January 2023 Agenda
Chairman: Cllr Adrian Walker Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail
E: clerk@fiskerton-lincs.org.uk Tel: 07305 818857
The next meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council will be held on Thursday 19th January 2023 at 7:00pm in Fiskerton Village Hall at which the business listed in the agenda below will be transacted. The time between 7.30pm and 7.45 pm may be given over to a public session if required, but if no members of the public wish to speak, the meeting will start at 7.30pm.
Michelle Vail Clerk/RFO: Fiskerton Parish Council
1. Open session: suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes for residents to speak
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declaration of interests including:
i. Councillors to confirm that their Declaration of Interest forms are up to date
4. Approve notes of meeting of 1st December 2022 as a true record
5. To receive observations of the District and County Councillors including:
* Receipt of reports (D/Cllr A Welburn: Dec/Jan 2022/23, Cllr I Fleetwood: Jan Briefing)
6. Chairman’s report
a. To resolve to receive the following payments/receipts schedule from 25th November 2022 to 31st December 2022:
The first three items include 22/23 salary award back payments:
* Clerk salary, Nov, £665.68
* Pension, Nov, £227.93
* PAYE/NI, Nov, £111.33
* LCC, village gateway scheme, £1099.93
* Lambert Smith, Nov consultancy fees, £165.81 + £33.16 vat = £198.97
* Lincs Flooring, (Lottery Grant purchase), £715.66 + £143.13 vat = £858.79
* Amazon, 5 x tub chairs, (Lottery Grant purchase), £583.29 + £116.66 = £699.95
* McAfee, £62.49 + £12.50 vat = £74.99
* Sage, payroll & accounts package, Dec, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80
* Virgin media call package, Dec, £9.45 + £1.88 VAT = £11.33
* Virgin Media, phone handset, Dec, £7.00
* Clerk, salary, Dec, £461.53
* PAYE, Dec, £52.60
* Pension, Dec, £152.33
TOTAL = £4334.03 + £311.13 = £4645.16
* Interest, Dec, £13.42
* LCC, grass cut reclaim, £698.74
* National Lottery, balance of grant, £3776.25
TOTAL = £4488.41
b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts for January 2023:
* Clerk, salary, Jan, £461.73
* PAYE, Jan, £52.40
* Pension, Jan, £152.33
* Clerk printing costs, May 2022 – Jan 2023 inclusive, £108.60
* Sage, payroll & accounts package, Jan, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80
* Virgin media call package, Jan, £9.45 + £1.88 VAT = £11.33
* Virgin Media, phone handset, Jan, £7.00
* Fiskerton Village Hall, October 2022 meeting, £24.00
TOTAL = £834.51 + £5.68 = £840.19
c. To resolve to agree the budget for 2023/24 to include:
i. Consider a suggestion of giving residents parish precept holiday worth some £63 to Band D council tax; and the £17,000 approx. for the village hall and other unnecessary spending is taken out of the reserved funds
d. To resolve on final precept figure to be submitted to WLDC by 27 Jan 2023
PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:
8. Neighbourhood Plan: to receive update
9. Central Lincs Local Plan – any update on visit by Inspector to Fiskerton
10. WLDC Parish Newsletter 16th edition
11. Invitation from LCC to share Parish Council views on the LCC Budget and council tax proposal for 2023/24
12. Resident email regarding parking concerns on Fiskerton Road
13. Resident email regarding state of the verge on the south side of Ferry Road
NEW ITEMS: to consider and agree actions as required:
14. Draft constitution documents for Village Hall: car park agreement, play area agreement, and Village Hall Management Committee constitution – any update from Charity Commissioners
15. Review use of Dropbox
16. Reviewed play area risk assessment:
i. Approve Chairman to sign document
ii. Consider any issues raised
17. To approve expenditure for Microsoft Office package and antivirus software
18. Allotments
19. Bus driving via Ferryside and Ferryside Gardens on return trips to Lincoln
20. When using the official FPC emails, lack of response from the Chair of FPC
UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:
21. Village Hall defibrillator – supply of maintained emergency light
22. Paddock- any update on offer to purchase
23. Joint parish council meeting in February with Community Policing Inspector
24. Field on the South side of Ferry Road – possible development
25. Village Gateway Project
26. Drafting of bullying protocols
27. Remaining Lottery grant money
28. Action log – to consider any items which have an update
29. Matters for inclusion on next agenda: Approve: TSO Host fees, summer bedding costs
30. Resolve to reschedule Annual Meeting of FPC from Thursday 18th May due to 2023 being an election year
Mrs Michelle Vail Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council Dated 11.01.23