September 2020 Agenda for 14 September


Chairman: Cllr Chris Darcel          Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail

E:  Tel: 07305 818857

Notice of Meeting

Following amended legislation allowing Council meetings to be held remotely in light of the Covid 19 situation; a remote meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council will be held on Monday 14 September, 2020 at 7:30pm using Zoom online video conferencing.

If you wish to attend this meeting:

a. E-mail the chairman, Cllr Chris Darcel, via, no later than noon on Monday 14th September, and he will send you a link to access this meeting; as well as a User ID and password

b. Ensure that you have registered with Zoom at and have the software/app downloaded onto your computer, IPad or phone

c. Shortly before the meeting begins, join the meeting by clicking on the link within the e-mail received from Cllr Darcel. If prompted to do so, enter the User ID and password also provided by Cllr Darcel.

The time between 7.30pm and 7.45 pm may be given over to a public session if required, but if no members of the public wish to speak, the meeting will start at 7.30pm.

Michelle Vail  Clerk/RFO: Fiskerton Parish Council  


1. Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes

2. Apologies for absence

3. Declaration of interests

4. Approve notes of remote meeting held on 27th August 2020 as a true record


5. Accounts

a. To note the schedule of payments and receipts for July and August 2020 (attached)

b. To resolve to approve the following accounts for payment:

A Mobile phone package – Sept 2020 - 17.00

B SAGE Payroll – Sept 2020 - 8.40

C Glendale – Sept grass cuts - 216.00

D SAGE – Sept 2020 - 14.40


E Clerk’s salary – Sept 2020 - TBC

F PAYE – Sept 2020 - TBC

c. To receive update on Sage accounting software and resolve on matters accordingly

d. As per recommendations in the internal auditor’s report:

i To approve financial risk assessment

ii. To confirm bank statements April – August 2020 have been circulated to all councillors ahead of being submitted to chairman for approval and signing

iii. To receive bank reconciliation April – August 2020 (attached)

iv. To note actual spend to date against budget

v.To note that all councillors have been issued a copy of the Financial Regulations


6. Neighbourhood Plan

i. Receive update on Neighbourhood Plan


7 To note LCC response to request that they fund, from their grant received from National Government, link paths/cycleways between Fiskerton and Cherry Willingham, and Fiskerton and Reepham (clerk)

8. Update on transfer across to LCC Website; including to approve access by Cllr Walker to the new website (clerk)

9. Update on School/ road sign artwork (Cllr Walker)

10. Update on progress of repairs to Village Hall roof (clerk)

11. Update on Village Hall Car Park repair (AW)

12. Update on Village road repair reporting trial (AW)


13. August 2020 edition of ‘Our News’ – Neighbourhood Watch circular

14. August 2020 edition of Town and Parish council newsletter

15. August 2020 Environment Agency newsletter – Barlings Eau recovery works


16. To consider matters relating to Morris Homes – the Holmfield open spaces as follows (CD):

i. Resident not of opinion fence is a party fence; trees and some play equipment

ii. transfer two areas of open space land (shown edged red on the attached plan) at the High Meadows development in Fiskerton to the Parish Council for a nil consideration. Approve appointment of legal representative so that I can issue a draft Transfer and supporting documentation

17. To consider any items for September village newsletter

18. To consider how councillors respond to communications to the Clerk ie who replies to emails or other correspondence to the clerk and what is said. (CD)

19. To consider the village hall, and:

i. what happens if its committee is not viable (CD)

ii. VH Management Committee and whether there should be more than one Parish Councillor on it (CD)

20. To consider "Risk Assessments; ie. the need to complete them, what format, and what level of risk is acceptable (RW)

21.To consider VHC/FPC insurance & a memorandum of understanding (RW)

22. The river bank, take over the lease?, trees, seats. (CD)

23. Chairman’s comments

24. To receive observations of the District and County Councillors.

25. Matters for inclusion on next agenda  

26. To resolve to move into Closed Session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature:

27. To consider matters relating to the following items:

i. Update on the Scouts solar panels

ii. To approve expenses in relation to Clerk’s printing; and to set a monthly expenses amount for printing

iii. Confirmation of national pay rise backdated to 1st April 2020:

iv. To approve payment for clerk’s LCC website training

v. To approve 22 additional hours worked for end of year accounting and auditing

vi To confirm successful completion of clerk’s probation period

28. to consider any applications received for the casual vacancy

Mrs Michelle Vail

Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council                          Dated 05.09.20