance and upkeep.  AW noted the need for a signed agreement to be in place prior to the money being paid.  RW advised he was not supportive of the approach being taken to keep the footpath clear; and did not agree with making a payment and getting nothing in return. His approach would be to ask that the farmer fences the cattle off and keeps the path clear.  It was RESOLVED, with AW proposing, seconded by SC, to approve the payments as listed below, but that the money for item H is not released until FPC has a written, approved agreement with the farmer.

Action: clerk

A, Sage, payroll & accounts package, May 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

B, Virgin Media, phone handset, May 2021, £7.00

C, Virgin media call package, May 2021, £8.34 + £1.66 VAT = £10.00

D, Clerk, salary, May 2021, £404.00

E, PAYE, May 2021, £64.00

F, Zurich, insurance renewal as of 1 June 2021, £622.16

G, Glendale, grass cutting, March 2021, £188.54 + £37.71 = £226.25

H, A Coles, annual payment for river bank access, £400.00

I, Glendale, grass cutting, April 2021, £188.54 + £37.71 = £226.25

J, Internal auditor fee, £40.00

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £1941.58 + £80.88 VAT = £2022.46


144/21 Internal audit:

i. To note the contents of the Internal Audit Report 2020/2021:

The Internal Auditor had been able to tick ‘yes’ to each relevant box on the Internal Audit Report (circulated ahead of the meeting), thus confirming that FPC had achieved all relevant internal control objectives throughout the 2020/21 financial year. Her covering letter also confirmed that the accounts had been kept in excellent order, with no matters of concern.

Councillors thanked the Clerk for her excellent work over the past year; and congratulated her on the most exceptional and complimentary comments recorded by the Internal Auditor. 

Proposed by RW and seconded by SC, it was RESOLVED unanimously to note and accept the contents of the Internal Audit Report 2020/2021.

ii. To resolve to approve Section 1- Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021:

Proposed by RW and seconded by KB, it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve Section 1- Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021 (circulated ahead of the meeting):

iii. To resolve to approve Section 2 - Accounting Statements 2020/2021:

Proposed by RW and seconded by SC, it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve Section 2 - Accounting Statements 2020/2021.

Action: clerk


145/21 Neighbourhood Plan: to receive any update:

No update was available as the last scheduled meeting had not taken place.

146/21 Consider response to planning applications as follows:

It was RESOLVED to submit a ‘no objections’ response to WLDC for each of the four planning applications as listed below:

6 April 2021, 142673, 1 Holmfield, alterations to dormer windows

14 April 2021, 142660, 5 Holmfield, single story rear extension - render finish.        

14 April 2021, 142776, Ferry Hill Farm, Ferry Road Fiskerton Lincoln LN3 4HU, change of use of land from agricultural to a manège for personal use       

20 April 2021, 142749, Seven Acre Farm, Ferry Road, private swimming pool extension

Action: clerk


147/21 Repairs to Village Hall roof; including any meetings/minutes circulated; grant applications

Minutes of a recent sub-committee meeting will be circulated.

Two quotes against the revised schedule of works had been received for £40,000 + VAT and £41,706 + VAT. 

Grants received to date total £10,700 from WLDC and the Bernard Sunley Foundation; and the VHMC could source £5000. This would leave a £25,000 shortfall to the £41,000 target.

Letters have gone to local businesses. Applications are with the Hodgson Trust, National Lottery and Postcode Lottery with replies expected between May and Aug/Sept 2021.

Following temporary repairs, the existing roof leaks are much reduced; however, any delays to repairs should the grant applications not be successful; will lead to increased damage and negatively affect bookings.

AW proposed that a roofer be booked as soon as possible to carry out the repair work in September or October 2021. To secure this, if no more grants are received, that the Parish Council will provide £10,000 from the village hall maintenance reserve; and that the balance be funded through a Public Works Board Loan.  Following discussion around a PWBL, AW’s proposal, seconded by RW and with the caveat that it be subject to PWBL’s requirements being met was accepted unanimously. Action: VHRR committee; clerk

AW’s efforts and achievements to date were acknowledged.

148/21 Transfer of land from Morris Homes: any additional financial contribution from Morris Homes; progress of solicitor and additional searches:

The solicitor is progressing matters without any delay.  Feedback is awaited from Morris Homes in respect of any further financial contribution towards the additional searches. The Clerk was asked to investigate whether the pumping station has been adopted; as FPC do not want to take it on. Action: clerk

149/21 Any feedback from farmer regarding river bank:

Considered under item 143/21 b above.

150/21 A post lockdown gift to all residents:

Suggestions had been made of a £5 gift voucher to each household (approx. £3000 total cost); and an event in the village for the residents eg a Hog roast, Dog Show, mini Gymkhana, beer festival, Open Gardens.  D/Cllrs Darcel and Hill offered money from their CIF grants.

A proposal by CH, seconded by SC not to proceed with the voucher idea was approved with 4 in favour, and 1 against.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to set up a committee to progress the village event; comprising RW, SC, CH; with KB and CD offered additional assistance as they can if needed. Action: sub committee


151/21 Holmfield open space – no ball games, removal of vegetation; to include resident’s e-mail (circulated) regarding alleged inaccuracies and biased representation by a councillor:

RW noted that the Fiskerton News article was not a parish council article so it was not right to address this matter in a parish council meeting.  The personal views of CD in this article have nothing to do with FPC. RW confirmed that FPC is doing all it can as quickly as possible, to acquire the land.  Once owners, FPC can manage the land as a community asset, hopefully in a way to satisfy all.

Opinion was then expressed that a statement is required to retract any emotive, inflammatory elements of the article; and that any incorrect information be corrected.

The clerk advised that residents had spoken in the Open Session at the start of the meeting; and that they had no right to join in once the meeting had started unless Standing Orders were suspended which they had not been.

The matter is to be brought to the June meeting.  Action: clerk

At this point one resident left the meeting.


152/21 Nettleham Police Newsletter – no action required

153/21 Neighbourhood Watch newsletter – no action required

154/21 WLDC Parish News - – no action required

155/21 Resident’s e-mail re. Five Mile Bridge noting that it is being used frequently by scooter riders, and suggesting bollards are put in place so only pedestrians and cyclists can use this bridge:

It was RESOLVED unanimously that matters will be monitored; and the matter revised if things worsen.  Action: clerk

156/21 Resident’s e-mail requesting village hall CCTV footage be reviewed following an incident:

AW had reviewed footage but there had been no evidence recorded. It is children on the play area which is owned by FPC; therefore, is as much a FPC as well as a VH issue.  A recent VHMC meeting had discussed that the CCTV system would benefit from an upgrade; and a VHMC member is looking into this.  CD noted that WLDC may be able to help the VH upgrade its system.

157/21 Chairman’s comments:  CD had nothing to comment on.

158/21 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:

Troughs and planters

Speed signs

Village Gateway signs

New website update

Hodgson Trust allotment agreement

To consider rescinding the Lark Energy Grants Policy

Clerk’s printing costs

159/21 Date of next meeting: Monday 21st June 2021, at 7.30pm, Village Hall. 

Noted that, should the removal of Covid restrictions on 21 June 2021 be delayed, the meeting can still proceed but under Covid restrictions in force at that time.  This may provide conflict with the resultant cap of numbers allowed to meet, and on VH capacity. 

Therefore, at a suggestion from the Clerk, should face to face meetings be thus compromised, it was RESOLVED unanimously that until the next meeting is held, the Parish Council gives delegated authority to the Clerk (in conjunction with the Chairman) to suspend any relevant Standing Orders or Financial Regulations as necessary to ensure the smooth running and operation of the Parish Council; and that all decisions and actions taken as such will be formally ratified at the next possible meeting.

Meeting ended at 9.50pm

Mrs Michelle Vail 

Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                  Dated 18.05.21