November 2023 Agenda

Chairman: Cllr Adrian Walker          Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail
E:  Tel: 07707 807894
Notice of Meeting
The next meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council will be held on Thursday 16th November 2023 at 7:00pm in Fiskerton Village Hall at which the business listed in the agenda below will be transacted.  The time between 7.00pm and 7.15 pm may be given over to a public session if required, but if no members of the public wish to speak, the meeting will start at 7.00pm.  
Michelle Vail   Clerk/RFO: Fiskerton Parish Council 
1. Open Session: suspension of standing orders for up to 15 minutes 
2. Apologies for absence 
3. Declarations of interest
4. Approve draft minutes of meeting held on 19th October 2023 as a true record
5. To receive observations of the District and County Councillors
6. Chairman’s report
7. Report from Allotment Inspectors, and to consider and resolve on the following as required:
a. Update on production of draft risk assessment report 
b. Update on untended plot
c. Update on talks with tenant of the grazing land
d. Update on putting plans into place to increase number of plots  
e. Agree any further steps
a. Receive circulated schedule of payments/receipts made for October 2023
b. To approve any known non-regular accounts for payment for November 2023:
       Reimburse Cllr A Walker for items purchased for recent flood risk activities at £72.11 + £14.42 VAT 
c. Confirm verification and signing of bank reconciliation and bank statements for April – 
      June 2023 (Quarter 1)
9. Note 2023/24 national pay award
10. Review budget heads
11. To consider draft budget for 2024/25
12. To resolve on precept estimate to be submitted to WLDC
PLANNING: to consider and agree actions as required:
13. Neighbourhood Plan – update, draft policies, liaison with school, public consultation, resolve to submit NP draft plan documents to WLDC and move to Regulation 14 consultation
14. Village questionnaire – update
15. Planning application 147131 – correspondence from D/Cllr T Bridgwood
CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: to consider and agree actions as required:
NEW ITEMS: to consider and agree actions as required:
16. Recent threat of flooding events
17. Community Emergency Planning
18. Launch of 2024 IGAS grant scheme – consider suitable projects 
19. Use of social media
20. Road markings in village (Cllr P Whitt)
21. Updating the Circuit with the Village Hall defibrillator
22.  To consider matters raised in respect of the Village Hall accounts (Cllr C Darcel):
i. grants from Big Lottery Fund, West Lindsey, The Hodgson Trust, The Bernard Sunley Foundation, and the parish council should all be listed against the restricted assets column in the accounts of the village hall rather than as income for the VHMC
ii. receive proposal that VHMC return the £5000 to the Hodgson Trust. 
iii. Consider if there was there a conflict of interest
23. Review play area risk assessment and agree for Chairman to sign off
24. Christmas tree
25. Winter planting
26. Clerk’s annual leave w/c 18 Dec and w/c 25 Dec
UPDATE REPORTS: to consider and agree actions as required:
27. Draft constitution documents for Village Hall: car park agreement, play area agreement, and Village Hall Management Committee constitution – any update from Charity Commissioners, joint meeting with VHMC with an independent Chairperson
28. Village gateway project – installation of speed indicator devices, update on gates, LRSP review of new locations, LRSP speed survey
29. Witham Valley Access Group – minutes 26/09/23, improving the Nelson Road-riverbank footpath
30. Repairs/replacement play equipment
31. Warm Spaces
32. Action log – to consider any other items which have an update
33. Approve meeting dates for 2024: 
18th Jan; 22nd Feb; 28th Mar; 25th April; 23rd May; 20th June; 25th July; 19th Sept; 17th Oct; 21st Nov.    APM  - TBC
34. Matters for inclusion on next agenda:
35. Date of next meeting:  18th January 2024, subject to approval under previous item,
 7 – 9pm, Fiskerton Village Hall
Mrs Michelle Vail  Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                  Dated 10.11.23