November 8th Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on Monday 8 November 2021 at 7:30pm in Fiskerton Village Hall

Present: Cllrs K Brereton, S Canner, C Darcel, C Hill, R Wall, A Walker, Mrs M Vail (Clerk), C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr A Welburn, and 3 members of the public.

Meeting started at 7.30pm

291/21 Open session: There was no public representation.

292/21 Apologies for absence:  Cllr P Whitt (ill)

293/21 Declaration of interests: None given.

294/21 Approve notes of meeting of 11 October 2021 as a true record:

The clerk was congratulated on her recordkeeping of sometimes difficult meetings.

RESOLVED with one abstention (CD), with the inclusion of the following amendments, to approve the notes as a true record:

Item 262/21 – delete CD and SC from the record.

Item 267/21 – renumber into 267/21 i and ii to differentiate the two subjects recorded.

Item 269/21 – replace the word ‘council’ with ‘chancel’

Item 270/21ii – remove the words ‘as per the 2012 planting scheme’

Item 281/21 – add in: AW had asked CD to circulate what he had thought was a lease document

Item 284/21 – add in: AW had stated that historically councillors had covered the full expenses of the Xmas tree and AW objected to reducing it to £50.00.  Action: clerk

295/21 Approve notes of extraordinary meeting held 18 Oct 2021 as a true record:

Item deferred.

296/21 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

D/Cllr Welburn – reports have been circulated.

C/Cllr Fleetwood – report was sent out today. 

D/Cllr Darcel – advised that he sits on WLDC’s Governance & Audit Committee; and he consider WLDC to be well run at present. He is confident in the Chairman of this committee and in its papers. There is a WLDC proposal to collect paper waste and, although CD considers this a good idea; many residents may not want another wheelie bin.

D/Cllr Hill – nothing to report.

297/21 Chairman’s report:

CD read out a resident’s letter concerning numbers and speed of vehicles coming up to the school gates on the Holmfield estate.  The resident would like to see the area between nos. 25 -29 Holmfield for a children’s’ play area rather than the area by the school.

Noted that:

The area in question is at the end of the road so cars will be slowing down

To eliminate the problem here will simply move it elsewhere.

Children do not play at drop off times but at other times when traffic will not be there.

FPC has had confirmation from its solicitor that it cannot put play equipment on either Holmfield open space; therefore, cannot turn the suggested area in a play area, nor can access be restricted.



a. To resolve to receive the following schedule of payments and receipts for October 2021:

RESOLVED unanimously to receive the following schedule:


Sage, payroll & accounts package, Oct 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin Media, phone handset, Oct 2021, £7.00

Virgin media call package, Oct 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Clerk, salary, Oct 2021, £412.26

PAYE, Oct 2021, £30.00

LCC Pension, Oct, £131.04

Clerk’s expenses – printing, £28.60

Glendale, grass cutting, Aug 2021,,INV 03179, £377.08 + £75.42 VAT = £452.50

Glendale, grass cutting, Sept 2021, INV 03250, £377.08 + £75.42 VAT = £452.50

Village Hall hire for FPC meeting on 19 July 2021, £24.00

PKF Littlejohn LLP, external audit fee, £200.00 + £40.00 VAT = £240.00

Return to WLDC of CIF monies (Luncheon Club), £400.00

British Legion, poppy wreath, £50.00

WLDC, defibrillator scheme part year payment, £41.66

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £2106.18 + £196.33 VAT = £2302.51


Interest, Oct, 0.57p

Petty cash, office printing, £2.00


b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts for November and December 2021:

Proposed by Cllr Wall, seconded by Cllr Canner, it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the payments as listed below. Action: clerk

Sage, payroll & accounts package, Nov 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Sage, payroll & accounts package, Dec 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

Virgin Media, phone handset, Nov 2021, £7.00

Virgin Media, phone handset, Dec 2021, £7.00

Virgin media call package, Nov 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Virgin media call package, Dec 2021, £8.46 + £1.69 VAT = £10.15

Clerk, salary, Nov 2021, £475.84 (inc 7 additional hours worked)

Clerk, salary, Dec 2021, £412.26

PAYE, Nov 2021, £45.80

PAYE, Dec 2021, £30.00

LCC Pension, Nov, £154.56

LCC Pension, Dec, £131.04

Village Hall hire for FPC meetings on 2/8/21 and 23/8/21, £48.00

Village hall hire for FPC meetings 11/10/21 and 18/10/21, £48.00

Village hall office rent Sept 2020 – Aug 2021, £1200.00

Banner printing of date insert, £20.00 + £4.00 VAT = £24.00

Cleaning of bus shelters, TBC

Cleaning of play area, TBC

Glendale, October, £188.54 + £37.71 VAT = £226.25

TOTAL TO BE PAID excluding cleaning jobs = £2822.96 + £52.69 VAT = £2875.65

c. To review grass cutting schedule ahead of obtaining quotes for 2022 season 

Following consideration, including the two Holmfield footpaths, it was RESOLVED to:

Update map to show extension of verge cutting along Fiskerton Road

Obtain contractor’s insurance details

Obtain, ideally, three quotes although acknowledged there may be difficulties in finding a third interested contractor.  Action: clerk

299/21 To consider draft budget for 2022/23:

Confirmed that AW is the Councillor, appointed at the Annual Meeting held in May 2021, to oversee Council accounting and finance matters. 

AW and the Clerk have created a draft budget; allocating money where it is needed, and this has resulted in a zero increase to the current precept amount of £23,900.00.  Councillors have been asked if they wanted any monies allocating into projects and reserves and only one had replied to date. 

There had been insufficient time to circulate the draft budget, therefore it cannot be discussed at this point in time.  All that needs to be agreed currently is an estimated precept figure for submission to WLDC in November; and then a final precept figure will be agreed at the January 2022 meeting.  Between now and January, Councillors need to give consideration to budget requirements.  Action: all.

Action: AW to circulate draft budget.  CD confirmed he was happy with this course of action.

230/21 To resolve on precept estimate to be submitted to WLDC by 26 Nov 2021:

Proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Wall, it was RESOLVED unanimously to submit a precept estimate figure to WLDC of the same figure as last year, £23,900.00. Action: clerk

PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:

231/21 Neighbourhood Plan (NP): 

i. to receive any general update:

Despite agreement at the October Extraordinary meeting to run through comments from WLDC on the Draft Plan; no-one has provided confirmation that this has been done.

CD considers there is no consensus on moving forward and, having spent 10 years on the NP, feels it is time for others to take it forward.

AW confirmed that a very comprehensive response had been submitted to Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (CLLP) along with a copy of the draft NP; to support each other.   CLLP had been asked for a response on the submission, and had replied simply to confirm receipt and that the response will be reviewed in due course. CD considers, if the draft NP moves on, it may carry more weight in conjunction with the responses submitted to CLLP.  Cllr Fleetwood advised that, unless an exemption had been granted by CLLP then FPC will need to adhere to the timescale provided.

CD suggested a consultation with residents ideally within the next 2 or 3 weeks.

Action – to go through WLDC’s comments and produce a resultant better draft Plan for comments.  Noted that the Draft Plan is a long way from Regulation 14.

RW reminded the meeting that he and SC are not in favour of this Plan; preferring instead the previous Plan which the previous Council had spent a lot of money and time producing, and which this Council withdrew.  There is a Plan which includes the Paddock, which many residents have said they want, therefore it may be time to reconsider that.

AW considers there should be talks with the Church Commissioners to establish their stance on both the old Plan and new Plan; and to establish how FPC can obtain the Paddock.  CH advised that she wouldn’t be involved due to her involvement on WLDC’s Planning Committee. SC noted that he was happy the Paddock has been mentioned by AW. 

C/Cllr Fleetwood recommended contacting NKDC who are looking after the CLLP to check FPC’s position.

D/Cllr Welburn noted that the point is to have residents involved, therefore it will look better if some residents are part of the process.  Noted that two residents had had previous involvement, and could be contacted again.

Proposed by KB, seconded by CD, and with one abstention (SC), it was RESOLVED to set up a committee comprising KB, AW, PW, RW and possibly SC and 2 previously involved residents to consider both draft Plans and report back to the full council. Noted that PW needs to be asked if he is okay with this.  

SC will need to give consideration before agreeing to join the committee.

RW noted he was happy to be on this committee with the viewpoint of supporting the previous plan as developed under the previous Council, and that he has discussed with the Church Commissioners about the lowest number they would accept in terms of the viability of their scheme; low density, very broad buffer strip, water collection in lakes, and high standard of building. RW can see nothing that would enable the Church Commissioners to agree to 150 houses (reduced from 200) for the same deal.

The 200 figure was the result of sustained negotiation.

ii. email from Mr Corscadden regarding the Church Commissioners’ Plans:

The email was read out.  Noted that this is a private developer wanting to obtain land from the Church Commissioners to develop under the Rural Exception Scheme. KB noted his discomfort at this direct approach to a councillor, considering a formal approach to FPC would have been better. AW suggested meeting with him; noting a possibility to incorporate the developer’s bits into the draft NP; and also to get the Tanya site developed.

RESOLVED with one abstention (CH) to invite the developer to the next meeting.  ACTION: Clerk

iii. Rural Exception Scheme:

This relates to small parcels of agricultural land outside the village curtilage and not normally developed.  Solely for use by people in the village.

iv. to discuss the Plans and Policies to be displayed the suggested public meeting as discussed at the last Parish Council Meeting:

CD noted that the National Planning Policy Framework had been revised in 2021, with major revisions to trees and planting, home working and environmental matters.  FPC’s NP policies may need updating as a result.

C/Cllr Fleetwood advised that all paragraphs contained within the NPPF are relevant and paragraph numbering has changed, therefore any references in the NP should be checked against these.

232/21 To note planning applications 143789 and 143811 re. Land at Eastfield Rise Farm, Fiskerton Road, Cherry Willingham: 

Noted.  Although these relate to the planned marina in Cherry Willingham parish, AW reported he had received a couple of letters about these.

233/21 Central Lincs Local Plan Consultation – note any response regarding request for timeframe to feedback on FPC’s submission:

Despite being chased, no further response had been received, nor was likely to be.

UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:

234/21 Repairs to Village Hall roof:

i. progress report on grants; any meetings/minutes; work:

The situation remains unchanged since the previous meeting.  Both the National Lottery and WLDC have been sent additional information, as per their requests, to enable access by FPC to the grant monies. FPC is waiting to hear from the roofer; and work is expected to begin in the New Year. The Committee has not met recently, but a pre-Christmas meeting is planned. Action: AW to advise on how grant monies are paid eg against receipts, or staged payments which can be incorporated into the Plan.

ii. to confirm the number of users of the village hall (540 or fewer than 200?)

CD queried the higher figure as submitted in support of grant applications. He considers FPC has a responsibility to put out correct information; and shouldn’t use incorrect figures.  CH confirmed CD’s report on numbers using the Post Office.  KB asked to see CD’s evidence. AW explained that the National Lottery had required ‘good’ pre-Covid figures from which they would extrapolate the information they require. He noted that CD is using current figures; therefore there is a disconnect between both sets of numbers.

235/21 Transfer of land from Morris Homes:

i. any additional financial contribution from Morris Homes:

FPC’s solicitor has been instructed to forward onto Morris Homes the quotes for the additional searches.

ii. progress towards completion of land transfer:

FPC’s solicitor has been instructed to proceed towards completion.

236/21 Holmfield Open Space Committee:

Holmfield Open Spaces Committee – report; and update from committee meeting:

All present agreed that legal documents confirm that the two open spaces must remain as open spaces; and that money received in the past had been gifted on condition that they remain as open spaces. Anything the Committee will put out to residents will build off this base understanding.  Action: AW to arrange a Committee meeting. Noted that it would like to deliver a questionnaire before Christmas.

237/21 Troughs and planters:

i. to ratify quote of £80.00 + £16.00 VAT for soil and plants for new stone trough planter; and note receipt of £150 CIF fund from D/Cllr A Welburn’s CIF fund towards costs of one year’s planting:

RESOLVED to ratify quote of £80.00 + £16.00 VAT for soil and plants for new stone trough planter.  D/Cllr Welburn was thanked for her contribution.

Action: clerk to request contractor completes stone trough within 10 days; if he cannot comply then RESOLVED that AW can do it. 

ii. Winter planting of existing planters:

RESOLVED as follows:

Primetake look after one planter.  RW will liaise as required.

Planter near Five Mile looks good.

Lincoln Road planter – SC to liaise with resident re replanting

One planter on the green is maintained by a nearby resident.

AW will do the two planters either side of the stone trough; and also will do the stone trough if the contractor can’t do it within timescale.. 

The Gardening Club were suggested; but they do nor reconvene until 2022.

238/21 Five-mile bridge – receive any update on ownership:

Investigations are still underway to identify ownership.  Parish Council records only refer to Sustrans; or the Canals and Rivers Trust, both of whom deny responsibility.  Witham Third IDB are looking in matters and a response is awaited from them.

AW suggested engaging a tarmac contractor. CD noted landowner’s permissions is required.  RESOLVED to obtain quote.  Action: AW

239/21 Scout hut solar panel feed in tariff payments – update on latest meter reading:

A reading with compliant photo has been submitted to British Gas.  Action: clerk to chase.

240/21 Receive progress report on findings of ROSPA play inspection - August 2021:

Builder’s report into leaning boundary wall,: A report has been received.  Brief consideration was given to adjacent trees.  Action:  RW to obtain quote to fell trees and remove stumps and roots.  Item to be revisited at February 2022 meeting.

swing chains; including reinstatement of two swings:

Two swings have been reinstated. Chains will be replaced when they show more wear.

At 9.12pm, D/Cllr Welburn left the meeting.

update of inspection regime:

Monthly checks to be carried out and any issues reported.   There is money set aside for maintenance.  It would be useful to have the original documentation to ascertain the lifespan of the equipment.

signing of play area risk assessment by CD: Signed. 

Noted that signage relating to seating outside of the paly area had been removed by persons unknown.

241/21 Defibrillator scheme update; and consider suggestion regarding defibrillator in Carpenter’s Arms:

The Short Ferry defibrillator is now on WLDC’s scheme and has been checked by them.

WLDC were unable to join the Carpenters Arms defibrillator up to their scheme as they had not originally installed it; however, they hope to expand the scheme eventually to include such defibrillators.  Meanwhile, the Carpenters Arms had recently advised the defibrillator required attention.  Suggested that it be relocated to the village hall.  RESOLVED that KB will inspect the Carpenters Arms defibrillator to get it fully operational; and to seek a grant for a brand-new defibrillator for the village hall.  Action: KB, clerk.

One resident left the meeting.

242/21 Outstanding jobs as follows:

i. Introduction of additional policies: Clerk to begin work on these in December.

ii. Office sort out: Planned for when work to the village hall roof takes place.

iii. Putting old minutes onto website: Planned for December.

iv. Consider cloud based storage system:

AW has been researching options.  RESOLVED to approve £8 per month for 2 terabytes of cloud-based storage. AW suggested a training session.

v. FPC specific email addresses (to include CD concerns FPC uses a free platform and are not tied in to someone else’s domain name charges or web hosting fee):

CD concerns were noted.  RESOLVED to go live with new email addresses from 1st January 2022 after which we use these new Council email addresses for all Council business.  AW suggested a training session beforehand. Action: AW

RESOLVED to create a second clerk’s email address for councillors to use for the many general discussion-style emails which circulate; which do not require the clerk’s input, but which she can read if she has time. This will act as a filter to free up the clerk’s time.

vi Post lockdown event first weekend of June:

Noted that WLDC have money available for parish celebrations of approx. £700 per parish.  C/Cllr Fleetwood provided an overview of Cherry Willingham’s plans.  Action:  CH to liaise with Cherry Willingham’s clerk to see if both parishes can work together.

C/Cllr Fleetwood left the meeting at 9.45pm.

vii. Hodgson Trust agreement – adding bees into agreement:

Whilst unlikely to be a problem; the Trustees will agree this formally at their next meeting.

viii. Annual autumn bus shelter and play area cleaning programme:

RESOLVED to proceed at a cost of £260 + VAT.  Action: clerk

At 9.46pm, all remaining members of the public left.

NEW ITEMS: to consider and agree actions as required:

243/21 To agree meeting dates for 2022:  RESOLVED to set dates as follows: 10 Jan 2022, then the third Thursday in the month.  There are no meetings in August or December.

244/21 To approve reviewed Standing Orders and Financial Regulations:

RESOLVED to approve. Action: clerk

245/21 To consider various points raised by Cllr Darcel as follows:

i. Suggest a letter to school re road signs congratulating winning entrant:

RESOLVED to send a letter of thanks to the school with an update. Action: clerk

ii. Resident’s letter highlighting several problems surrounding the school gate:

Considered under Chairman’s Comments earlier in the meeting.

Noted that a resident on the Crescent is experiencing problems with cars stopping to drop children off.  Acknowledged that this is a problem all over; that FPC has no powers to take action; and that residents with concerns should report these to the police and traffic enforcement officers. 

iii. The two foot paths on Holmfield need trimming: Considered earlier in the meeting.

iv. If the VHMC are not legal tenants should we be paying them anything? Ie for the office, for the hall and for the post office?

CD referred to a revised deed from Milller, Mockford and Winkworth which is a copy of the 1968 original documentation, noting it mentions that FPC will be totally indemnified against any cost of repairs and insurance and maintenance on the property.  He noted that nothing exists to confirm that the VHMC are legal tenants; and further noted that nothing exists to say that FPC should pay for anything. CD considers that the aforementioned document needs to be signed as it will clear the issues up.

Following explanation by AW of the original documentation, schedule; report from Langleys solicitors in 2020; and the custodian and management trustees arrangement, it was confirmed by AW that it is incorrect to say the VHMC are illegal tenants.  It was then RESOLVED to continue to pay for village hall and its facilities.

246/21 Unapproved requests for information from Village Hall Management Committee

Noted that the VHMC Chairman was unhappy at receiving information requests from CD.CD was unable to confirm in what capacity he had made the requests; and it was confirmed that FPC approval was required for requests being made on behalf of the parish council.Noted that CD will be attending a VHMC meeting on 23 November 2021.  Action: clerk: to introduce an ongoing agenda item to receive a VHMC report.


247/21 The following require no action: Receipt was noted of:

Nettleham Police Newsletter; WLDC Parish News; D/Cllr Welburn report (Nov & Dec); C/Cllr Fleetwood report (Oct); LCC Local Transport Plan Consultation – deadline 30 Nov 2021; LCC salt bags – deadline 31st October 2021

248/21 Chairman’s comments: Comments had been made earlier in the meeting.


249/21 Matters for inclusion on next agenda: As mentioned during the meeting.

250/21 Date of next meeting: Monday 10 January 2022, 7.30pm, Fiskerton Village Hall. 

Meeting ended at 10.20pm.

Mrs Michelle Vail  Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                  Dated 25.11.21