February 2021 Minutes

 Minutes of the Remote Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on

Monday 8 February 2021 at 7:30pm

Present:  Cllrs Brereton; Canner, Darcel, Harrison, Hill, Walker, Wall

Also present:  C/Cllr Fleetwood, D/Cllr Anne Welburn, Mrs M Vail (clerk)

There were no members of the public.

Meeting commenced at 7.33pm 

048/21 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

As there were no members of the public present; no open session was required. 

049/21 Apologies for absence: None

050/21 Declaration of interests: None.  Members were reminded that they can declare any interest during the meeting.

051/21 Approve notes of remote meeting of 11 January 2021 as a true record:

In respect of item 021/21; a note is to be added to clarify that some meetings have been held.  With this amendment, it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the minutes as a true record. Action: clerk



a. To note the following schedule of receipts and payments for January 2021:

The following were noted:


06/01/2021, McAfee, annual fee for computer protection, £37.49 + £7.50 VAT = £44.99

14/01/2021, PWLB, loan repayment, £1,026.27

18/01/2021, Sage, Payroll/accounts package, Jan 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

20/01/2021, Virgin Media, phone package, Jan 2021, £17.00

25/01/2021, HAGS, swing parts, £399.88 + £79.98 VAT = £479.86

25/01/2021, LexisNexis, Charles Arnold Baker book, £119.99

28/01/2021, HMRC, PAYE Jan 2021, £53.20

28/01/2021, Clerk, salary, Jan 2021, £337.76

TOTAL PAYMENTS - £2010.59 + £91.28 VAT = £2101.87


11/1/21, Scouts, grass cuts and peppercorn rent, £121.00

29/1/21, Interest, 0.49p


b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts:

It was RESOLVED unanimously, proposed by SC and seconded by CH, to approve payment of the following accounts. Noted that invoices were still awaited in respect of F, G and H below.

A Sage, payroll & accounts package, Feb 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

B Virgin Media, phone package, Feb 2021, £17.00

C Clerk, salary, Feb 2021, £403.64

D PAYE, Feb 2021, £69.40

E Clerk, printing, £20.40


G Onyx, Cllr Adams plaque, £45.00 + £9.00 VAT = £54.00

H ARMA, village hall roof repairs, £600

I Lincoln Print and Copy Shop, replacement play area sign, £30.00 + £3.00 VAT = £33.00

J Amazon, social distancing tape for play area, £5.66 + £1.13 VAT = £6.79

K Amazon, dogs signage, £7.48 + £1.50 VAT = £8.98

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £1217.58 + £18.43 VAT = £1236.01

(plus TSO host fees once invoice received)

053/21 To consider a funding request application from Fiskerton Scouts from the Lark Energy Community Fund (LECF):

Following consideration of the application; it was RESOLVED with 5 for, and 2 against to approve the award of £1100.00.  Noted that the grant will help complete electrical and safety work on the Scout Hut. Action: clerk


054/21 Neighbourhood Plan

i. Receive any update and any minutes of Neighbourhood Plan and meetings:

No progress to date.  As there have been no meetings; there are no updates nor minutes to receive.  Action: CD to arrange meeting for 22nd February 2021 at 7.00pm.

055/21 To consider response to planning application 142117 for old airfield re. construction and operation of a solar photovoltaic farm, including fencing, internal service tracks, inverters, transformer stations, cabling, CCTV, landscaping, substations and ancillary cabins:

Noted that a new drawing had been issued by the company on 8 February.  It presents a cross section across Reepham Road to the north of Primetake’s premises; and shows existing and proposed hedgerows, fencing, the permissive route and panels in relation to the highway.

Considerations of the planning application included the following points:

Neighbours do not appear to have been informed about the application, nor do notices appear to have been displayed publically

Only half the panels with existing approval have been installed

Plan for the panels is too big for a small rural village

Will create an ‘industrial’ zone along the roadIs there a case for overdevelopment?

FPC should ensure it gets adequate compensation for the benefit of villagers (per previous Lark Energy)

No serious planning gain was mentioned

Considerations in respect of wildlife must be addressed before work starts on the panels

A public consultation is required

Panels should be set back from both the road, and from neighbouring residents to lessen the impact.

Will negatively impact on the setting and impact of the war memorial

During the June 2020 consultation organised by Sirius, of the responses received there were more against the plan than for it. 

A 2020 FPC website questionnaire had returned mixed returns with comments about equally for and against the plan up to the present time.  AW confirmed that he could provide actual figures if required. 

Noted that the company had visited Reepham PC but had not visited FPC.  FPC would like the same approach as Reepham PC and wants time to work with the company

CD will research local planning policy to support FPC’s response.

A proposal to not support the planning application was carried with 6 for and 1 abstention (CH).

The following actions were then considered and agreed:

To leaflet drop residents to advise them of the planning application; and to seek their opinions which will help inform FPC’s response. It was RESOLVED with 6 for and 1 abstention (CH) to approve up to £100 on obtaining 500 leaflets. Action: CD to circulate draft leaflet. Action:clerk to obtain leaflets. Action: all Members to deliver.  Return drop off point(s) to be arranged.

To submit an intermin response to WLDC to advise that FPC is overwhelmingly against the application and that it will submit a full response to WLDC following a canvassing of residents’ opinions by means of a leaflet drop.  Action: clerk

D/Cllr Welburn advised that proper planning reasons will be required to support FPC’s response.  C/Cllr Fleetwood explained the three planning items which WLDC will judge applications against.  These are: the National Planning Policy Framework; the Central Lincs Local Plan; and a Neighbourhood Plan (where one exists).  The Central Lincs Local Plan will carry more weight, being the most recently adopted policy.  Both were thanked for their helpful comments.


056/21 Repairs to Village Hall roof; to include:

i. to note receipt of any minutes of any sub-committee meetings held:

Action: AW to circulate draft minutes of a meeting held w/c 1 February 2021.

ii. Clerk to handle the forwarding of the grant application for the VH to FCC:

The FCC have confirmed that the lead applicant’s name can be amended to that of the clerk at a later point in the application process; if the application progresses.  The application is now in the name of the parish council.

FPC had previously informally agreed that AW and RW could progress with grant applications for the village hall roof; therefore AW proposed that AW and RW pursue funding for the village hall roof repair and to be approved to submit and progress all necessary grant applications on behalf of the parish council, and to liaise with all external contractors and agencies up to the point of formal contract award or instructions to proceed, at which point, matters will be handed over to the clerk.  Seconded by KB. 

SC proposed that AW and RW be allowed to continue. It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve both these proposals.

Action: clerk to confirm with HMRC that FPC can reclaim VAT on the work (note: subsequently confirmed by HMRC that, if the grant money is paid into FPC’s bank account, then subsequently paid out by FPC on the work, then VAT can be reclaimed on the work paid for by the grant money, as well as on FPC money).

CD advised that he had been assured by a senior planning officer that if the present tiles are just replaced with concrete tiles and everything else is left as is, then planning permission will not be required. But, if the windows are taken out, and the solar panels repositioned, it is highly likely that planning permission will be required.  If more that 25% of the roof is replaced, Building Regulations will apply.

AW advised that both the Land Registry (who provide the definition: land and buildings north of Ferry Road); and Langleys solicitors have both confirmed FPC as owner of village hall; but that whether FPC are the owners of the village hall; or the custodian trustees, either way it can apply for grants.  CD noted the need to get these facts right.  Both RW and AW confirmed that the village hall deeds state that FPC is the owner.

D/Cllr Welburn left the meeting at 20.48pm.

AW then listed the following recommendations of the VHRR subcommittee for acceptance by FPC.  It was RESOLVED that Members agreed with all the following recommendations:

That the roof is recovered with concrete tiles, providing the structure can support the additional weight

That the roof windows should be removed entirely from the roof with the gaps left in the structure being appropriately reconstructed.

That the solar panels be repositioned adjacent to the ridgeline to prevent footballs from being able to become trapped

That a structural engineer is instructed to assess the impact of the above alterations to the roof.

All present agreed that a structural engineer will attend site for a free of charge initial inspection in a few days’ time.  After this, should FPC subsequently resolve to proceed, his charges are £500 per day.  Drawings are available which will speed work up to approx. half a day.

That Planning and Building Control are contacted to gain their approval for the above alterations (if required)

Noted that the structural report will mitigate Building Control’s input.  A pre-submission assessment will cost £25.00.

That a revised scope of work, reflecting the above requirements, is sent to all contractors inviting them to refresh their quotes

Noted that this will be sent out following the survey report.

That all internally damaged or stained ceilings should be repaired and redecorated

FCC will fund the internal repairs and re-decorating; and the costs for this are included in the grant applied for.

The FCC will not fund professional fees, Building Regs and a structural engineer.  It was therefore RESOLVED unanimously that FPC will cover costs of professional fees, Building Regs and a structural engineer up to a maximum of £1000 + VAT to enable the project to proceed; and for FPC to approach the VHMC and WLDC to seek some financial contribution. Noted that the VHMC will next meet once the current Covid lockdown eases.

Thanks were given to all involved in the above work; and in particular to AW for his efforts.

057/21 Repairs to village hall wall:

These are scheduled for 2nd April 2020.

058/21 Troughs and planters:

Noted that the Manor House location is a dangerous spot for a planter.  The farmer offering his help to relocate troughs will chase matters up with the Church Commissioners. Permission will be required from landowners.  It was queried who will look after the planters.  Action: AW

059/21 Feedback from Environment Agency re approach from FPC to rent riverbank land:

Feedback from EA is that this is not a feasible idea currently.  However, the farmer has indicated to CD that, although he can’t sub-lease, he would consider keeping the cows off the land if he can be compensated. Therefore, this is a possibility for the future.

060/21 Transfer of land from Morris Homes:

Item deferred due to late arrival of paperwork from solicitor.


061/21 WLDC press release re litter picking scheme - no action required

062/21 LCC Town and Parish Council Newsletter January 2021 - no action required

063/21 LALC Members’ Survey – Action: clerk to recirculate survey


064/21 To consider Grazing right renewal:

065/21 Hodgson Trust allotment agreement – consider any agreement as received

The above two items were taken together.  RW summarised the situation to date; and AW reminded the meeting that the agreement had gone back to the charity for reconsideration as it currently states that FPC is liable for any claims.  Item deferred.  Action: RW to continue to chase

066/21 To agree schedule of FPC meeting dates for 2021 as follows:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the following schedule of meeting dates for 2021:

Mon 8 March

Tues 6 April    – preceded by Parish Meeting                                                    

Tues 18 May – Annual Meeting

Mon 14 June

Mon 12 July

Mon 13 Sept

Mon 11 Oct

Mon 8 Nov

067/21 To approve grass cutting quote for 2021 season:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the quote of £3016.64.

068/21 To consider proceeding with idea for a 2021 ‘street party’ event:

Item deferred due to continuation of the Covid pandemic.

069/21 Chairman’s comments:

CD reported as follows:

he had received thanks from residents in respect of recent road repairs (Fiskerton to Short Ferry; Ferryside Gardens).

he had requested a street sweep from WLDC along Ferry Road following pothole repairs

North half of Ferry Road requires attention: 

WLDC will remedy the unemptied dog bin at St Clements

Ferry Road – the ramp to Five Mile Bridge has not been improved.

Action: clerk to thank LCC as required in respect of above.

It was further reported:

Clerk to follow up with WLDC regarding the Paddock. Action: clerk

(Clerk’s Note: for clarity, as agreed under item 108/21 at the 6th April 2021 meeting, this should read: ‘Clerk was following up with the WL Chief Executive in respect of the Parish Council acquiring the Paddock for community use’).

AW is pursuing additional information from LCC regarding road signs; although they have confirmed that such signs are possible.  AW is speaking to Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding speed activated signs. KB and AW will erect the speed boards as Covid and weather allow. Action: KB, AW

Agreed to move the item allowing D/Cllrs and C/Cllr to report to the start of the meeting.

070/21 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors.

C/Cllr Fleetwood reported as follows:

The new Lincoln Eastern Bypass has greatly improved links to the south of Lincoln

Gritters have been out; but the salt may be less effective as there are fewer vehicles on the roads during the Covid lockdown.   

Highways teams are encouraged to use all tarmac up rather than take the surplus back to depot (Ferryside Gardens).

North Ferry Road is in bad condition because of gas pipe work some 30 years previously.  The utility company is responsible for rectifying this.

Work on the Fiskerton to Short Ferry Road is excellent.  More work is required from the woods to Short Ferry and slightly beyond.

Confirmed that LCC spend more money on higher grade roads; and that the LEB is reducing the traffic on Ferry Road.  However, if FPC wish to request an upgrade of the road to a B road, it will require the support of neighbouring parishes.

In the next few weeks, a cycle bridge over the River Witham is due to be completed.

D/Cllr Darcel – no progress arising from a WLDC meeting regarding drainage, also attended by LCC.

D/Cllr Hill – she had been approached as a parish councillor with an allotment request.

SC reported:

an electrified stock fence over a public right of way behind Corn Close, which had subsequently been removed. AW noted that a wider space around the field edge had been left for walkers.

Vans are parked again on Church View, on occasion overhanging the tactile pads on the pavement.  Action: SC to provide details to clerk.

MH respectfully remembered resident Frank Johnson; a kind gentleman who loved Fiskerton and did a lot of work in the village and mixed with a lot of the community

071/21 Matters for inclusion on next agenda 

Upgrade of Ferry Road to a B road.

Meeting ended at 10.14pm.

Mrs Michelle Vail, Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                  Dated 02.03.21