August 23rd Extraordinary Meeting Minutes

Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on Monday 23rd August, 2021 at 6.00pm in Fiskerton Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs K Brereton (arrived at 6.19pm), S Canner, C Darcel, C Hill, A Walker; R Wall, P Whitt, and one member of the public (arrived at 6.31pm).

Meeting started at 6.05pm.

1. Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

No open session was held as no members of the public were present for this item.

2. Apologies for absence: Mrs M Vail (Clerk)

3. Declaration of interests: No declarations were made.

4. The submission of the Draft Fiskerton Neighbourhood Plan to WLDC and the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Committee.

CD explained that this is a first draft which, once submitted to WLDC will need to go through a consultation process with the village and further discussion. Residents’ feedback will feed into future amendments of the Plan. There is an urgency to move the Plan on due to the imminent Central Lincs Local Plan consultation (CLLP) deadline of 24 August.The plan requires submitting to CLLP before this deadline so as to support FPC’s previously submitted response to them (which had been agreed at a meeting held on 2 August 2021).

AW has looked at the neighbourhood development draft plan, comparing the old and new versions of the plan.AW has approached this exercise as a review of existing documents identifying: sections without any supportive evidence, sections requiring amendment, and those sections to remain included and as is.

AW had circulated a list of identified changes three full days before the meeting. RW opined that this was too short notice to read and consider the items circulated, and so considered therefore that FPC couldn’t submit anything.

AW explained the identified changes; with discussion taking place on each one; and amendments agreed if these were appropriate.  RW provided clarification on points in respect of the old parish council and the draft neighbourhood plan which the old parish council had worked on. RW noted that all on the old parish council had voted to submit the old plan to WLDC and to now imply that they did not know what they were doing is not right; particularly when they had worked on it for 3 years. It was noted that current draft is based on results from the 2019 household survey, subsequent to which several neighbourhood plan group meetings have been held to which all councillors had been invited.  Discussion of site selections had taken place at these meetings.

A Member of the public arrived at 6.31pm.

The meeting then ran through a supporting document which AW proposed should be submitted to CLLP supporting the addition of the Viking Way (a historical way, recognised both in the UK and in Europe as a long-distance path).  This document had been circulated ahead of this meeting. It was suggested that a request be made to CLLP that the Viking Way be allocated it as local or open green space (as CLLP considers most appropriate).

Proposed by AW, seconded by CH, it was RESOLVED with 5 in favour and 1 against (RW),

to submit the draft neighbourhood development plan to include modifications as suggested during this meeting, to both WLDC and to the CLLP Consultation before the CLLP consultation deadline of 4pm on 24th August 2021.  Action: AW, Clerk

Proposed by AW, seconded by KB, it was RESOLVED to submit to CLLP the request to give protected green status on the Viking Way.  Unanimous, all in favour.  Action: AW, Clerk

CD then ran through the site selection document which he had worked on.This looks at all potential sites, then grades them on merit ahead of sites for inclusion into the draft neighbourhood plan.It was noted that some statements made in the original document were not correct.It was further noted that there was one plan included in the document which referred to a WL plan for exclusion zones around listed properties.CD confirmed that no such policy exists at WLDC.

CD had produced a plan (circulated) showing all the sites which he had assessed.This plan includes the three listed buildings, the site for 9 houses (in the pipeline); 5 dwellings off the High Street; and the paddock as this is desperately needed as a recreation area.

CD noted the inclusion of a previously rejected idea for a link road between Lincoln Road and Reepham Road which would have kept a lot of traffic away from the High Street.

CD then summarised that FPC puts forward site 1 and the Tanya factory and, if extra houses are needed, to pay for the link road.  At this point, FPC could then consider some of site 1A.  CD noted that site 4 is the least preferred as it has the disadvantage of bringing extra traffic through village.   RW noted that in 2019 site 4 had been the most preferred. RW feels that both sites need to be added together; noting that the Planners will ‘contain’ housing, keeping it together. CD noted that there is nowhere in the village where the numbers of homes in question can be contained within the curtilage of the village. 

It was further noted that there is a legislative building exclusion zone around Primetake; and that it would be useful to have this clearly marked on the plan.  CD suggested that, in the submission, it be recorded that FPC will confirm with Primetake as to where exactly their exclusion zone is. AW advised that in the next phase of consultation, FPC approaches businesses.

AW suggested to introduce an annotation to the plan to advise that these refer to the 2 sites as identified previously in the 2019 questionnaire. To also amend elsewhere in the document as required to reflect this change. To also include a footnote to state that area 4 is a combination of 2 areas from the previous questionnaire, combined to reflect the Local Plan; thus this ties the link back to the questionnaire. 

At this point, Standing Orders were suspended to allow the resident to speak.  The resident asked, having looked at the Local Plan documents online, what makes FPC think it can change the minds of people who have approved and disapproved of certain areas?  CD responded that WL planners have advised that the way to reverse such decisions is to ensure it is included in Neighbourhood Plan.   AW noted that the Tanya site is an eyesore and this is FPC’s attempt to do something.  Resident considered that housing is the not answer.

AW opined that the current situation may be as a result of what CLLP believes is what village wants.  CLLP have not visited the sites, nor involved FPC, and they do not have in-depth knowledge of every Lincolnshire settlement.   It is for FPC to challenge this viewpoint and the neighbourhood plan might influence the CLLP. 

FPC’s argument to LP will be for 46 houses on area 1, and for area 5 to come into play if more houses are needed. FPC is aiming for as low as baseline house numbers as possible. All councillors agree that we want the paddock and the only way to get that is to offer landowners something they cannot get themselves.

At a proposal by CH, seconded by PW, it was RESOLVED with 5 in favour and 1 against, to submit the site selection document with the inclusion of amendments as suggested in this meeting.  RW suggested the FPC looks at the amended document before it is submitted, however, CD confirmed there is insufficient time to allow for this as the submission deadline is 4pm on 24th August.  AW confirmed that this first revised draft needs to be submitted so as to have input opportunity into the LP; but he happy for further consideration at future meetings and he happy to issue a second revision .

Action: AW, clerk

Meeting ended at 8.38pm. 

Mrs Michelle Vail, Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council     Dated 01.09.21