June 2021 Minutes


Chairman: Cllr Chris Darcel          Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail

E: clerk@fiskerton-lincs.org.uk  Tel: 07305 818857

Present: Cllrs K Brereton, S Canner, C Darcel, C Hill, A Walker; Mrs M Vail (Clerk); and two members of the public.

160/21 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes

Both residents were in attendance in respect of ongoing concerns regarding the Holmfield open space and a recent Fiskerton News article by CD about a gathering held at this location in summer 2020.Residents had first spoken on this matter at the May meeting.One resident advised that she was present to hear CD’s response under item 165/21 below; and that she considered that anti-social behaviour was a more appropriate subject.

Both residents spoke at length.The second resident expressed concern that CD could be perceived to be acting on behalf of one household; noting that CD may not realise the potential consequences. CD acknowledged that this is an emotive issue, noting that D/Cllrs are elected to represent residents so cannot ignore an approach by any one resident. There is a resident’s complaint with WLDC currently being investigated which precludes CD from speaking fully at this point in time.

The Open Session was extended by approx.15 minutes; allowing the residents greater time to speak. The matter did not reach a conclusion, and the residents were advised that they can return to future meetings to speak again in Open Sessions.The clerk is to look into alternative ways which will allow for public discussion without time limits to aid resolution of this matter.One resident left the meeting at 7.58pm, expressing disappointment that concerns had not been addressed.

Meeting started at 8.00pm

161/21 Apologies for absence:Cllr Wall and D/Cllr Welburn

162/21 Declaration of interests: No interests were declared.

163/21 Approve notes of remote meeting of 6 May 2021 as a true record:

Item 142/21 - Council Officer Appointments – amend Planning sub group and Village Hall Roof Repair sub group to read Committee.

143/21 – Receipts – explanation was given that the £400 was received on behalf of the Luncheon Club until such time as they are constituted and set up their own bank account at which point they will be in a position to receive the money. Age UK formerly managed the group’s finances but have pulled out.

150/21 – sub-committee should read committee

With the addition of the above changes, it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the notes as a true record.

164/21 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

D/Cllr Hill advised of a WLDC Planning Committee meeting at which CD had made representation regarding the solar panel application; noting that Fiskerton had not been given a consultation; and that WL Officers had said this was immaterial. CD noted the option of a Judicial Review, although this would be very expensive.

165/21 Holmfield open space: CD response to resident representations at May meeting:

CD noted that this had already been discussed within the Open Session. Others present noted that the matter requires resolution.There is a need to move forward; and a meeting with residents was suggested.SC wondered if it will become a problem to FPC when FPC takes on ownership of the land.Action: clerk to investigate best meeting format.


a. To resolve to receive the following schedule of payments and receipts for May 2021:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the following schedule of payments and receipts for May 2021



10/05/21, Glendale, March grasscutting, £188.54 + £37.71 VAT = £226.25

10/05/21, Glendale, April grasscutting, £188.54 + £37.71 VAT = £226.25

10/05/21, Zurich, insurance, £622.16

10/05/21, LALC, Annual training fee, £120.00

10/05/21, B Solly, Internal Auditor Fee, £40.00

12/05/21, Post Office, top up from current account to petty cash holdings, £100.00

15/05/21, Cllr Darcel, reimburse from petty cash for Zoom meetings, £86.34

17/05/21, Sage, payroll/accounts package, May 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

20/05/21, Virgin Media, handset, May 2021, £7.00

20/05/21, Virgin Media, call package, May 2021, £8.34 + £1.66 VAT = £10.00

20/05/21, Mr Coles, annual access to riverbank payment, £400.00

28/05/21, Clerk, salary, May 2021, £404.00

28/05/21, PAYE, May 2021, £64.00

TOTAL PAYMENTS = £2247.92 + £80.88 VAT = £2328.80



12/05/21, to petty cash holdings from current account, £100.00

26/05/21, VAT reclaim for 2020/21, £885.29

28/05/21, Interest, 0.48


A signed agreement has been received from Mr Coles, following circulation of the draft agreement to all councillors.  The inclusion of a site plan identifying the stretch of river bank in question would be beneficial. Action: CD to provide KB with a site plan.  Action: KB, SC. This is to become an addendum to the agreement (to be signed by both parties).  Action: clerk

b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts:

It was RESOLVED, with SC proposing, seconded by CH, to approve the payments as listed below.

A, Sage, payroll & accounts package, June 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

B, Virgin Media, phone handset, June 2021, £7.00

C, Virgin media call package, June 2021, £8.34 + £1.66 VAT = £10.00

D, Clerk, salary, June 2021, £404.00

E, PAYE, June 2021, £64.00

F, Arma Roofing, Village Hall roof and wall repairs, £1350.00

G, Glendale, grass cutting, end of April & May 2021, £377.08 + £75.42 = £452.50

H. Clerk’s printing costs (Jan – May 2021), £26.25

I, Clerk’s 6.5 additional hours on audit work and FOI request, £78.00

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £2333.67 + £80.88 VAT = £2414.55


167/21 Neighbourhood Plan: to receive any update

CD had circulated an e-mail about social housing.  The Central Lincs Local Plan is to be reviewed – to be considered at the July Council meeting.  It includes everything in the village that the village opposed first time around.  Action: all to research and come up with reasons.

AW’s input is needed on the Neighbourhood Plan.  AW considers that there is no evidence to back up some of the statements. Action: SC to locate a letter from Sir Edward Leigh, MP.

168/21 Resolve on any further actions regarding solar panel development on the airfield:

Noted that AW and RW had not attended the WLDC meeting at which this planning application had been considered; although AW had sent apologies after the meeting.  CD had made sole representation; and noted that what is said on the night can sway decisions.

169/21 Resolve on response to planning application as follows:

7 June, 143034, erection of a Distribution Network Operator communication mast at Fiskerton Airfield:

Concerns were raised regarding levels of radiation emitted; also, it was queried what the safety distance would be.  Action:  KB to check WLDC website.  It was RESOLVED to approve the response that the Planning Committee decides upon for submission to WLDC.  Action: clerk

170/21 Consider response to any planning application received for 17 affordable homes in Fiskerton (Church Commissioners and WLDC):

No information has been received; but it is thought that matters may link into the Central Lincs Local Plan.  Action: CD to request information from WLDC; produce responses and circulate these


171/21 Repairs to Village Hall roof including grant applications; any meetings/minutes; and to resolve on any required actions:

The VHRR Committee next meets on 1st July; when a preferred contractor will be chosen.  All contractors have been e-mailed ahead of the submission deadline of 21st June; and only 2 remain in the running. 

AW then provided a summary of the grant applications including to note that the Hodgson Trust would provide £5000 if needed; but that the Postcode Lottery bid had been unsuccessful.  The National Lottery bid, for £31,000.00, had moved to stage 2 (only 20% of applications reach stage 2; of which 80% get funding). 

Enquiries have also been made against the possibility of a Public Works Board loan.

CD noted a possible Plan B of using glass fibre roof tiles at approx. £15.00 per tile. The roof windows could be painted black or have blinds fitted.  CD suggested a hose pipe test to see where the water would come in. Action: VHRR Committee to consider.

172/21 Transfer of land from Morris Homes including any additional financial contribution from Morris Homes; progress of solicitor with the additional searches; and to resolve on any required actions:

The solicitor advises that they are awaiting the results of the final search after which they will provide a full report.  The solicitor has been asked about the pumping station.  The clerk continues to chase Morris Homes regarding any possible additional financial assistance for the additional searches.

173/21 A post lockdown gift to all residents:

The school is not currently an option due to planned roof works; but this could be reconsidered once the roof works are completed. It was suggested to defer any event until the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend (4th and 5th June 2022) when there will be an extra bank holiday day.

174/21 Troughs and planters:

Manor House planter – without access to lifting gear, FPC may need to consider manual power to move the planter.

175/21 Speed signs and Village Gateway signs:

Plastic signs - KB and AW have erected these.  The electric sign is being charged up.

Gateway signs – AW is producing a work request for the clerk to submit to LCC. Community Speed Watch Scheme - AW is considering resuming this initiative. A suggestion was made to consider a permanent fixed sign.

176/21 New website update including transferring minutes in table format; volunteer time availability and his suggested charges:

Several sets of minutes still require transcribing into a website accessible format. Action:  KB and clerk to make enquiries for a helper. The current website volunteer may be moving to a paid service, under LALC auspices.  The clerk advised she prefers to continue as is; and only call on the volunteer’s help as required; assuming this will be an option on offer.

178/21 E-mails: consider:

a. setting up of e-mail addresses specific to each councillor to be used solely for council business:

This is a recommended action under GDPR to protect data. Both Gmail and e-mail addresses linked to the old website are options.  The latter would provide a more professional image’ linked to a corporate website, and when a councillor leaves, would remain in FPC’s possession so information is not lost.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve a proposal by KB to retain the old website at an annual cost of approx. £30 + VAT, and to set up individual e-mail addresses for each councillor linked to the old website. Action: AW

b. how can historical information saved within the clerk’s current e-mail address be retained once the old website (to which the clerk’s e-mail is linked) be closed:

Action: CD to discuss with clerk; however, with the retention of the old website, the current e-mail address will remain.

179/21 Consider new ways of working: eg dropbox, cloud, external storage:

A collective way to store communal information which would be accessible by all.  This would address concerns over security and risk of damage to FPC documents held in the village hall. Action: AW to show clerk the Google option for a small, initial trial.

180/21 Resolve to put Witham Valley Access Group walking routes onto website:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to put the walking routes onto the website.

181/21 Hodgson Trust allotment agreement:

No update is available. Noted that the current tenant on the paddock is not keeping horses on it; and that there is a waiting list for allotments.  Item for next meeting.  Action: clerk


182/21 Consider rescinding Lark Energy Grants Policy:

Following a comparison of this policy with the grants policy, KB reported that one policy deals with assets, the other with FPC grant awards; therefore, the two should remain as they are.  Item for next meeting – to discuss policy amendments.  Action: clerk

183/21 Grass cutting – complaint from resident at Stoney End:

Action: clerk to report both the complaint to grasscutter; and that the last grass cut was considered generally poor.

184/21 Possible grasscutter damage to headstone:

The grasscutter had inspected and could not definitively say the damage was caused by his team’s actions. Action: clerk to advise family and grasscutter to liaise directly.

As the meeting had reached 10pm, it was RESOLVED to defer all outstanding agenda items to the next meeting; to take place on 19 July 2021.

It was RESOLVED to reschedule the Annual Parish Meeting to the end of September/October to allow for it to be publicised.

Meeting ended at 10.05pm.

Mrs Michelle Vail  Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                  Dated 5/7/21