November 2020 Agenda for 30 November


Chairman: Cllr Chris Darcel          Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail

E:  Tel: 07305 818857

Notice of Meeting

Following amended legislation allowing Council meetings to be held remotely in light of the Covid 19 situation; a remote extraordinary meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council will be held on Monday 30 November 2020 at 7:30pm using Zoom online video conferencing.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 6040 2104   Passcode: 946937

The time between 7.30pm and 7.45 pm may be given over to a public session if required, but if no members of the public wish to speak, the meeting will start at 7.30pm.

Michelle Vail   Clerk/RFO: Fiskerton Parish Council


1. Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes

2. Apologies for absence

3. Declaration of interests

4. To consider the following in respect of the village hall roof repair:

i. Whose responsibility is the roof repair?

ii. What is needed?

iii. How much will it cost?

iv. How much will the VHMC be contributing to the repair?

v.What can the Parish Council do to help?

vi. Course of action bearing in mind the PC has no authority over the VHMC and should not interfere with its management?

5. In order to facilitate the progress of a grant application in respect of the village hall roof repair in a timely manner to meet deadline dates; to either:

i. to resolve on a preferred contractor for the full village hall roof repair from the 4 quotes received to date; or

ii. to resolve to provide an agreement to approve Cllr Walker and a second councillor to select the preferred contractor on behalf of Fiskerton Parish Council.

6. To receive an update on recent meeting with Scouts representatives in respect of solar panels on the Scout House and:

i. resolve to ratify a contract document for the management of the panels

ii. resolve to send contract document to the Scouts and VHMC for them to sign


Cllr Chris Darcel

Chairman of Fiskerton Parish Council                          Dated 25/11/20