January 2020 Minutes for 13 Jan 20

Fiskerton Parish Council Ordinary Meeting

Location: Village Hall, Fiskerton

Date: 13 January 2022

Time/duration: 18:00 – 19:15


Cllr C Darcel (CD), Chairman, Fiskerton Parish Council

Cllr W Adams (WA), Fiskerton Parish Council

Cllr S Canner (SC), Fiskerton Parish Council

Cllr M Harrison (MH), Fiskerton Parish Council

Cllr I Fleetwood (IF) (part), LCC

S Hall, Clerk

3 members of the public

1. Open Session – Suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes

No questions or statements

2. Apologies for absence

Cllr R Wall, D/Cllr A Welburn

3. Declarations of Interest

As a member of WLDC Planning Committee, CH declared an interest in item 5 planning matters.

4. To confirm the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 16th December 2019

The minutes of the meeting held 16th December 2019 were agreed as a true record.

Proposed by MH, seconded by WA. All in favour.

SC and AW arrived after the vote was taken.

5.0 Planning Matters

5.1 The appeal for development of the former Tanya site.

MH provided a report and said she feels WLDC has not been cooperative.

AW said the documents have not been read in details, generally supports the development but questioned whether the existing footpath is wide enough for a double or triple buggy.

SC in favour of the development, likes the bus turning area, footpath width could be improved if verge and hedge were managed.

CD said WLDC consider Diamond House to be a cluster of buildings and Tanya site is within the cluster.  CD said he will be making his own personal comments on the appeal. MH proposed that the parish council should support the application. Seconded by WA. Vote: all in favour.

6.0 Resignation of the Clerk and appointment of a successor.

6.1 The council discussed the matter and were advised to advertise the vacancy.  CD to contact LALC to ask if a locum clerk can be employed and to seek advice about recruitment.

7.0 Pizza van – who should be responsible for giving permission to such operators

7.1 After debating the issue, councillors resolved:

The Village Hall Committee should manage the bookings and fast food outlets should not be present on consecutive nights. Proposed: WA, seconded by CD. Vote: all in favour.

8.0 To receive the observations of the County and District Councillors

8.1 IF reported: a list of highways defects as forwarded to him by the Clerk, has been passed to LCC’s Member, the highways portfolio holder for attention.

8.2  A crack in the riverbank was reported. The Environment Agency has been made aware and are expected to take action to repair.

8.3 IF reported that CW Parish Council are not prepared to assist FPC with a community speed watch initiative.

8.4 CD reported that two youths had been throwing stones at a house.  The incident was reported to the police.  CD has a photograph of the youth sand will pass it to PCSO Parker if he gets a response.

8.5 CD has two detailed letters from a member of the public.

First was to point out the behaviour of a councillor. CD said he understands why councillors get excited about certain things and, as Chairman, he has powers to control or stop the meeting.

With regards to the chip van, it is clear in standing orders that instructions should be issued by the clerk and the council need to learn to operate I accordance with standing orders.

8.6 The clerk pointed out that it would help if councillors took up some of the training opportunities and learn the basics.  CD said he has been on several training events, one being ‘risk avoidance’, the content was quite revealing and this is one of the reasons why he wants the council to have a new accounting system.

8.7 A letter from a member of the public pointed out some 27 highways defects.

AW suggested that the PC should create a log of all highways defects that are reported to LCC which could be used to provide further leverage to have highways defects repaired in a  timely manner.

8.8 The letter (as 8.7) complained about parking on pavements. CD said this is a serious issue and legislation may be brought in to ban parking on pavements. The PC should lobby in support of the legislation.  CD to put a article in Fiskerton News.

8.9 CD said he has received request for additional dog bins. One near the airfield and one near the open space adjacent to the school.  CD to forward the request to WLDC. AW asked for a large litter bin to replace the existing one situated in the children’s play area.

9.0 Matters for inclusion in the next agenda.

9.1 No new items raised.

10.0  Date of next meeting.

10.1 Monday 20th January 2022, 7.30pm

11.0 Signed as a true record of the meeting

Chairman   20th January 2020