January 2021 Minutes


Minutes of the Remote Meeting of Fiskerton Parish Council held on

Monday 11 January 2021 at 7:30pm

Present:  Cllrs Brereton (joined at 7.32pm), Canner, Darcel, Harrison, Hill, Walker, Wall

Also present:  Mrs M Vail (Clerk); C/Cllr Fleetwood, D/Cllr Anne Welburn

There were no members of the public.

Meeting commenced at 7.31pm 

It was RESOLVED unanimously to discuss items 8, 9, and 10 later in the meeting to avoid repetition of information.

001/21 Open session – suspension of standing orders for 15 minutes:

As there were no members of the public present; no open session was required.  However, AW reported on behalf of a resident that: 1) wooden footbridges to the south of the village were very slippery when wet; and 2) on the river banks where cows had been grazing there was barbed wire in the undergrowth.  Action: clerk.

002/21 Apologies for absence: None

003/21 Declaration of interests: None

004/21 Approve notes of remote meetings of 9 and 30 November 2020 as a true record:

Item 207/20 of the 30 November minutes required amendment to show that one contractor had offered a guarantee of work.  With this amendment; it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve both sets of minutes as a true record. Action: clerk



a. To note the following schedule of receipts and payments for November and December 2020:

The following were noted:


02/11/2020, Sage, Payroll/accounts package, Nov 2020, £7.00 + £1.40 VAT = £8.40

05/11/2020, Cllr Chris Darcel, Reimburse 2 months subscriptions to Zoom, £28.78

20/11/2020, PKF Littlejohn LLP, External auditor, £200.00 + £40.00 VAT = £240.00

20/11/2020, Fiskerton Village Hall, FPC office rent, 2019/2020, £1,200.00

20/11/2020, Glendale, grass cuts, Oct 2020, £360.00 + £72.00 VAT = £432.00

20/11/2020, St Clements Church Council, contribution to village magazine, £50.00

20/11/2020, Virgin Media, Nov office phone, £17.00

27/11/2020, CLERK, salary, Nov 2020, £337.96

27/11/2020, CLERK, PAYE, Nov 2020, £53.00

01/12/2020, Sage, Payroll/accounts package, Dec 2020, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

02/12/2020, Amazon, Covid signs for play area, £9.55 + £1.91 VAT = £11.46

17/12/20, PWBL, loan repayment, £1026.27

20/12/20, Virgin Media, Dec office phone package, £17.00

24/12/20, Clerk, salary, Dec 2020, £416.10

24/12/20, PAYE, Dec 2020, £72.60

TOTAL PAYMENTS -  £3814.26 + £119.11 VAT    = £3933.37


10/11/20, Lincolnshire County Council, Amenity grass cutting reimbursement, £665.09

23/11/20, Centrica, Scout hut solar panel income, £670.86

30/11/20 Deposit account interest, £0.53

21/12/20, EDF, FIT income, £63.11


b. To resolve to approve payment of the following accounts:

It was RESOLVED, proposed by RW and seconded by SC, to approve payment of the following accounts:

A, HAGS, replacement swing parts, £399.89 +£79.97 VAT = £479.86

B, Lexis Nexis, Charles Arnold Baker, Local Council Administration Book, £119.99

C Sage, Payroll/accounts package, Jan 2021, £19.00 + £3.80 VAT = £22.80

D Virgin Media, Dec office phone package, £17.00

E Clerk, salary, Jan 2021, £337.76

F PAYE, Jan 2021, £53.20

G MacAfee, annual fee, £44.99

TOTAL TO BE PAID = £991.83 + £83.77 VAT = £1075.60

c. To receive bank reconciliations:

Bank reconciliations for the current; deposit and petty cash accounts were received.  It was noted that these all balanced. The clerk explained Sage Accounting’s way of describing salary and PAYE entries.  It was requested that future petty cash reconciliations be presented in a more easily readable way.  Action: clerk

006/21 To resolve on the 2021 - 22 Precept final demand figure; required to submitted to WLDC by 29 January 2021:

AW explained the draft budget; noting an £11,277.97 underspend on the previous budget; and suggesting two options for the way forward.  These are either to implement a 2% increase with a spending plan; or to reduce the precept but don’t spend.  There then followed discussion and consideration of the draft budget; including to note that councillors did wish to carry out projects. 

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the earmarked reserves as set out in the proposed budget which had been considered as part of the above-mentioned discussion.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve submitting a final precept 2021 – 22 demand to WLDC of £23,970.00; this being a 2% increase.  Action: clerk

007/21 To note the external auditor’s report:

The report had been circulated; and completes the audit process for financial year 2019 - 20.  The external auditor had drawn some matters to the attention of FPC but had noted that these had not affected their opinion.   

008/21 To consider revising grants policy:

Item to be considered later in meeting under item 042/21.

009/21 Regarding consultation with residents in respect of repairs to church clock; and to VHMC; to agree what to include, how and when the consultation should take place and how the responses could be collected:

Item to be considered later in meeting under item 042/21.

010/21 To consider a funding request application from Fiskerton Scouts from the Lark Energy Community Fund (LECF):

Item to be considered later in meeting under item 042/21.

011/21 To consider a financial contribution to LALC for a donation made by them on behalf of parish councils, to the RAF Benevolent Fund, by way of a thank you to the volunteer who assisted on the new website:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve a financial contribution of £50.  LALC will invoice FPC for the £50.  Action: clerk


012/21 Neighbourhood Plan

i. Receive update on Neighbourhood Plan, and ii.To receive latest minutes of NP meetings: As there had been no recent meeting; there was no update to give nor any minutes to receive.

013/21 To consider resident’s e-mail regarding NP group and agree on response:

The NP Group had not been reconstituted. Instead, all councillors plus two interested residents had been invited to the NP meetings.  Minutes of these meetings had been produced and circulated. It was RESOLVED with 4 for and 2 abstentions (RW, SC) to approve this as a response to the resident.  Action: clerk to reply to resident; and to update website with NP items.

014/21 To consider response required for planning application 142079 for installation of a new field gate access at land south of Chapel Road, Fiskerton, LN3 4HG:

It was RESOLVED unanimously that there are no objections.  Action: clerk


015/21 Website:

i. Update on progress with new LCC Website:

The new site is up and running; the clerk has a refresher training session in the near future; and NP and external auditor items need posting onto the website.

ii. To consider whether to pay hosting fees for old website:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve expenditure; anticipated to be in the region of the previous year’s fee of £21.46, for one more year. Noted that current e-mail addresses are linked to the old website for both FPC and the village hall. Action: clerk

iii. To consider removal of FPC information from old website and posting of a link to the new website:

Noted that all village information currently on the old website should be moved to the new LCC website. A link is to be placed on the old website directing users to the new website, effective from January 2021.  Action: AW

016/21 Update on repairs to Village Hall roof; to include:

i. to note receipt of minutes of the sub-committee meetings: Noted.

ii. to ratify the placement of works order for roof repairs:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to ratify the placement of works order for roof repairs at a cost of £600; noting that this had been a time sensitive matter.

iii. to revisit the motion for supporting the VHMC’s application to FCC for a 90% grant to replace the Village Hall roof (special motion by CD, CH)

CD set out a number of concerns; including that: Standing Orders and the Code of Conduct appeared to have been breached; a lack of objectivity and forward thinking; that maintenance and repair is the responsibility the VHMC not that of FPC; that no-one has definitely stated that the roof needs replacing; and that FPC will need justification from the VH that a replacement is what is required; constraints on FPC in respect of the size and nature of the grant ie it is outside the normal expenditure range of grants for the Parish Council; and so such expenditure requires consultation with the residents.

RW confirmed that FPC had, at its August 2020 meeting agreed to lead on this project.  CD confirmed that FPC has ordered a roof repair.

The matter was then discussed; including clarification of what the roof issues are. AW updated on funding approaches; and advised that he was trying to arrange a site visit with Building Control for an independent opinion. 

RW noted that a sub-committee exists to do the work.  Action: AW to arrange a meeting of the sub-committee. 

017/21 Update on village hall wall; to include approval of repair works as required:

Quotes had been received as follows: £224.70 + VAT for the wall on the play area side; and £800 to repair both walls. It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the quote for £800.  Action: clerk

018/21 Update on relocating horse trough outside Manor House, and

019/21 Update on village planters

The farmer had advised he would relocate the trough as his workload allows.  However, an additional five troughs might now be available to FPC.  MH and SC raised concerns about the maintenance of these should FPC accept them. It was RESOLVED with 4 for and 3 against to accept the troughs if they become available. Action: AW. Clerk to approach Manor House resident.  Action: clerk 


020/21 To approve attendance by RW at a webinar re census – invite from Office for National Statistics:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve RW’s attendance at this webinar.

021/21 To agree a response to resident’s e-mail reminding the PC that they are the village hall custodian trustees of the village hall charity and so should expect to receive a report and accounts statement from the village hall committee at every annual parish meeting, but have not received these for several years:

RW noted that: accounts are produced each year; are in the public domain; are available to anybody who asks to see them; and that CD had been supplied with the accounts.  Noted that the Covid pandemic had meant no VH meeting had been held in 2020 (Note: it has subsequently been confirmed that some meetings have been held). CH noted that the accounts should be shown to FPC. 

Following discussion; it was suggested that the approved report, including associated accounts, could be sent to the clerk for circulation to all councillors, and for posting on the website. As a matter of courtesy, this suggestion will be put before the Village Hall Management Committee.  Action: RW

D/Cllr Welburn left the meeting at 21.04pm.


The following items were noted:

022/21 From Fiskerton PCC regarding the marking of church path by grass cutters

023/21 From VHMC thanking FPC for its letter of 29/10/20 answering a complaint

024/21 Cllr Fleetwood – December 2020 briefing

025/21 Neighbourhood Watch Our News National Newsletter- December

026/21 Nettleham Police Team newsletter - December

027/21 LCC letter advising forthcoming roadworks Ferry Road (4/1//21 – 2/2/21)

028/21 LCC letter advising temporary road closures at Ferryside and Ferryside Gardens for carriageway resurfacing (21/1/2021 to 25/1/2021)

029/21 WLDC News Release - New Farewell Service at Lea Fields

030/21 Town and Parish Council newsletter - December

031/21 WLDC – notification of launch of Climate Strategy - Phase 2 Consultation launched in connection with its draft climate, environment and sustainability strategy

032/21 Fiskerton News e-mail – thanking FPC for its £50 contribution; and advising that £50 provides just over three quarters of the printing cost for one month.

033/21 LALC News issue 174


034/21 To consider Grazing right renewal:

Agreed to defer this item until FPC hear from the Hodgson Trust (item 038/21 below) in respect of the allotment agreement which the Trust is slowly reviewing.

035/21 To consider a replacement noticeboard:

The clerk advised of problems with the current noticeboard.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve expenditure of £476.84 + VAT for a replacement.  Action: clerk

036/21 To resolve to continue with LCC’s Parish Agreement scheme for the 2021-22 financial period:

It was RESOLVED unanimously to continue with this scheme.  Noted that LCC will advise of their contribution rate as they can but it will be no less than in 2020/21 (ie £665.09). 

037/21 To resolve to adopt risk assessments and policies as drafted/reviewed by KB:

A risk assessment had been completed for the play area; and a draft Health & Safety Policy had been written.  Both had been circulated.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to adopt both documents.

038/21 Hodgson Trust allotment agreement – consider any agreement as received:

Noted that the Trust only want to charge FPC a small amount.  Action: RW to chase. Action: RW to recirculate draft agreement.

039/21 To consider that night time street lights are being turned off too early:

MH had received a complaint from a Ferryside Gardens resident.  C/Cllr Fleetwood advised that lights go off around midnight; and that clock changes and power cuts/lightening affect the sensors; although these do adjust in due course.

040/21 To consider that:

  • two parish councillors also sit on the Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC)
  • RW was appointed by FPC to sit on the VHMC, an outside body, to liaise with the parish council.
  • AW was co-opted before he became a parish councillor.
  • The VHMC have a duty after each committee meeting to circulate a copy of the minutes to all members of the parish council and their accounts. At the moment this is not happening.
  • The Village Hall Management Committee must appear open and transparent to the Parish Council.
  • The monitoring officer at WLDC has advised that this is the role of having a representative on both FPC and VHMC.

Noted that this item had been covered within item 021/21 above.

041/21 To agree any items for next edition of village newsletter:

No items – only clerk’s precis of meeting. Action: clerk

042/21 To consider CD’s queries raised on matters relating to Scout Hut

Also considered at this point, were items 008/21, 009/21 and 010/21.

Noted that RW and SC had been authorised by FPC to meet with the Scouts to find the grounds for a way forward, and to report back to the Full Council. CD noted his unhappiness with the document in that it had been signed by the Scouts and VHMC before FPC had ever discussed it; and that he considered there are several issues raised at their meeting that need to be explored further.

RW stated that the Scouts have never owned the solar panels. CD stated that he had a letter from Lark Energy that says otherwise ie that the Scouts do own the panels, but were not charged for the panels, which is a different matter.

CD then pointed out that the Scouts have, for a number of years, received a subsidy from the parish council of over £116 per year. They pay a peppercorn rent of just £1 per year for a parcel of land that costs the parish council at least £117 per annum in mortgage payments. This dates back to 2010 or earlier when several parish councillors were directly involved with the Scouts and the grant should be recorded in FPC’s accounts annually.

It was then confirmed that the Scouts do not own the solar panels; but that they are village assets given to the community via FPC.  Further confirmed that FPC insures the solar panels; and that the abovementioned document establishes ownership.

Following consideration of the matter; RW proposed that the PC agrees with the document that the PC representatives took to the Scouts and the VHMC to ask their representatives to agree and sign, thus agreeing the ownership and management of the panels to be as described in the document presented in November 2020. If the PC agrees with the document it could be signed by the Chairman or the elected representatives, SC and RW.

It was RESOLVED with 5 for and 2 against that FPC signs the document; with RW and SC being the Members authorised to sign on behalf of FPC; and for them to send the signed document to the Scouts; as well as circulate the signed document to all councillors.  Action: RW, SC

Noted that the Scouts application was for a grant from the Lark Energy Reserve Fund; however, FPC does have a grants policy in place which can offer grants of a larger amount in exceptional circumstances.  Action: clerk to request Scouts resubmit request on grant application form. 

Noted that the £3000 that FPC were in support of granting towards to church clock project requires consultation with the village.

Further noted that, under S.137 the maximum amount FPC can grant is approximately £8000 in the current financial year.

043/21 Chairman’s comments: None

044/21 To receive observations of the District and County Councillors:

CD and CH – no comments

C/Cllr Fleetwood – noted the closure of Ferry Road; due to reopen around 22nd January 2021.  Further noted that the Lincoln Eastern Bypass is now open; improving access to the south of Lincoln.  Some comments had been received concerning the bypass being single lane, and also about Hawthorn Road.

045/21 Matters for inclusion on next agenda:

To agree a schedule of meeting dates, avoiding WLDC full council meetings.

To approve grass cutting quote for 2021.

046/21 To resolve to move into Closed Session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature:

It was RESOLVED to move into closed session due to the following items containing information of a confidential nature. C/Cllr Fleetwood left the meeting at 10.11pm.

047/21 To consider matters relating to the following items:

i. Clerk’s hours:

The clerk advised on the additional hours she had worked since being appointed; although she anticipated workload would now lessen as some projects and matters were coming to an end.  Councillors noted that the clerk should not have to work so many hours without pay Action: clerk to report on hours worked from 1 January 2021 to the March 2021 meeting for review of sufficiency of hours. 

The clerk also advised on rates of pay in nearby parishes.  To provide parity; it was RESOLVED to appoint the clerk to NJC Spinal Column point 14; effective from 1 January 2021.

ii. To approve clerk’s printing costs;

It was RESOLVED to approve printing costs of £20.40 for the period Sept – Dec 2020.

iii. Consider and agree any actions required regarding resident’s e-mail concerning publication of internal auditor report:

Having taken into account advice from LALC; it was RESOLVED unanimously that the internal auditor’s report should be amended to refer ‘the Council’; as opposed to any individual; as responsibility lies with the Council.  The amended Internal Auditor's report will be put onto both the old and new websites. 

Meeting ended at 10.25pm.

Mrs Michelle Vail  Clerk/RFO to Fiskerton Parish Council